Name Dictionary

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Name Dictionary

Post by BlueFox » Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:38 pm

Let's start the comprehensive and world-wide guide to names. Do you know what your name means? You got your name from your parents, was there any particular reason to name you like their did? And do you get any strength or wisdom of it? Please, share it with us.

I'll start with mine. I was born in Finland, up North, and I was named Merja. Merjas were ancient people in Siperia. It is said that the stregth and wisdom of this ancient folk is written into the name of it. And of course I do believe it.  :smt003

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Post by Nicole » Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:45 pm

Hell and welcome, Merja Saarela.  :smt006

If I told you why my mother named me, you would start laughing as I did...
Start this over in the game form..
Be more fun over there..  :smt003

Nice meeting you~!!    :smt040

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Post by Samson » Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:24 pm

Hello & welcome Merja.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:40 pm

Welcome to MysticBoard community, we hope you will have a nice stay and make a lots of friends :)

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Post by taraprincess » Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:44 pm

hi merja saarela welcome to the board... much love and huggies

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Post by anandanworld » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:46 am

My name is Anandan, Which means happiness.
I wish to see and feel the same with everyone and everyone

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Post by BlueFox » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:05 am

Hi Ananda,

Lovely to hear from you. You have beautiful name. I believe your name gives you lots of strength.

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Post by tlkandler » Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:31 pm

Ok, so I did a yahoo search for websites that gave this information...

My name is Lena

Greek:  Diminitive of Helena which is The Bright One.
Latin: Alluring
Swedish: Light

but since I was named after my grandmother Leona I also looked that up and just came up with Lioness.

So, I'm not actually sure just which one I should work with.  I mean, I know that my name in and of itself is Lena of course, but do I need to consider the fact that I was named after my grandmother and that name??

What say you??

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Post by BlueFox » Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:35 am

Hi Lena,

You have charming name. Name is, and always should be, interpreted in connection to the culture, as well a family culture as a larger one. And culture is deeply rooted to your past history, present time and future, and vice versa. I would even say, that more or less consciously naming is semantic way to frame personality characteristics that are to be encouraged within family context.

About the family culture ... It was wonderful you mentioned your granny and that you were named after her. This concretes the time line rooted to your family history. And your family appreciated your granny so much that they named you after her. Ever since that moment you and your granny were framed with the name Lena - linked together with words and inner metaphores of your family members. More or less intentionally family stories about your granny and you were linked together. Your personality was encouraged to become Lena. This means, that both Lenas have similarities highly appreciated and unredstood in your family culture.

About the larger western culture ... Your name Lena has been linked to Greek's Helena and Greek-Hebrew's Maria Magdalena or Magdala. Both names have remarkable mytological history and remarkable power. Helena, as you knew it, it is interpreted as the brilliantly shining Bright One. In England and in the Netherlands it is also interpreted as charming and attractive. These are very short interpretations of your name, they are more like semantics. If you liked to know and learn more of your powers that your name Lena holds within, I make a suggestion that you find Ancient Greek and Hebrew Mythology and learn what your ancient "name frame mothers" Helena and Magdalena were. Helen was born from egg, daughter of Zeus ...  she takes the eyes of men, destroys cities and burns their houses: so potent is her beauty ... what else ...

Helen....quotations from internet:

Helen, by James Hunter:
Helen (often called "Helen of Troy") was the daughter of Leda and Zeus, and was the sister of the Dioscuri and Clytemnestra. Since Zeus visited Leda in the form of a swan, Helen was often presented as being born from an egg. She was reputed to be the most beautiful woman in the world. When Helen was still a child, she was abducted by Theseus. Since she was not yet old enough to be married, he sent her to Aphidnae and left her in the care of his mother, Aethra. The Dioscuri rescued her and returned her to her home in Lacedaemon, taking Aethra prisoner at the same time. When Helen reached marriageable age, all the greatest men in Greece courted her. Her mother's husband, King Tyndareos of Lacedaemon, was concerned about the trouble that might be caused by the disappointed suitors. Acting on the advice of Odysseus, he got all the suitors to swear that they would support the marriage rights of the successful candidate. He then settled on Menelaus to be the husband of Helen. She lived happily with Menelaus for a number of years, and bore him a daughter, Hermione. After a decade or so of married life, Helen was abducted by -- or ran off with -- Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. Menelaus called on the other suitors to fulfill their oaths and help him get her back. As a result, the Greek leaders mustered the greatest army of the time, placed it under the command of Agamemnon, and set off to wage what became known as the Trojan War. After the fall of Troy, Menelaus took Helen back to Lacedaemon, where they lived an apparently happy married life once more. After the end of their mortal existence, they continued to be together in Elysium. There were a number of different accounts of Helen's relationship with Paris. In some, she was truly in love with him, although her sympathies were mostly with the Greeks who beseiged Troy. In others, she was a beautiful and wanton woman who brought disaster upon those around her. In still other accounts, she never went to Troy at all: Hermes, acting on Zeus's orders, spirited her away to Egypt and fashioned a phantom out of clouds to accompany Paris; the real Helen was reunited with Menelaus after the Trojan War. (Source:

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Post by tlkandler » Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:33 pm

Merja Saarela wrote:Hi Lena,

You have charming name. Name is, and always should be, interpreted in connection to the culture, as well a family culture as a larger one. And culture is deeply rooted to your past history, present time and future, and vice versa. I would even say, that more or less consciously naming is semantic way to frame personality characteristics that are to be encouraged within family context.

About the family culture ... It was wonderful you mentioned your granny and that you were named after her. This concretes the time line rooted to your family history. And your family appreciated your granny so much that they named you after her. Ever since that moment you and your granny were framed with the name Lena - linked together with words and inner metaphores of your family members. More or less intentionally family stories about your granny and you were linked together. Your personality was encouraged to become Lena. This means, that both Lenas have similarities highly appreciated and unredstood in your family culture.

About the larger western culture ... Your name Lena has been linked to Greek's Helena and Greek-Hebrew's Maria Magdalena or Magdala. Both names have remarkable mytological history and remarkable power. Helena, as you knew it, it is interpreted as the brilliantly shining Bright One. In England and in the Netherlands it is also interpreted as charming and attractive. These are very short interpretations of your name, they are more like semantics. If you liked to know and learn more of your powers that your name Lena holds within, I make a suggestion that you find Ancient Greek and Hebrew Mythology and learn what your ancient "name frame mothers" Helena and Magdalena were. Helen was born from egg, daughter of Zeus ...  she takes the eyes of men, destroys cities and burns their houses: so potent is her beauty ... what else ...
Hello Merja,

This is really facsinating!  I'm just not sure which culture would be more accurately applied since I'm american and we are basically a melting pot.  My father has been doing the family tree for some years now... its quite a tedious task, but I still don't know the outcome of it or if its even finished.  I believe most of my ancestors were English with some Native American thrown in there.

Ok, so you speak of being named after someone... well, I was actually named after both my grandmothers, Leona and Mae.  Since my mother figured Leona was too old fashioned she went with Lena.  So... I'm actually Lena Mae!  I actually think, being the baby of three girls, they just ran out of names!!  :smt002  LOL  We all start with L's!

I'll have to get with my father to see how he has progressed...

Thank you for your reply!!


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Post by pmoonfyre » Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:43 pm

Born Betty Lynn I do know what my middle name means and it does fit me to a "t".

Lynn in all its forms means

Spring or waterfall... The Refreshing one...

I was named after my Aunt Elizabeth and my middle name was her blessing and prediction for my life.  So far I am the one that everyone comes to for answers, help, or just want to be around me... I am like an electrical transformer. I suck in the baneful energy and the put out positive.  Where ever I live the energy of the place becomes peaceful and refreshing.  Once I leave you can feel it leave... well enough yammering...


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Post by BlueFox » Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:30 pm

It is my pleasure Lena. I see you are greatly blessed.


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Post by BlueFox » Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:21 pm

pmoonfyre wrote:Born Betty Lynn I do know what my middle name means and it does fit me to a "t".

Lynn in all its forms means

Spring or waterfall... The Refreshing one...

I was named after my Aunt Elizabeth and my middle name was her blessing and prediction for my life.  So far I am the one that everyone comes to for answers, help, or just want to be around me... I am like an electrical transformer. I suck in the baneful energy and the put out positive.  Where ever I live the energy of the place becomes peaceful and refreshing.  Once I leave you can feel it leave... well enough yammering...

Vau, that sounds good .... refreshing.  :)  

Wellcome to Mystic Board hope you enjoy it. I guess you'll find many alike.


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Post by tlkandler » Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:23 pm

Eeeek, I forgot to put what my middle name meant... so sorry.  Its simple really.  Mae is English (from the one website I found) and its simply the variant of the month of May.  Which is the month I was born in.

In France: The month as well... In Roman mythology the Goddess Maia, was the goddess of spring growth.

That is what I came up with between the two sites I found.

So, put together I could be...  The bright one in charge of spring growth!!! LOL


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Post by BlueFox » Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:11 am

Vau, Brightly Shining Spring Star! I suppose you have lot to give to people around you.

Keep lightning,

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