What do you say to people who downplay stuff like synchronicit & topics we all speak about?

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How do you handle stress & cynical people? (as per my Q above)

I try to avoid them
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I try to explain myself fully and get a dialogue going to ask and understand their views
Any other comments please repply to my post above with this poll as an intro, Thanks everyone!
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What do you say to people who downplay stuff like synchronicit & topics we all speak about?

Post by Oxyman » Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:49 am

I have had many people downplay and straight out laugh at me and call me crazy and etc.... when I tell them I keep looking at the clock at 11:11 or 12:22 and other related topics we discuss on this forum.  

How do you reply to people who simply downplay our experiences and do not believe in anything other then the petty shit in life like when they need to wake up, shit , shave , shower and get to there miserable job and then plan out whats for dinner and .. well, you get my drift.

Also, I have been having the strong, consistent and definite feeling that something is coming or good will happen to me soon .... you can find the post around too ...

Warm wishes and may all of us have a Healthy and Happy 2011

~~ no matter what some inexperienced doctor may tell you or so on ~~ :smt006
Happy, fun loving, over experienced, great judge of character, giving, caring, love animals, ornithology, Sea, true will set free, be nice to everyone cuz you really never know who will help you.

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:14 pm

Hey, nice to see you again :)

Ha! I totally get what you mean about the docs lol, lesser people would have drowned in tears of frustration eh? Pain can become a friend if it is from our making.

Because we are so in tune with our bodies we see more than most others that just do the 3 s's every day? We understand the links that make up the world, we know we are what we eat, we are what we feel. Words come far too cheap for some people, giving false hope is as bad as taking away hope, so some people choose not to see when they look, they ignore the intracasies of modern life and the spiritual world. They play games with people. Those that downplay have their right to do that. Those that just play do not.
Couldn't vote because I do none of the abve lol :)

Stay happy xx
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Post by caithiggs » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:20 pm

Hey, I talk about that petty stuff too! Lol. But I know what you mean. I really tend not to speak my mind to people. I'm a listener. Most of my friends don't believe in this stuff/have never been introduced to any of it. I simply don't bring up the topics. It is not in their interest radar, and I respect that. If I'm at a party I will probably start probing the people there for their interests, bring it up casually and see how they respond. If they respond with interest in a topic I'm passionate about, great! We can argue about it or talk about it and it's great fun. If they don't grab the bait, I change topic, or move on. No sense in putting my thoughts out when nobody is going to receive them or contribute back IMO. Anyway, the mundane life stuff can be important too. It makes up a lot of our life. But, yes, no sense in talking about something that bores you. I get there sometimes, and then I just tune out!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:02 pm

Personal responsibility means in the end we can only think for ourselves.  The changing energies (really heightened this year and next) will tell a tale of spirituality that is more than all the material focus of so many people.  Vindication is near.
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Post by kybunker » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:01 pm

You don't say anything, You be the example
Live it and those who can see it will, the others just aren't able

That's what I've learned
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Post by caithiggs » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:39 pm

kybunker wrote:You don't say anything, You be the example
Live it and those who can see it will, the others just aren't able

That's what I've learned
This is a good point.

And I think too that everyone has their own path, and everyone learns in their own way at their own pace. And there is no need in the end for everyone to think the same way at the same time. In the end, we just are what we are, no matter in what way we express it. It's why people are becoming more and more secular. I think we see what we can when we need to see it for our individual life purposes.

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