The perfect future foretold

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The perfect future foretold

Post by sweetshadow » Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:54 pm

GOD demonstrated HIS love by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to GIVE us eternal life.

He promises to heal our bodies also...

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:45 pm

Thank you for stating your religious beliefs on these forums.

While we respect those beliefs as well as your right to hold them, unless you are asking us to discuss this subject, this posting will be removed as being inappropriate, as I have already removed several similar postings in other forums which were definitely out of place.

We have members from many different countries, cultures and religious faiths on this website and all beliefs must be given equal respect and right of expression on Mystic Board.

However it is my feeling that people are much more willing to listen to a message if it is not being forced upon them as being the absolute and whole truth. Even if you believe that this is the case.

The most effective way to spread such a message is usually to teach people by your own example.

Love your neighbor also means that you should treat others as you yourself would prefer to be treated, if your roles had been reversed.

Would you like members from other religious faiths that are not Christianity to force their beliefs onto you?

I think not.

Respectfully yours,


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:06 pm

In all religious beliefs, there is a beautiful admixture of the literal, the metaphorical, the arcane symbolic, the analogical and the esoteric and, and, and ...!
In the modern, stress-riddled reality, increasingly plagued with hatred and violence, the human soul is growing wearier by the day and patience seems to be wearing thin, everywhere. This is a sad reality!

The richness of conceptual presentations in different scriptures of nearly all religions thus carries within its messages and wisdom the TRUTH sometimes expressed obviously and at other times couched in symbolic wrappings. Why this is so, perhaps God alone knows, but surely scholars and translators of the messages (into colloquial human-speak) seem to have failed. Which is sad and the ill-consequences of which are being experienced by humanity at large!

A lake that is churning can neither serve as a good mirror (showing the reflection of the heavens above), nor can it enable the seeker to fathom what lies at the bottom of the lake!

Unless our mind is completely still, and one does not even need to be religious to get there, we remain subservient to the monkey-mind...!

Everything else remains secondary until then...

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:27 am


I agree with you. When the mind is still as also when the water in the lake is still we see the reality. Skies above gets reflected in the still lake and also similarly we are able to see other humans.

Religion is man made and the truth is many propose their religion to be the best though in truth all religion, if it leads you to HIM, to Love all, respect all, treat all as you would like to be treated, Truthfullness and Honesty prevails, then it is all one and the same. Whether you may pray to Jesus Christ, Mohammad or Ram or any other God that people may follow they all teach you the same thing. Humanity is the biggest religion.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:55 pm

Pravin dada,

Firstly, please do not address me as 'dada'; you are a lot wiser, experienced in the divinatory field and even in chronological age than I am!

I came upon a rather interesting book which is a 'meta-book', in other words a collection of quoted thoughts from other publications on the topic of and titled:
Heaven and Hell Unveiled: Updates from the World of Spirit;
ISBN 978-1-910121-30-6 was the paper edition and more recent electronic one has been available in kindle format.
White Crow Productions Ltd.. Kindle Edition.

While I had read some of the quoted resources earlier and through the years, but it is nice to see it all in one convenient place. It is not an easy read since it spans across the spectrum of beliefs: religious, cultural, factual in the observed individualistic sense and so on. By no means complete or even comprehensive and in places does test ones 'patience and tolerance' ;-) but as long as it is not read as a religious scripture (with undying faith etc), it can be quite a revealing and in my words, a colourful account of the rainbow world of the spirit!

It delves into, as do other literature and thought-pictures from other resources, the pithy question of fate vs free-will and the matter about recurring lessons (until one passes the *exam* and graduates!). Fascinatingly illuminating and a must read for any who are seriously and sincerely interested and intrigued by the matter! Meaning, by that, those who do not already KNOW everything and have formed rigid opinions and beliefs about it all! ;-)

Love and Light,


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