What will February bring?

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What will February bring?

Post by Kate_Oranum » Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:55 am

Hey  - any of you have any feelings or ideas what will this month bring to us ? :)

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Post by Celestial » Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:36 pm

Hi Kate! Well, February is always seen as the "Love Month" with cupid flying around and making people see hearts with their sweethearts. But the reality of it is that there is still much struggle in the world today. Countries are still fighting countries and even here in our own country there is division and derision. You can surely expect that to continue well into this month and even far beyond that, most unfortunately.

With the elections and the Republican nomination process going full steam ahead, we can also expect more nastiness on the campaign trail. Already all of the Republican candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul, according to news reports, want to CUT Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and Unemployment Benefits. These are the programs that you and I pay into which need to be there during our retirement years as promised. The problem is that of mismanagement in this area by those in Congress charged with fiduciary responsibilities since Social Security, for one, does not put a dent into the national debt despite Republican rhetoric. One need go no further than the Internet to find that out. But those folks are all about CUT, CUT, CUT while they continue to Help, Help, Help their rich constituents. Of course those candidates are rich themselves to start with therefore, they are not very sympathetic to the poor folks or even the Middle Class which is why I always find myself wondering, to my great amazement, why those groups would even support a Republican candidate in the first place.

So, February, despite it's love month connotations, will continue to bring division among the many and although there can be lighter moments and if people really put their mind to it, harmony can indeed exist, I don't see much of a change this month as far as that goes. The status quo appears to be the first order of the day as people just remain complacent in being who they are and doing what they do.

That was a great question, Kate! Thank you for posting it!

May you be happy and blessed always and your days filled with bright sunshine!

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:54 pm

Love is the order of the month.  The more hearts and flowers we can display for our emotional well being the more the energies can work in that direction.  When love is in the air, so much accomplishment will be compatible for more people.  Openings are available for all, allowing love to reign and bring the right direction for the right person will be the order of February.  All is in divine order.

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Post by Qizmo » Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:48 pm

I am not sure lol I just hope I am happy and healthy :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:05 pm

Then that is your focus point.  This year generally is all about focus - focus on the good for self, and that is what you will manifest.  Our minds do create our reality, from the mundane to the important.  So keep smiling and produce positive thoughts for positive focus.

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