Procrastinator's delight! About Teachers or absence thereof...!

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Procrastinator's delight! About Teachers or absence thereof...!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:33 pm

Dear All,

My profound apologies if I am sounding a bit as if 'sawing across the grain', but over the years I have read simply too often that a guru or specific teacher is required for becoming a divinator, astrologer, palmist, psychic, dream-diviner, etc etc. And, so, many simply give up their studies and interests and fade away in status quo of oblivion!

To a large extent, such individuals were only mildly interested in their pursuits, or they were indulging in what I term, "Procrastinator's delight!"

Simply stated, there are way too many seekers, but very few Gurus worth their salt! Many that exist, remain hidden, or difficult to get, while a throng are essentially half-baked teachers.

So what is a normal seeker to do? Wait patiently and do nothing?

I say that they should continue their pursuit and learn as much as possible from books that are available, confusing though they might initially appear (there is no requirement to 'get it' all upon first reading! Also, they must use their faculties to observe and see in practice what they have read or heard, including forums full of Wisdom!

They may not feel that they are becoming experts just by that but they are doing one most important thing: preparation!

Preparation for their Guru to arrive in their life, because, as they say:

When the student is prepared and ready, the Teacher arrives!!

Love and Light and Reality,


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