I'm new to witchcraft and would like to meet some other people that are a part of it.

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I'm new to witchcraft and would like to meet some other people that are a part of it.

Post by acro » Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:24 pm

Hey everyone,

I go by acro and am starting to get into witchcraft. I am baptised Roman Catholic but I don't agree with only one god. I'm twenty and my parents don't know that I would like to convert. I am very eclectic and would like to meet others who like what I like. If anyone would like to know more about me just give me a message and I'll get back to you.

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Post by tourbi » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:37 am

Merry Meet, Image
I've been Pagan for quite some time now.  
Welcome to the forums.  Hope you enjoy them.

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Post by soul_flower » Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:57 am

Hello and welcome to MB.

Tamara :o)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:35 am

Just wanted to extend a welcome to you!! I know that I have found a wondrous place here at MB, and I hope that you find the same!!


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Post by karlenespellman » Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:04 am

Hi acro,

Welcome, This is the place for you.

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Post by Samson » Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:17 am

Hello & Welcome Acro.

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Post by Night Owl » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:27 am


Welcome to Mystic Board!  I hope you enjoy visiting the forums & making new friends.  I wish you many blessings and I hope that find what you are seeking for.  Good Luck & Take Care.

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Post by acro » Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:14 am

Thank you one and all for the hearty welcome to mystic board. I do believe I have found the perfect place to begin my new life. I bought a book today called scrying for beginners by donald tyson. I am going to start practicing opening up my subconcious so that I may hopefully scry. Well on to one of the biggest adventures anyone can take.

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Post by Night Owl » Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:42 am

Dear Acro

I'm am delighted to hear you are taking on such a difficult thing.  It is good that you bought a book in order to learn more about it.  Here is some information I came across in the past that might be of some help to you, just be cautious not to try it while you are experiencing heath problems.

The following is a short list of what I have read:

* You must use an absolutely clear crystal
* You should use a crystal with inclusions (defects)
* lead crystal will not work
* lead crystal is the only reliable medium
* The crystal sphere should be 2" in diameter
* the crystal sphere should be at least 3" to 4" in diameter
* stare at the crystal without blinking
* do not focus on the crystal, but look "past" the crystal. Blinking is all right

The following is a list of mediums that have been used.  There are more possible variation than I have listed here:

* Crystal sphere
* Crystal skull (carved)
* Mirror (could be a black mirror or a silver mirror)
* Glass of water
* Bowl of water colored with ink
* Candle flame
* Coals of a fire
* fire smoke
* Pool of water
* Fog or mist over water

The actual procedure for scrying is simple and straightforward:

* Get the room ready - dim lighting, incense, music, etc. that you want
* Place the scrying medium on a table at a convenient level
* A dim light (candle or?) should be behind the viewer.  To start out this should be the only light in the room.
* Perform the progressive muscle relaxation exercise
* Look at the mirror (or crystal) in a relaxed manner, focusing about 5"  past the surface of the mirror (this may or may not work for you so try other methods)
* You will blink but do not be too concerned about it
* Keep your mind blank except if you have a specific question to ask
* Do not scry for over 20 minutes at first


by G.W. Fisler

This technique should be practiced in a dimly lighted room, if possible.  ABSOLUTE quiet and privacy are also necessary.  This exercise should be practiced daily for at least ten minutes.  Work up to 30 minutes as it becomes comfortable to do so.  Meditation music may be played to cover up any background sounds.

These exercises may be performed while laying down or sitting in a comfortable chair.  One of the well padded reclining loungers would be ideal.  A chair that enveloped you will make you feel safer.  It is hard to relax when you are trying to stay upright in a normal chair.  I prefer to work from the feet up when lying prone, but switch to working from the head down when I am using a chair.  Actually, you may use either method.  The choice is up to you.

Those of you that are familiar with Yoga know the effect that breath has on the body.  The breath that we will use here is called  2/4 breathing.  It goes like this:

* inhale to a count of four
* hold breath to a count of two
* exhale to a count of four
* hold breath out to a count of two

All counting is done mentally at first.  After a while the timing will become automatic.  Do this for 2 to 3 minutes before starting the progressive muscle relaxation (P.M.R.) exercise.  Try to continue with this breathing as much as possible during the P.M.R., but do not be too concerned if you do not get it right at first.  You do not have to get it perfect to get results.

Close your eyes and clear your mind.  Try not to let any stray thoughts enter your mind.  I sometimes visualize a small sphere in the center of my mind.  I let this sphere expand and push all of the extraneous thoughts out of my mind.  Concentrating on your breathing will keep the mind free from thought from that point on.  Try to tense the muscle on an in breath and relax on an out breath.

* Curl the right foot and tense all the muscles in the foot. Relax and repeat once.  Do the left foot.
* Tense the right calf muscles.  Relax and repeat once.  Same on the left side.
* Tense the right thigh muscles.  Relax and repeat once.  Do the left side.
* Tense the muscles in the buttocks and anus.  Relax and repeat once.
* Tense the muscles in the back.   Relax and repeat once.
* Curl right hand into a fist.  Relax and repeat once.  Same on the left side.
* Tense all the muscles in the right forearm.    Relax and repeat once.  Same on the left side.
* Tense all the muscles in the right upper arm.  Relax and repeat once.  Same on the left side.
* Tense all the muscles in the chest.  Relax and repeat once.
* Tense the shoulder muscles.  Relax and repeat once.
* Tense the neck muscles.  Relax and repeat once.
* Tense the head muscles.  Relax and repeat once.
* Tense all the muscles in the body.  Relax and repeat once.

Your eyes should have been closed during this exercise.  You should have lost or reduced all sensations in the body.  This is an important step in any metaphysical pursuit.  Practice until you get it as perfect as possible.

The images may appear in different manners.  They may just appear or they may be preceded by a "cloud of mist" forming first.  The mist could dissipate or morph into the images.   The images could be symbols of the subconscious or may be actual pictures of events, past, present or future.  As an example of each person being different,  the first visual impression that I receive looks like flying insects rotating on the reflective surface of the mirror.

This is the basics.  Your success at scrying may take days, weeks or months to accomplish.  You may be successful the first time that you try.  Practice will make perfect, so keep on trying if you do not succeed at first.  If your feel that you are at a dead end, try something different.   It may help.  Keep practicing.   Remember that nothing worthwhile in life is easy.  Happy visions & Good Luck!

Best Regards,
Night Owl

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Post by dhav » Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:18 pm

hI Acro,


Most welcomed at Mystic.

dhav :smt006

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Post by MacLir » Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:52 pm

Hello, glad to meet you!
I experienced--maybe--the same condition with you now when I tried to learn Wicca long, long time ago. Based on my experience, I would suggest you to learn divination in the systm that you like, whether it is Rune, Tarot, Crystal Ball or anything else; because it will give you deep comprehension in Witchcraft, but I would suggest to choose the simple and easily available for you. I myself studied Rune in my early years of learning because I could made the Runes myself & at low cost. When trying to find any teachings about Witchcraft, I would suggest to avoid anything that using bombastic words like it would give you something instantly, or promising to give love, money, and so on easily. Of course it also attracted me a lot--and to tell the truth that also what had made to studied Magick, Occult, Witchcraft, anything of it's kind--because my bodily power was already helpless to help me from my trouble. Then I finally realized that to get the spiritual power to help me, I must get more in touch to the spiritual--and avoiding the material world--in order to advance rapidly. So, there's nothing wrong either to indulging in material desire in the spiritual learning, but our progress would be slower.

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Post by Medical Astrology » Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:12 am

Hello, I'm from India.

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