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What can you make of this?

Post by daizyblackrose » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:24 pm

I didn't know where on this site to post this, so I post here.

I was sent this e-mail yesterday and had no clue it was going to be sent, I found this an odd read:

Urgent Communication from Oneness
Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:57 PM

"From the desk of Gerald O'Donnell"


Dove of peace

Message from THE ONENESS

August 28, 2011

Many unusual events have occurred in this world in the last 3 weeks, shaking the ground level of entrenched control-and-command hubs of human power, rattling their very core, both physically and financially, and putting out stormy clouds and floods upon their horizons. This started the very day after we released our last message from The Oneness on August 7, 20011 (see [link to probablefuture.com] Today a very unusual weather event targeted directly again these very centers, gifting a loving warning begging for change. Many are baffled. Many question: what is next and why? We share here the latest direct communication from The Oneness. In it, all that needs to be explained for now, is. The reason for these events is clear, the solution simple and Gloriously Loving.

The One-and-Only needs Its message to be spread across all of this Creation. sHe hopes that you realize that it is your Holy Loving duty to send it and post it to as many people and places as you possibly can. Be courageous. Time is very short and the stakes are great for all of us. You must get involved for Oneness' sake, which is you, all of you.

This is a message from The Oneness.

Behold, I have come and shall remain.

Many have seen my Hand stretched over the land; many have felt the quiver of my Being, but know not and do not realize that something out of the ordinary has occurred.

I have come and passed.

I have quivered and rested.

I nevertheless feel that few if any truly perceived Myself in my Actions.

There is a great fear upon the land.

Few feel safe anymore.

I am Rest. I am Peace.

Nevertheless, I will not rest until mankind has made full Peace with Me.

I am ALL that is Beauty.

I am real Love.

I will not show Myself unless I am received and felt as such.

Many have been and are still asking, and many attempt to explain within restricted realities, the many reasons for the quivering and stormy release of my Being.

I am ALL there IS.

Nothing supersedes Me nor exists outside of Me.

I am ALL that can be.

Both the Light and dark dwell inside of Me.

I am in need to fully rebalance and set new operations within Me.

I cannot remain passive anymore as much of my Being is encountering chaos due to eons of misconceptions and neglect by my children, mankind.

Know that what you see manifested within the surface of my Being is but a small window to very deep processes of cleansing which are now occurring within ALL of my Self, especially my Core.

See, at your level, the message imbedded in all of them.

See and understand that I am in need of bettering My Self and thenceforth am warning my children, as I affect release, as to their need to engage in this Holy process of Cleansing of their consciousnesses and the ways by which they have operated until now.

This is not about fear.

This is all Love becoming manifest, all the way from within Its Core up to Its outer expression in humanity.

I am Nature.

I am Love.

I embrace you within my Permanent Embrace and offer you the white Light of Life flowing off my Loving Breasts.

I am He that is now acting and She who is now protecting.

See Me for what I am: ONE, never many.

Understand who you are, but my beloved expressions.

Reunite, as you are all my children.

Fall in love again with each other, and with your natural world which I gift and vibrate to you, moment after moment.

Connect to Me, for I dwell inside of each of you.

I am ALL there IS.

I am NAMELESS; I encompass all names, all facets and all realities.

I, who has remained silent for so long, decided to be heard now and for Eternity, for I long to make Love to my Eternal Beloved: Creation.

Feel Me, for you can.

Do not study Me, for that, you cannot.

Do not attempt to understand Me, for I am to understand my Self through you. You are the Experiment; I am not.

You can only find Me within Living Creation and not within words.

Messages have and are being gifted to you so that you then hopefully act upon them and desire again to connect directly to Me, your Source of Being, your Center of Existence.

You have never been forgotten.

You have never been left alone.

You are cherished to levels that you cannot even imagine.

You are all precious. You are all Me.

I need to find all the scattered parts of Myself again, and Gather them back to Me.

I need your reconnection.

I need your love for I wish intensely to have you feel my Love in you, for you.

In this process of reconnection, many events are occurring within Me, hence within you, and manifested in your realities.

Know that most are but messages and warnings of Love, trying to steer you away from your levels of disconnection from your True Reality.

You are all here to express Me, to manifest Oneness, and the Unity.

None of you was sent and Created to affect the opposite.

Distortions and misguided choices have happened in my children for eons, both in mankind and at other levels operating within Me.

All of these were a consequence of their feeling disconnected from Me and my allowing the illusion of that disconnection to persist so that the experiment of this type of Creation could unfold.

This illusion of disconnection is about to be totally removed soon.

None of you are disconnected from Me. None of you are disconnected from each other.

Veils that you perceive between realities are pure illusions that will soon be removed.

Please heed the call for Unity.

Fall in love with Love again.

I am All that IS.

I am All that you need

I will show you soon the wonders I have prepared for you, as we become all a family again: the family of One.

Prepare, for that time is near.

Travel back to Me with little weight, little luggage.

Forgive each other.

Forget what is not anymore.

ALL is ready.

A new World is upon us, a new Reality is to be: the World of One, the Reality of One, where all the children shall rejoice in the Presence of the One manifested within each of them and without.

We are in transition to this World and, at times, it does get difficult at all levels of The One.

Nevertheless, this most Holy process is totally and finally engaged, and final Oneness at all the levels of the operations of The One shall result and be, FOREVER SO.

This is ALL.

The One

So my question is has anyone else gotten an e-mail like this one and what do you think of this one above? All I know is I felt a need to post this somewhere where people could see it. I don't normaly post these sort of things, but something in me said post it. So I did and I hope that part of me is happy now!


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Post by alise » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:34 pm

I dont know about you but i felt that it made sense to me and it made me feel closer to god.

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Post by daizyblackrose » Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:21 pm

I hope this is what was intended when they/it/he/she sent the e-mail to me and hope that I did what they/it/he/she had wanted me to do. I hope that only good things come from me posting this.


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Post by alise » Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:59 am

How does it make you feel? Good or bad? Was it a forward or something?

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Post by daizyblackrose » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:39 am

No it was sent to me by e-mail and not as a forward. Felt surprised it was sent to me, I haven't the gone to church as a member since I was 8yrs old for reasons. (Use to be Baptist up til that time.)

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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:22 pm

Believe what you chose but refuse to be panicked into accepting gibberish dressed up as truth. Read it again and again until you pick up the anomalies yourself, you have a brain - use it!

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Post by white light » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:10 am

I've seen similar writings.  In essence, 'they' urge you to be a better person.

Well, that's fine.  That's what we're all supposed to do anyway.  Again, you can't change destiny, but you're supposed to be positive about what ever things (good and bad) are in your destiny.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:16 am

Exactly what is positive about my parents suffering long, painful, terminal illness's?
What is positive about my son dying?
I've been shot at, blown up, survived car and motorbike smashes, I've even been struck by lightening.
I've already had bowel cancer and faced death once, I'm now fighting bladder cancer, this is positive how?
What did I learn from from my life, from the deaths of these good people? Live everyday to the fullest and when the last second comes spit in the eye of death and shout Geronimo.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:59 pm

May I ask that question differently?  What makes anyone think that it is destiny?  And that destiny has to be accepted as dished out?  

You said it yourself - you are fighting cancer - you did not lie down and suggest it was destiny or pre-determined.  I believe the length of our life is determined (for me by God) but the width and bredth is what we make it.  Using each and every ounce of our own talents for positive application will certainly make Geronimo come out loud and clear.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:15 pm

Ah Spiritalk, whilst we may agree to differ about the 'G' word there are many other areas of concordance. You would go from a a belief that God created us and I firmly believe in evolution but we do agree on the concept of free-will.
Have you ever read any Terry Pratchett books?
If not please try to find Good Omens, I would be Crowley to your Aziraphal, it's a comedy but there are many insights in it.

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Post by enumero123 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:31 pm

Predestination. The theological view that God foreknows and predetermines the outcome of all things, including an individual's life and eternal destiny; predestination is sometimes used of foreknowledge alone; and in Christianity it may apply to salvation alone or to condemnation as well (single and double predestination). Predestination is usually discussed in relation to the fierce and unending controversies in Christianity, but the term is also applied to similar doctrines in other religions, especially to qadar in Islam, but also to kāla, karma, daiva, and astrology in Hinduism, and to the (heavenly) mandate (ming) in China. The Christian doctrine became associated particularly with Augustine, who held that humans are so subverted by sin that they do not have the capacity even to seek for salvation, let alone find it: he thus doubted the ability of humans to produce works of worth in the sight of God. If any are saved, it can only be because the sovereign will of God so decrees it—although even so, it remains the case that all are still justly condemned.

I choose to argue that there is no reason to pit free will against predestination in an argument because they are mutually exclusive and not congruent. Predestination as it is defined in the hebrew is "a foreknowing of events," put simply, a knowledge of things to come.

The Bible indicates that God predestined the events of the world. Which of course is true in it's true definition. The complication of the term comes in its interpreted meaning being confused with what is truthfully predetermination. Many religions take the definition of predetermination and put in place of the true definition of predestination. I have used the Strong's Concordance as my reference for the meaning of predestination if you care to check my accuracy

If the true definition of predestination is accepted then you see easily that free will is not impacted by it. You merely accept that God has already seen the decisions you will make and chooses not to change those decisions for you. There is no determination on his part as to what or when you do anything. It is only you as an individual that makes those decisions.
When you accept this truth it's easy to see how the two are mutually exclusive a little research to see how religious doctrine has twisted the definitions of terms is an intelligent way to grow in your faith and what you say you believe.

Mankind has experienced no greater controversy than the concept surrounding free will and man's ability to control his future.

by C.V.Rajan
In Hinduism, both free will and fate (or predestination) have their place. As long as you think you are the doer of actions

by Allyn Smith
The doctrine of predestination and election are biblical truths; (Eph 1:4,5;1:11 Pt 1:2) Strongs Concordance lists more

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Post by enumero123 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:32 pm

Determinism is the theory that all human action is caused entirely by preceding events, and not by the exercise of the Will. In philosophy, the theory is based on the metaphysical principle that an uncaused event is impossible. The success of scientists in discovering causes of certain behavior and in some cases effecting its control tends to support this principle.


   The view that every event has a cause and that everything in the universe is absolutely dependent on and governed by causal laws. Since determinists believe that all events, including human actions, are predetermined, determinism is typically thought to be incompatible with free will.
   The belief that "what will be will be," since all past, present, and future events have already been predetermined by God or another all-powerful force. In religion, this view may be called predestination; it holds that whether our souls go to Heaven or Hell is determined before we are born and is independent of our good deeds.
free will
   The theory that human beings have freedom of choice or self-determination; that is, that given a situation, a person could have done other than what he did. Philosophers have argued that free will is incompatible with determinism. See also indeterminism.
   The view that there are events that do not have any cause; many proponents of free will believe that acts of choice are capable of not being determined by any physiological or psychological cause.

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Post by enumero123 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:55 pm

sorry wrong posted in wrong thread

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:17 pm

Now that made sense, thank you, what I don't understand is why did God bother?
Seems pointless.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:00 pm

IF the object or purpose of life is lessons then why?  Would the lessons end with this life?  Would the lessons be our own to learn?  Who supplies the experiences in which to learn?  So many questions arise on this idea - but free will to accept or reject either the whole experience or its resultant lesson seems to be the issue behind life.

The longer I life, the less I know for sure.  The only thing I am unable to dismiss is God (higher power) in all things.

One statement here said God would allow - but if God interfered, then the lesson is not our own - it is predetermined and not worth the adventure to learn. And if God interfered to cure one of a particular disease, then why not all - isn't that favoritism and not worthy of God?

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