Who was that MAN? I experienced...?

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Who was that MAN? I experienced...?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:10 am

Inspired by our beloved and revered Pravin Dada whose recent series motivated this little brother of his to share! <Pronaams Dada>

I was barely out of the teens then and my first time leaving my home and home town?
Thank God no one brought a garland of flowers (back in India when someone arrived back or left or even left forever, garlands of flowers were placed around the neck or body (if leaving forever) and I kind of sensed that either my friends had grown progressed or I was not going so as never to return...?

Like the naïve and inexperienced and *sheltered* boy that I was, I left my meagre luggage in the train, unattended (YES, KICK ME! It was the early 70s...!) and some known folks were around and I kind of assumed that they would keep an eye on my belongings...

Just as the train began to creep out of the station, I wrenched myself away from friends and climbed on the train, eyes full of tears, heart laden with sorrow, but left side of brain full of cheer and hope and excitement?

When I arrived in Delhi, the train was late and so I had to rush to catch the bus to my next destination. BARELY made it and thanked ALL of BOTH Gods (one Goddess as well...!) that I felt blessed in the memories of.

My neighbour in the bus was a man, must have been 20-30 years older and we got talking and there was something about his eyes. Very deep, very gentle, very loving and caring. He was a lawyer in the town I was heading towards and we had a wonderful conversation, shared a lot of personal information.

The bus conductor came around to collect the bus fare. I opened my small suitcase in which I had kept all my money, more than enough to see me through the first month and two? We all knew that back then accountants moved slowly and first pay cheque often took 6-8 weeks no matter how progressive an institution you were going to join).

I fumbled, I closed the suitcase, and opened my sac. No, not there either. I opened again, rummaged -- NADA! Now I knew that someone had been into my belongings? Cursing myself (WHY did I leave pretty much all my money in the relatively simple to pick old suitcase. OH HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SUCH A FOOL, MA...?)

As the conductor approached closer, I almost sensed that I would be thrown out of the bus and then that would be it? Bye Bye Dreams...?

My neighbour stayed quietly through my fumblings and frustration and then very calmly asked, "What is the matter?". I shared! "Oh such a small thing, young man...?"

He paid my fare which back then was like a dollar or two (10 rupees back then, now probably less than five cents American. I did not have even that on my person...?)

I could have cried in gratitude but instead much later on I wrote the article, "Saturn Blessings...!"

Naturally, between that incident and between writing the article I went back to return the money! He quietly smiled, accepted my offering and then invited me to dine with him. Away from home and home-cooked meals, I humbly accepted and probably ate way more than what I owed to him, even back in those frugal days in India!

Some debts are beyond the meagre capabilities of us mortals to pay back?

Some otherwise egotistical human beings feel that they can do this or that parihar (remedials?) and overcome the karmic debts that they are trying to discharge with charity, mantras, gemstones, volunteer service and while engaging in those actually thinking that they would just manage to do all that by sending some money to a temple or a bunch of priests who shall do pooja and prayers on their behalf...?

Love, Light, Reality,

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