Do we already have too many reading forums?

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Do we already have too many reading forums?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:28 pm

Recently I have been wondering whether or not we already have too many different reading forums on Mystic Board. Presently there are I believe eight of them. And there have been suggestions in the past that this is not enough.

Could we please discuss what you see as either being the advantages or disadvantages of the current number of reading forums?

Should we reduce the number of reading forums, leave them exactly as they are now, or add more to the existing ones?

Could you please add your comments and opinions about the number of reading forums to this thread?

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Post by Talia » Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:09 am

I was amazed that there are eight so I went off to look lol and found these. Are these the 8 you mean?

Western Astrology
Vedic Astrology

Of course there are obvious overlaps and obvious distinctions.
For instance it could be argued that a picture reading is a psychic reading, and sometimes in the psychic reading forum there is numerology and tarot used in a reading. Does anyone apart from the reader really know the difference between Vedic and Western astrology? Perhaps the separation of the reading forums is needed to give space between the readers that do visit?

I did see that you posted in the runes section about whether it was still needed and that post received over 1,000 views but no replies.

But I wonder if you are seeking opinions or if you have a cunning plan?

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Removing unnecessary barriers, but leaving the necessary barriers in their place

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:51 pm


Yes those are the eight reading forums to which I was referring.

There will always be some degree of overlap between them, although the very general and basic Tarot and numerology used by me in the psychic reading forum should never be compared to the much more detailed Tarot and numerology analyses offered on the other two more specific boards.

Members cannot specifically request either of these types of readings on what is clearly only a general reading board, where the reader is guided internally as to which method or methods to use.

I can recognise that there are definite advantages to keeping the present arrangement. Readers who wish to specialize in a particular type of reading can respond to the requests of members looking for that type of help. Everything is kept well organised, and rules and instructions which may be unique to that divination method, can be posted near to the top of the forum listing.

But at the same time this arrangement tends to promote competition and further division between the different disciplines, when this is not in everyone's best interests.

It encourages the idea that one type of reading is better than any other. It also gives the impression that readers are jealously guarding reading requests in that forum as their own, and this has in the past created unnecessary and counterproductive feelings of suspicion and resentment towards other readers, when entirely innocent comments are taken too personally to heart as an attack upon their ability to do this work.

I am of the belief that not all change is bad, and I have always said that I really do not care which reader or readers help a member, as long as the member gets the help that they need and the information and advice offered does not do any harm, or offend the client's beliefs (especially those of a religious nature).

Thanking you sincerely for your feedback, but I would be more than interested in and appreciate hearing the input of other readers as well as querents (the people doing the requesting), about whether or not they feel that this existing reading forum structure has exceeded its useful shelf life.

Our policies can change, but still leave the forums in place as they already are. Keeping our options and minds open to changes which could potentially remove many of the unnecessary barriers which exist between your friendly admin and the readers, and between the readers and their clients. Realizing that some barriers are necessary for the proper and ordered operation of the community.

Thank you everyone,

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Re: Removing unnecessary barriers, but leaving the necessary barriers in their place

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:22 pm

=There should be one common readings forum.
=querrants really care about helpful advice when in need and not the modality.
=Readers (divinators of all cloths) respond based on their divination modality and belief systems and reading seekers get the advantage of one window service rather than multi-silo/kiosk hopping.
=No divination is fully technical and there is no magical combination of modalities that are at times touted as more effective. It all depends on the divinator's choice depending on individual experience and application.
= Reading forums are not for didactic learning but for beginners-observers to sample the styles of seasoned divinators and for beginners to test their own abilities practically.
= the discussion and learning forums can serve as forums for heuristic purposes but not exploited by reading-seekers!

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Re: Removing unnecessary barriers, but leaving the necessary barriers in their place

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:18 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:=There should be one common readings forum.
=querrants really care about helpful advice when in need and not the modality.
=Readers (divinators of all cloths) respond based on their divination modality and belief systems and reading seekers get the advantage of one window service rather than multi-silo/kiosk hopping.
=No divination is fully technical and there is no magical combination of modalities that are at times touted as more effective. It all depends on the divinator's choice depending on individual experience and application.
= Reading forums are not for didactic learning but for beginners-observers to sample the styles of seasoned divinators and for beginners to test their own abilities practically.
= the discussion and learning forums can serve as forums for heuristic purposes but not exploited by reading-seekers!
My dear friend,

It appears that we are in some agreement about the need to remove unnecessary barriers, but change always involves us taking risks, and some readers will understandably feel anxious and threatened by any such suggestion.

We do not want to risk losing any more of our readers, with them already being an endangered species on Mystic Board. But we also hope & pray that they would accept the voice of the majority if such a decision was thought to be in the best interests of the site as a whole, and continue to read here within the new structure.

I was not actually proposing that there should only be one reading forum instead of eight, as we need to respect the fact that MB is a site in India and that some members will prefer to have someone from their own culture using the beliefs which they have been brought up with, to give them a reading.

Of course this is not any attempt to segregate Easterners from Westerners (which would be completely opposite to our goal to bring men and women from all the many races, religions, cultures, regardless of their sexual preferences closer together in greater harmony and humanity).

This is already the case in the Vedic Astrology forum, and if you want a reading using the symbolism of the opposite hemisphere (Easterner wants a Western type reading or the other way around), then that is perfectly OK. We do not want people to feel that they have no choice in the matter.

This is only one of the issues which would be needed to help us to reorganize the reading forums (if indeed they are reorganized at all). I believe that the Graphology forum (which was used as a reading forum, but which is not called that) has outlived its useful lifetime with handwriting being a dying art, and being banned in some countries (such as Finland)

In the end it is Swetha's website and she will therefore have the final say about whether any changes of that magnitude can go ahead, but I see no harm in the meantime and a lot of useful information to be gained from us discussing this subject on the open forums.

This should I hope also give general members a greater feeling of having their own say about the community of which they are a small but important part, in contrast to the older system of readers and moderators in closed forums making every decision, without any input from the very people which the website was designed to help.

Some decisions will still need to be made that way(executive decisions), but certainly not all of them as has happened in the past, on this and other psychic/spiritual websites. Many of those sites which have stubbornly maintained this closed door policy of "staff" making all the decisions over the years, have themselves subsequently closed.

Regards to all, and please keep adding your own input to this discussion, about what is after all your community's future,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:34 am

Amazon is strangling even big-box stores which had strangled department stores which had strangled mom & pop stores and retail outlets. Now drones are threatening post offices and courier services. Computers killed type-writers, lasers killed dot-matrix printers. Our generation has seen many changes first-hand.

Life goes on...?

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Post by Talia » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:48 pm

Maybe what is neeeded is more members requesting and then perhaps the answer to this thread will become obvious?
I visit here on a daily basis, I look forward to reading requests and chatter and discussion but for some reason the traffic and input is very haphazard. It would appear that the numbers of members grow but few, if any, ever post?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:18 pm

Talia wrote:Maybe what is neeeded is more members requesting and then perhaps the answer to this thread will become obvious?
I visit here on a daily basis, I look forward to reading requests and chatter and discussion but for some reason the traffic and input is very haphazard. It would appear that the numbers of members grow but few, if any, ever post?
Hope springs eternal...?  :smt017

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Re: Removing unnecessary barriers, but leaving the necessary barriers in their place

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:55 pm

That is news to me that graphology has been considered as a divinatory craft <anywhere>. I always thought that it is closer to psychology and a descriptor of human psyche and its normal and abnormal states.

Unless someone has been including automatic writing (mediumistic craft) into graphology... :smt017

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:26 am

Dear Talia,

Often when I log onto the site each morning I am the only registered member on here. But there can at the same time be anything up to 60 or more unregistered guests monitoring our pages, but not choosing for whatever reason to become a member and post to the boards.

It is those "faceless" people to which our efforts to increase the traffic on this site are mainly being directed. Greatly supported in our efforts to attract new members I want to add, by people such as yourself who are willing to be an important part of the solution to this ongoing challenge. :)

This review or rethink about which of the forums is working as it was meant to applies equally to the reading and non reading forums. We need regular activity on both types of forums for Mystic Board to continue to function as it was designed to by Swetha.

To my other dear friend Rohiniranjan,

While I would agree with you that graphology or handwriting analysis is mainly used these days as a psychological measure or personality profiler, please tell the author of the book shown here that it cannot also be used as a divinatory tool.

Handwriting is more than just a means of communication. Each time you pick up a pen, you create your own art which draws from all the light and dark areas of your natal chart. By learning how to spot your own natal aspects in your handwriting, you will open a whole new door to the hidden potential within your horoscope. As you begin to understand how your handwriting reflects your natal chart, so you can harness the energy of your predictive work by changing the way you write - and help a difficult aspect to gain a more helpful expression. AstroGraphology synthesizes handwriting and astrology in a totally new paradigm that will delight and inspire you with new power to bring change into your life.
My regards to you both,

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Post by Talia » Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:05 pm

I was once told by a junior school teacher that my handwriting was so awful she wasn't even going to read my work! I was so upset and annoyed and mainly hurt too at such a young age that I practiced and practiced and even mixed my own colour ink mixing blue with turqouise to get a lovely shade. My point being that my new writing was forced, it didn't reflect me, I had to consciously think of every word, my writing became painstakinly slow and I often missed deadlines but it was pretty writing. So was that the new me I wonder?
To get any true graphology reading the writing has to be made in a relaxed and safe environment, be straight forward and not thought about, and so is very hard to get a true picture?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:50 pm

Yes -- everything is divine these days including Creative imagination!! &nbsp;:smt007 &nbsp;:smt004

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:53 pm

Talia wrote:I was once told by a junior school teacher ...

Teachers have their limits (bias) too, Talia -- and an enormous range of variability. There are so many varieties of fish in the waters...! &nbsp;:smt020

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:25 pm

I was once told by a junior school teacher that my handwriting was so awful she wasn't even going to read my work!
My primary school teacher continually hit me over the knuckles with the sharp edge of a ruler, in order to get me to write smaller.

So it was far from being a relaxed atmosphere in his classroom (this went on for two years) and the punishment did not work, as as soon as I left to go to high school my writing returned to its original size (which it still is many years later).

I do very little handwriting now. Mostly writing personal messages to my relatives on birthday and Christmas cards.

And even that is now a dying art, with the ridiculous cost of sending anything through Australia Post, and the vastly increased use of ecards and with MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) now being standard on mobile/cell phones.

Many teachers during the 1950s and 60s here in Australia used the same punishment with the intention (misguided) to force students who wrote with the left hand to use their right hand instead. This often caused them to develop serious psycho emotional and coordination problems well into their adulthood.

Soon handwriting will go the way of the dinosaur, and so will yet another more personal way of human communication. I feel that the quality of our relationships with those close to us will become poorer as a result, but clearly changes in the ways in which we communicate with each other are both inevitable and irresistible.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:34 am

Ultimately -- telepathy? I hope and pray!! :smt004

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