Fear And The Four Stages Of Love

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Pravin Kumar
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Fear And The Four Stages Of Love

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:24 am

Osho Quotes: Fear And The Four Stages Of Love

Posted by Beam Of Light in Rising in Love with Osho

Fear is a negativity, an absence. This has to be understood very, very deeply. If you miss there you will never be able to understand the nature of fear. It is like darkness. Darkness does not exist, it only appears to be. In fact it is just an absence of light. Light exists; remove the light - there is darkness.
Darkness does not exist, you cannot remove darkness. Do whatsoever you want to do, you cannot remove darkness. You cannot bring it, you cannot throw it. If you have to do something with darkness, you will have to do something with light, because only something which has an existence can be related to. Put the light off, darkness is there; put the light on, darkness is not there - but you do something with LIGHT. You cannot do anything with darkness.

Fear is darkness. It is absence of love. You cannot do anything about it, and the more you do, the more you will become fearful because then the more you will find it impossible.

The problem will become more and more complicated. If you fight with darkness you will be defeated. You can bring a sword and try to kill the darkness: you will only be exhausted. And, finally, the mind will think: Darkness is so powerful, that's why I am defeated.

This is where logic goes wrong. It is absolutely logical that if you have been struggling with darkness and you could not defeat it, could not destroy it; it is absolutely logical to come then to the conclusion that darkness is very, very powerful. I am impotent before it. But the reality is just the opposite. You are not impotent, darkness is impotent. In fact darkness is not there - that's why you could not defeat it. How can you defeat something which is not?

Don't fight with the fear otherwise you will become more and more afraid: and a new fear will enter into your being, that is: fear of fear, which is very dangerous. In the first place fear is absence and in the second place the fear of fear is the fear of the absence of absence. Then you go into a madness. You have taken a wrong step.

Fear is nothing but absence of love. Do something with love, forget about fear. If you love well, fear disappears. If you love deeply, fear is not found. Whenever you have been in love with someone, ever for a single moment, was there any fear? It has never been found in any relationship - if even for a single moment two persons are in deep love and a meeting happens, they are tuned to each other, in that moment fear has never been found. Just as if the light is on and darkness has not been found There is the secret key: Love more. If you feel there is fear in your being - love more. Be courageous in love, take courage. Be adventurous in love, love more, and love unconditionally, because the more you love the less will be the fear. And when I say love I mean all the four layers of love: from sex to samadhi.
Love deeply.


If you love deeply in a sexual relationship much fear will disappear from the body. If your body trembles in fear, it is the fear of sex; you have not been in a deep sexual relationship. Your body trembles, your body is not at ease, at home.

Love deeply - a sexual orgasm will dispel all fear out of the body. When I say it will dispel all fear I don't mean that you will become brave because brave people are nothing but cowards upside down. When I say all fear will disappear I mean there will be no cowardice and no bravery. Those are two aspects of fear. Look at your brave people: you will find that deep inside they are afraid, they have created just an armour around them. Bravery is not fearlessness, it is fear well-protected, well-defended, armoured.

When fear disappears you become fearless. And a fearless person is one who never creates fear in anybody, and who never allows anybody to create fear in him.

Deep sexual orgasm gives body at-homeness. A very, very deep health happens in the body because the body feels whole.


Then the second step is love. Love people - unconditionally. If you have some conditions in the mind then you will never be able to love - those conditions will become barriers. Because love is beneficial to you why bother about conditions? It is so beneficial, it is such a deep well-being that - love unconditionally; don't ask anything in return. If you can come to understand that just by loving people you grow in fearlessness, you will love! For the sheer joy of it!

Ordinarily people love only when their conditions are fulfilled. They say: You should be like this - only then will I love. A mother says to the child: I'll love you only if you behave. A wife says to the husband: You have to be this way, only then can I love you. Everybody creates conditions; love disappears.

Love is an infinite sky! You cannot force it into narrow spaces: conditioned, limited.

This is a deep problem for the whole humanity. It has been a problem. When you fall in love everything looks beautiful, because in those moments you don't put conditions. Two persons move near each other unconditionally. Once they have settled, once they have started taking each other for granted, then conditions are being imposed: You should be like this, you should behave like that - only then will I love: as if love is a bargain.

You don't love out of your fullness of heart, you are bargaining. You want to force the other person to do something for you, only then will you love. Otherwise you will betray your love. Now you are using your love as a punishment, or as an enforcement. But you are not loving. Either you are trying to withhold your love or you are giving your love but in both cases love in itself is not the end; something else is.

When you do such things you are forgetting that when you love it is beneficial to you, not only to others. In the first place love helps those who love, in the second place it helps those who are being loved. And as I see it, people come to me, they always say: The other is not loving me. Nobody comes and says: I am not loving the other. Love has become a demand - the other is not loving me! Forget about the other! Love is such a beautiful phenomenon, if you love you will enjoy.

And the more you love, the more you become loveable. The less you love and the more you demand that others should love you, the less and less you are loveable, the more and more you become closed, confined to your ego. And you become touchy. Even if somebody approaches you to love you, you become afraid, because in every love there is a possibility of rejection, withdrawal.

You protect yourself. You don't allow anybody to love you and you don't love others. Then there is fear. Then you are alone in the world, so alone, so lonely, not connected.

What is fear then? Fear is a feeling of no contact with existence Let this be the definition of fear: a state of no contact with existence is fear. This comes up because you are brought up in such a way that you don't allow love to happen. The whole of humanity has been trained for other things, not for love.

To kill, we have been trained: and armies exist. Years of training to kill! To calculate, we have been trained: colleges, universities exist. Years of training just to calculate so that nobody can deceive you and you can deceive others. But nowhere is there any opportunity available where you are allowed to love - and love in freedom.

In fact, not only that, the society hinders every effort to love. Parents don't like their children to fall in love. No father likes it, no mother likes it; whatsoever their pretensions, no father, no mother likes their children to fall in love.

The family is against love. You must have heard that the family is the source of love, but I tell you a family is against love. The family has existed by killing love, it has not allowed love to happen. The society does not allow love because if a person is really in deep love he cannot be manipulated. You cannot send him to war; he will say: I am so happy! Where are you sending me? And why should I go and kill strangers who may be happy in their home? And we have no conflict, no clash of interests...

If the young generation. moves deeper and deeper in love, wars will disappear because you will not be able to find enough mad people to go to war. If you love, you have tasted something of life; you would not like death and killing people. When you don't love you have not tasted something of life; you love death.

Fear kills, wants to kill. Fear is destructive, love is a creative energy. When you love you would like to create - you may like to sing a song, or paint, or create poetry, but you would not take a bayonet, or an atom bomb, and go rushing off madly to kill people who are absolutely unknown to you, who have done nothing; who are as unknown to you as you are unknown to them.

The world will drop wars only when love enters into the world again. Politicians don't want you to love, the society does not want you to love, the family doesn't allow you to love: they all want to control your love energy because that is the only energy there is. That's why there is fear.

If you understand me well drop all fears and love more and love unconditionlly - and don't think that you are doing something for the other when you love, you are doing something for yourself. When you love it is beneficial to you. So don't wait; don't say that when others love, you will love - that is not the point at all.

Be selfish. Love is selfish. Love people - you will be fulfilled through it, you will be getting more and more blessedness through it. And when love goes deeper fear disappears; love is the light, fear is darkness.


And then there is the third stage of love - prayer. Churches, religions, organized sects - they teach you to pray. But in fact they hinder you from praying because prayer is a spontaneous phenomenon, it cannot be taught. If you have been taught a prayer in your childhood you have been debarred from a beautiful experience that may have happened. Prayer is a spontaneous phenomenon.

Religions, organized churches, have destroyed it. They have given you readymade prayers. Prayer is a spontaneous feeling.

Let your prayer be a spontaneous phenomenon. If even your prayer cannot be spontaneous, then what will be? If even with God you have to be readymade then where will you be authentic and true and natural? Say things that you would like to say. Talk to him as you would talk to a wise friend. But don't bring formalities in. A formal relationship is not a relationship at all. And you have become formal with God also. You miss all spontaneousness.

Bring love into prayer. Then you can talk! It is a beautiful thing - a dialogue with the universe.

But have you watched? If you are really spontaneous, people will think you are mad. If you go to a tree and start talking, or to a flower, a rose, people will think you are mad. If you go to the church and talk to the cross or to the image, nobody will think you are mad, they will think you are religious. You are talking to a stone in the temple and everybody thinks you are religious because this is the authorized form.

If you talk to a rose - which is more alive than any stone image, which is more divine than any stone image; if you talk to a tree - which is more deeply rooted in God than any cross, because no cross has roots, it is a dead thing that's why it kills; a tree is alive, with roots deep into the earth, branches high into the sky, connected with the whole, with the rays of the sun, with the stars - talk to the trees! That can be a contact point with the divine, but if you talk that way people will think you are mad.

Spontaneousness is thought to be madness. Formalities are thought to be sanity. Just the opposite is the reality. When you go into a temple and you simply repeat some crammed prayer you are simply foolish. Have a heart-to-heart talk! And prayer is beautiful. You will start flowering through it. Prayer is to be in love - to be in love with the whole. And sometimes you get angry with the whole and you don't talk; that's beautiful. And you say: I will not talk, enough is enough, and you have not been listening to me! A beautiful gesture. Not dead. And sometimes you drop praying completely, because you go on praying and God is not listening.

It is a relationship with deep involvement in it. You get angry. Sometimes you feel very good, feel thankful, grateful; sometimes you feel put off; but let it be a living relationship; then prayer is true. If you just go on like a gramophone and repeat the same thing every day, you are not doing any prayer, it is not prayer.

I have heard about an advocate who was a very calculating man. Every night he would go to bed, look at the sky and say: Ditto. Just like the other days. And go to sleep. Only once he prayed - the first time in his life - and then: Ditto. It was like a legal thing; what was the point in saying the same prayer again?

Whether you say ditto or you repeat the whole thing it is the same. Prayer should be a lived experience, a heart-to-heart dialogue. And soon, if it is hearty, you will feel that not only are you talking, but the response is there. Then prayer has come into its own, come of age. When you feel the response, that not only you are talking - if it is a monologue it is still not prayer - it becomes a dialogue, you not only speak, you listen.

And I tell you the whole existence is ready to respond. Once your heart is open the whole responds. There is nothing like prayer. No love can be as beautiful as prayer. Just as no sex can be as beautiful as love, no love can be as beautiful as prayer.


But then there is the fourth stage which I call meditation. There dialogue also ceases. Then you have a dialogue in silence. Words drop, because when the heart is really full you cannot speak. When the heart is too overflowing only silence can be the medium. Then there is no other. You are one with the universe. You neither say anything nor listen to anything. You are with the one, with the universe, with the whole. A oneness. This is meditation.

These are the four stages of love, and on each stage there will be a disappearance of fear. If sex happens beautifully the body fear will disappear. The body will not be neurotic. Ordinarily - I have observed thousands of bodies - they are neurotic. Bodies gone mad. Not fulfilled. Not at home.

If love happens, fear will disappear from the mind. You will have a life of freedom, at ease, at-homeness. No fear will come, no nightmares. If the prayer happens, then fear completely disappears, because with prayer you become one - you start feeling a deep relationship with the whole. From the spirit, fear disappears; the fear of death disappears when you pray - never before it.

And when you meditate even fearlessness disappears. Fear disappears, fearlessness disappears. Nothing remains. Or, only the nothing remains. A vast purity, virginity, innocence.

Osho - from "Tao: The Three Treasures" Vol 4 #2

(copyright on Osho's talks is claimed by Osho Foundation International)

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Post by Evard » Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:33 am

Hello Osho . [id0t] Hello Pravin Kumar .

So if I have the invisible sword and an invisible person walks in .,

am I mad or uh tired of playing with my motion scanner . . . . . .,
does this make sense or are you foreign and can't understand uh
my language which is American . Are you ignorant .|. If you are*
knowing the being who is me as ignorant ., or whatever before a
sense of "you" bollixing it . . uh am I neurotic or are you the dum
person who can't stop being hidden psychotic ., or are you going!
to blame this on me so it gets incessant ., or whatever it says to
say in money you don't deserve for not a source of money . and
did any of this get written or are you waiting to control it . so . . .
who's neurotic if someone is ignorant . Do you deserve money to   ruin Peace ., are you evil .|. Om Padme om . :) Amaste .

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Post by Evard » Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:08 am

The mind keeps fear and actually stress of worry builds fear .

Happiness is the absense of fear and love is a "feel good" . . .

Love feels good is true . Fear is surmounted by love might be
true if the ruling of stress and fear is the mondala object thot
known as the translation of the word "confusion" or "blaming"
those who are so full of love , not ignorance and feel~good .,

Love like other emotives and felt psychophysical basis are uh
easily detected without being analytical clinical nor ignorant .,

The reason I am bothered and appear to the negative as then
scathing reminder of what must be insult and "mimicry" is the    way I act as eccentric and blessed . Confusing .|. @!! Evard

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Post by Evard » Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:32 am

When the worry of fear which can not be solved by the waking mind other thn the
healing of conscious happiness ., shows the comment on waking would be the un*
kind mondala of sleep and thereby the obvious of dreaming . . . you don't want to
be bothered in sleep by what natural dreaming refers to as polite and not then uh
nightmares as a bad fearful control ., though very bad nightmares as not natural.

So ., if very very bad nightmares are not natural . . is it the scathing reminder of
"something punishably wrong with the mind of the dreamer" or some additive uh
so the sinister [which means evil not detected] would be giving the reason of the
fear of mind which then adds in stress of worry if the mind is healthy . . and then
the mind is conscious though the unconscious mind is blamed on the example uh
the dreamer is not unhealthy though the sinister who gives a reason of additives
showing it's not the enlighten which make extreme nightmares though the added
fear based sinister which appears undetected which is offered by the ignorant . .     the way to solve it is to clear the mind .

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Post by Evard » Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:00 pm

If the time of thought stress is building fear and mind isn't the worry though the fear
is overwhelming in a situation that can not be controlled . . . Relax . Giving thoughts
to fear and then trying to remedy the mind with unwanted [by Power of associate] *
"broods" fear with the mind's way to be natural unless thought added to stress is on
premise to begin the ruling of domain which is mind of Power to those who are good
[at] "building stress" which can be any stressor which is a form of control . Anyway.
., ., Thought stress and not being willing to bother the role of relaxed mind [which*]
antithetic to fear of control will be the potential of thought stress "brooding" then on
promise to relax the mind naturopathically ., will not be additive good nor bad ., tho
{ugh} showing what is not liked by sinister is not to add to ego . Then egoism is the
reason we suffer from other's want of control when "they" can't have what is said in
control as what you may not have ., which is more childish thn the role of home and
relaxation if those who for reason of sinister and ego intentionally or affected try to!
promote control of those who would have remembered [not building fearful thought]    to "put away and be without" unwanted .

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Post by Evard » Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:32 pm

Thought stress adds to fear . Some people don't like living in a way free will is the way to be good .

Uncontrolled fear isn't based on darkness . . so I say again ., if I have the invisible sword . . . . . . .
and with implied thought {hypotheticaL} ., an invisible man knows I'm not "mad" at home though *
the stress of environmental condition is people who are ignorant and want personal gain for added
problem of not free will though the equivalent of free Money .  .  it's the invisible sword . It would*
effect the invisible man if I got "mad" from the environmental condition of ignorant money people
don't deserve to receive some kind of sinister reason to bother me with intentional or affected @!!
"bother" at my home . So being formerly "mad" and not angry personally ., I raise my voice with
the "mad" appearing unrational *seeming* disorder . I'm not going to get angry and take a sword
{hypotheicaL*y} .and start swiping at the invisible man . . . so I ignore it . *whoo whoo whoo* :-D
[eccentric person ., private address] Anyway . I'm peaceful . So I play my motion detector games
[on a game box in *verified* reality] and spend my time not in stress not in [all important] money
though being my eccentric self without fear though some stress of calming the mind when wanted.     Peacefully . Amaste . Evard

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Post by acertainseason » Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:18 pm

I really revere Osho's philosophy. I am a perspectivist, Evard; so I respect your dissent though I tend to a perspective akin to Osho's. Who are we to argue how the individual finds peace?

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Post by ionezation » Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:15 pm

In my theory one can fine love and peace if he/she give it without reward and return !

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Post by Evard » Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:07 pm

:-D  :-D     :)      Amaste~!!      A Thought off topic .     Thanks on replies.
What will be the technical advances without bothering what is {un}natural*
in sense to begin the thoughts as promoting the role of proper accord with
ideal []* not to be a bother at the setting known as what bad energy and !!
higher effects of modern "technocratic" advances beyond Natural Humanity
will show we {will} have ideal to begin Anew Free Trust.ed Modern Nature*
until we form opinion on what advances are unnatural and then form {new}
opinion on what will be seen as the role to begin Modern Nature without #!!
bothering the kind regard of what we may enjoy as "positive" thought in :)
vibrance rather thn the future potential of very dark (and boding) un~natur
~al thought as a kind uh unnatural technical advancement beyond the role
of Natural Planet Earth . .|. . Thought will be to begin Modern2 Kingdom :-D
:-D with alloted Modern2 Alchemy and newer sense of education with newer
ideal games as the future of ecotopian ideal ., not nanotechnical genetic 0m     deceit of Modern Nature . A Thought . Evard

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Post by Qizmo » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:51 pm

thanks for sharing this :) A very interesting post

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Post by Evard » Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:22 am

Thanks for sharing . * . My thought .@. :#:
The last comment I [Evard] made is thegn
thought known as ([ penkara ]) about the*
concede of the United States and Western!
Kingdom! to begin [[ anachrosit ]] Modern
2 Nature sense of historical alchem~ec @!!
EcoTopia . Too high for some . Not egoinde
unrational . Thanks .and Hooray. :) Evard.

If comment is not [( directed )] at me ~!! .,
Ok . mis interpreted . . Ya nice topic reply .

IF comment isn't directed as false *ego* :)
Ok . reply : ego ~ less . Zen . path.|. @0m.

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Post by Qizmo » Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:30 pm

Thanks for this. It really opened my mind

Posts: 924
Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:36 am

Post by Evard » Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:27 am

Personal comment on likeness to begin Title of Charter . . .

The sense of Alchemy which may be known, proper afford
to begin SUPA serv comment.ary on thought as ideal eco2
game and thought on Modern Nature will begin .with Geom
~et Ari {[ ry ]} ideal to show .,. I'm personally "noting" uh
the way I am *high falutin* and not welcome to bother the
site with comment~ing about fully grandiose off topic . . . .
thoughts as dominant rather thn the sense of control which
shows I may enjoy the thoughts as *now* accorded 0o0o0
Modern Mondala Olympic Games at London England . . . . .
In Ways to be kind to the report and historical time theory.
{[ This is continued and supported off topic *[+] Thanks ]}
SUPA serv and Cloud Computing will be GooD ideal Games     are like a personal Modern[2] Osho del2 b*gin ., mondala

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Post by symulhaque » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:12 pm

When pure love comes , you just forget the matter of sex, I think..

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Post by Duchess1964 » Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:46 pm

ADMIRATION = attraction
BEGINNING OF DESIRE = I could hold you against me
HOPE = I hope you feel the same way about me
INCEPTION OF LOVE = I think I'm falling in love with you

After that according to Tolbet Roberts ... there are SEVEN stages to fear to come to Love.

You MUST feel some sense of fear to know what love is and is not.

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