hello! i'm an indigo girl and i need to talk!

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Post by Spiritboxer » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:15 am

Excellent, informative post Ranter!

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Post by Samson » Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:49 am

Hello & welcome Simonsaysfrown.

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Hello and welcome Simonsays

Post by trueheartmike » Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:58 am

Hey Simonsays, I know in part of what your going through. My live has never been easy and I have never really fit in with most people, they usually think i am stupid and or lazy but to be honest most of the time I am just bored and put my mind in park. For the first part I think what will help you is to try to learn meditation a more active one may work. If you are anything like me my mind is too active most of the time to slow it down to meditate. A good way to start is do it slow start with a 5 minute one. I also think that if you take a bit of time and look at your self in a mirror and say "I do not need to fight myself anymore I know who I am and I am special" it might be good for you to either say it out loud or in a low tone... Tust me I believe it will help and there are alot of grounding methods that will help you as well. If there is any way I can help let me know and I will do what I can, :smt020  :smt003 I just love smiley faces... btw most say that meditating means listening to slow comforting music that is not always the case it is about you being in a zone a state of mind that helps you to relax if you like techno or dance that can have its own benefits. I personelly have problems meditating but I have learned to over come that in part. I wish you well and again if you need help just let me know.

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Post by Spiritboxer » Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:36 am

Hey, SS, Mike has a point. I've found that any discipline promoting balance helps. I switched over to Tai Chi Chuan years ago and it's worked really well when it comes to dealing with people, situations and my reactions to them. It's become all about grace and beauty for me and it's turned out well.  You'll have to experiment 'til you find what works for you but I guarantee it's out there. Perhaps seeking out and working with other Indigo's as Ranter suggests will help you gain invaluable guidance and ease the way. Didn't work for me but I connected really late in life and honestly don't even know if it was a valid Indigo org I joined to begin with. I couldn't deal with being expected to work within the structured guidlines so a friend I met there and I had to opt out after a short stint as members. Hope this tiny bit of sharing helps, being an alchemist of sorts has given me an edge but I'm still in the end, as some put it, "A real piece 'a work".
In Light,

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Post by swetha » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:03 am

welcome to the board:)

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Post by ranter » Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:09 am

You are all beautiful true Indigos.
For most of my life I felt like a dolphin in a fish tank. I didnt think or act like the others.
One day at a meeting a complete stranger came up to me and said "You are an Indigo."
My reaction was "Thats impossible. They started incarnating in the 1980s. Im around much longer than that."
This lady was having none of it. She loaned me a book called "Voyagers 2" by Ashyana Deane and said "Read that and then make up your mind."
I did and it was like all the answers falling into place.
First of all I realized I didnt have to try to conform. That lifted a huge burden off me.
Secondly I realized I was fine as I was.
Third I began to see the fears and the dullness of so called "normal" thinking. I was so glad I was not imprisoned in that place. I was a free spirit and that was ok.
Fourth I learned that I was not alone.
I joined a group of Indigos and I am still a member. We have a ball.
Fifth I realized that most of the books and literature about Indigos was written by non Indigos who dont know what they are talking about.
Sixth I learned that there are all kinds of groups who are trying to catagorise and exploit Indigos. Im having none of it.
Accept your very special Indigo status. Follow your heart and enjoy it. Follow your impulses and you will find they will rarely put you wrong. If they do make minor adjustments and you will find you are on the right track.
Above all rejoice in your being and in your thinking and actions. You are the future of humanity.

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Post by simonsaysfrown » Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:41 pm

yes, meditation sounds like a good thing, but i've never found anyone that was willing to show me how to do it and guide me through it. it's not something i can just do on my own without any pointers and guidance....also my problem seems to be that i'm too much of a control freak so i have a hard time letting go; i can daydream, but truly letting go of the steering wheel is never easy for me.
i'm surrounded by people that meditate, do yoga, have outer body experiences and such, but my instincts tell me to stay clear. some of them are my neighbours, and they're not bad people, but they've grown big egos ever since they've become spiritually aware....it's like they find themselves more knowing and special and they let others know it....i don't like that so i don't believe they can teach me what i want to know....or can they?

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Post by Angelique » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:57 pm

simonsaysfrown wrote: they've grown big egos ever since they've become spiritually aware....it's like they find themselves more knowing and special and they let others know it....i don't like that so i don't believe they can teach me what i want to know....or can they?
Hi :)

Even if you feel they have grown big ego's or think they are something special  there is nothing wrong with learning what you can from them. It doesn't mean you will become one who develops a big ego; you have an advantage, you have awareness. Let that awareness help keep you in check to avoid becoming what you dislike.

With regards to meditation for each person it is different for what works for them - some find complete silence works best for them, others a form of audio, some use visualization, a particular scent; you have a potpourri of what could work for you and it takes time and practice. Since I am a visual person, visualization helped me and I used the colours of the rainbow to start - over time for the most part (unless I am terribly distracted) I no longer need anything to get there. Find something that works for you and I am certain you will find many here who can offer tips on how to get there if you wish to pursue it.

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Post by Spiritboxer » Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:08 pm

Hi again! I had difficulty with normal meditation as well which is why Tai Chi worked so well for me. It's movement that segues into a meditative state, don't even have to think about it, just doing the form takes you there in time. Hatha yoga may work for you also as the concept is, I believe, similar. I've tried both and while I stuck with Tai Chi it might have been only because I had been a martial artist to begin with. I'm not sure how it is where you are but over here there are any number of people teaching yoga on tv and now that I think about it there are tons of video tapes on the subject. Probably available on-line and while I believe in person teaching is ideal, tapes etc are a way to start if nothing else is available. There are a number of sites teaching Reiki as well and Reiki-On was a good one. I'll do a search to see if they're still around and let you know. Just don't mention my name.....There's lots of stuff out there if you have the will to learn and like I said, guaranteed there's one out there that'll work for you.
As for as the ego people go, it's just a stage they're going through, they'll work through it if they're for real. It's like if you were in the desert and they had a glass of water would you say no? Well, enough rambling, let me see if Reiki-On still exists and do whatever else I have to do.

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