Spiritual Connectedness-Balanced Soul

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Spiritual Connectedness-Balanced Soul

Post by Goofy » Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:50 am

Connectedness: One of the pitfalls of being connected is that one then knows & especially feels disturbances & imbalances in, I was going to say normal state of consciousness but it’s not normal, the physical conscious world & the more one is connected the more disturbances one will feel. The reason for this is in the comparable differences between both conscious states & the more we connect with our inner/spirit self the more noticeable the difference & the more unsettled we are going to be in this physical conscious state however in our case right at this moment we have also got to tend with one of the biggest conscious changes to hit man kind, there was only one bigger & that was when we decided to live in physical realities like this one.

So we are in very trying times indeed so if you’re feeling a little unsettled & grumpy like me it’s either that you’re feeling the collective conscious change on it’s own or even worse feeling your connectedness to your inner self as well on top of the collective conscious change & the more connected you are the more unsettled you could feel. The reason I said you could feel is for a number of reasons one being that you have balanced out yourself with practicing in meditation, Yoga & Tia Chi exercises or whatever, these practices help balance out our outer selves & the soul as well believe it or not. Another reason could be that your soul is unbalanced.

Soul Aware: Being soul wise has two meanings one being wise to your soul, knowing that you have a soul, & the other having a wise soul itself which is helped like with what I just mentioned earlier by certain practices but if one has had an unbalanced soul for a number of life times it could probably take a few life times to bring the soul into balance again but not necessarily.  Before I go on I better explain what I mean by an unbalance soul.  It’s a soul that has become distant from the inner spirit self & feels very little if no connection to the inner self, this is a soul that only feels connected to physical realties like this one even after one passes on.  Why have humans become increasingly disconnected in human history with the spiritual/mystical which helped them stay connected no matter how blind the faith was? They of course became more connected to the physical & as time went on in human history the less connected we became to our inner spiritualistic selves & the more attached to the physical  reality which has caused what we have today total reliance on things like consumerist materialism or warring which is destroying our environment at an alarming rate.

So a science minded person would say what is so good about blind faith as it makes no logical sense? The only reason it makes no logical sense is because the scientist are incapable of measuring the importance of spiritual faith so therefore it has no grounding. If a scientist could measure & analyse the soul they would know of the importance of the soul & more importantly a balanced soul but they can’t as yet but things are changing.      

Getting back to imbalanced souls which I am one, they can vary to the degree not just how long one has had an unbalanced soul or how disconnected one is from one’s spiritual self but it is varied to the same degree as everyone’s personality remembering no one has had or has or ever will have the exact same personality, this shows us how varied souls can be to each other. So does this pose a problem in balancing out such a huge variety of souls? No because we also have a variety of practices as mentioned before to help with such a huge variety of unbalanced souls however most people have disconnected themselves nearly entirely from the inner self & one of the main reasons for this is because science now is one of the dominant principles of our belief system at least this makes sense but does it as mentioned earlier in this post?

Intelligence: The problem with unbalanced souls is we just won’t see what we can’t understand & if science can’t prove it’s existence it then can’t exist. We have become more intelligent which has lead us away from blind faith but the problem isn’t with being more intelligent it’s with becoming disconnected with our inner spiritual self  while becoming intelligent so are we truly that more intelligent?  That would certainly depend in how you measure intelligence.

Let’s take a look at modern day intelligence, we have progressed in so many areas with our technological advancements like space travel, flight period, computers that think for us, medical advancements & so & so on however what could the bad points of intelligence, destruction of our environment, biological, chemical & nuclear warfare, plastic & genetically modifies foods, disconnection from our spiritual inner selves & so & so on, so are we that intelligent after all if we are sacrificing so much for so little?  Sacrificing our connectedness to me is ludicrous & shows very little understanding, knowing & yes intelligence.

Balanced Souls: The majority of us have an imbalanced souls & the more connected we become the more we feel this that’s why it can be quite horrific for anyone with an imbalanced soul to connect. The reason for this is our souls have literally become attached to physical realties like this one no matter what we go through & the more attached we become the more our souls becomes unbalanced & this is why, over a certain amount of life time, if one hasn’t tried to bring one back into balance one can feel totally detached from our spiritual inner selves & the more detached we feel over numerous life times the more attached we become to realties like this one. I should point out here in saying we become detached we don’t actually become detached but it feels like it because of the amount of detachment we have.

There is another problem in being & living in detached realties, extremism as mentioned in my last post titled Finding Balance with Everyday Life.  What do we usually humanly fight extremism with? With more extremism of curse & that is what I can see some spiritually aware people doing by trying to ascend back to God’s/the sources consciousness or rid oneself entirely of negative influences or whatever which is conflictive as I have mentioned numerous time in my blog. As I have said a number of times balance is the key.

There comes a time when most of us are collectively disconnected in human history & need a reminder of who we really are, these more famous times where in the times of people like Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad & so on but of course there are many more lesser known messianic people & prophets even today. These people would have to have a balanced soul & there teachings would obviously focus on balancing out our souls as well to some extent. A balanced soul denotes acceptance & tolerance of all of what one is & not of extremes of any kind. If you find a balanced soul within your travels take note but don’t become attached as we all must find our own way eventually.

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