what was the psychic thinking?

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what was the psychic thinking?

Post by charming » Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:08 pm

Please help me!  The reason i've joined this forum is for some educated input on what i've been told.  I'm born 29 November 1977 in Newcastle, Natal (South Africa) at 8h30am.  He was born Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 May 1975 at approx 6pm.

We met when i was aged 14 and I married him aged 19 after falling pregnant.  it was a DISASTER from start to finish, and after a bitter divorce he left the country and his daughter behind.  Though he never stopped harassing me, he wanted little to do with his daughter.  Now the contact i get from him is only to boast and brag.  For some obscure reason, I was told by a psychic that we were meant for each other, would be married within 9 months and my daughter and I would move to UK where he lives to be with him, and I was also told it would be pure bliss.

We were talking along these lines because of the reading I had in a month, but in that month he has threatened to cancel the trip twice because I wouldn't talk about my past while we were divorced, and he was throwing up issues that are over 10 years ago.  I told him to move forward, we need to forget the past.

In truth, I don't love him like a husband should be loved, due to the abuse I suffered at his hands many years. When i first married him, I was too young to understand love properly but gave what I could yet it was never enough. no romantic relationship i've tried since then has lasted, and I guess i figured the only marriage I could have was the one I first had.  But the mind games, tormenting and self serving attitude is still in him and I called it quits after he started becoming vulgar.

Can anybody explain to me why this man was brought to my life, and what the future holds.  Why if he says I am the love of his life (and the reason why i thought i'd try again with him) is he so mean and nasty?  Is this just his character?  Why is he so horrible to me and neglectful of his daughter?  He now has a son not even a year old with a woman who also left him, for reasons he will not get into.  It seems to me he is trouble wherever he goes.  Is this true?  What should I do with this man and this situation?  

Is there any hope for true love for me?  I may sound like a bit of a freak, wondering about all these exes but to me, without a love to live for, all of living is pointless and without meaning.  it is essential to me to have a beloved, a true love.  Maybe I am just silly, but if i could change this about me - i would have.  Love has brought me many tears in life, I'm almost a non believer now

I met and fell in love with a man 2 years ago who I believe was the love of my life, but things happened and well it's now over.  but does it still has posibilities as he's in contact with me again and saying things that are getting my hope up.  he's born on 18.04.1975 in Harare, Zimbabwe (when it was still Salisbury, Rhodesia) (time unknown).  He has never said an unkind word to me, so whatver past has happened can be forgiven.

I'm not asking for compatibility reports - those I have done, and I cannot understand why they speak so favorably of my ex husband and I pairing off when it was a complete DISASTER (as well as that psychic ...).  I have tried to love the unlovable, believing it would warm him up to the higher ways of love but each time i do this I am broken down with horrible words to the point where my willingness to love has been reversed into pure hatred.  Why did our paths cross?  and what does this Taurus / Gemini cusp really want out of life, and from me?  And will he ever be a father to his daughter like she deserves, without rubbing the wonderful relationship he feels he has with his son in our face at every turn?  (who can be so cruel?)

I want to know what the future holds - are there posibilities with the Aries man?  And if not, is there any love to be found in my future, or am I just here for my spiritual growth and working responsibilities and successes?  This seems to be what every report or forecast i've got my hands on speaks about - spiritual path and money.  Those are important to me, but they mean nothing to me while my heart aches alone in this dark corner of my chest ....

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Nice to meet you!

Post by kybunker » Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:50 pm

Hello Charming!!!
I sent you a letter in your inbox, It's not a reading just a little hug,
To the mystic community I know we will all send charming a good old fashioned hug and many peace filled blessings,
your post was wrote with so much heart and energy,
Hope you get your reading soon!

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Post by Refugee » Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:44 pm

"I'm born 29 November..."

No offence, but I think I've found your problem. You're the problem, not him or them. I know another Sag born the 25th of november and I've really grown to hate him. So tell me charming, do you show any signs of autism and dumb, reckless, non-compromising behaviour too? You must be, otherwise there wouldn't have been any battles at all. Oh, and the guy I know is also a magnet for bad reactions of other people, especially in relationships. At first I felt sorry for him, because I couldn't see the reasons behind it, but the more I got to know him, the more I realised it was basically his own fault. He's a good for nothing type of....

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Post by kybunker » Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:43 pm

Again Charming, I hope you get your reading,

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:13 am

People only 'do' to us, what we allow them to.  And he will do what he wants to, or gets away with.  Where is your power position?  What is it?   Take control of your life, and life it...don't allow it to live  you.  Demand the respect your deserve.  If it doesn't come from him so be it.  Move forward and on to bigger and better things, all the while believing  that you deserve it.  You are worthy.  You are loveable, so is your daughter, and that you are amazing.  Why listen to anyone say anything different?  Be the love, and move on.

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