Hi from StormGirl Blue

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StormGirl Blue
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Hi from StormGirl Blue

Post by StormGirl Blue » Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:58 am

Hi there,
Im Tammy or better known on the internet as StormGirl Blue.

I am a freelance profile/ identity branding- designer with Online light workers as my preferred niche.
I also work as a psychic guidance reader. I am proficient with angel healing cards, Goddess cards, universal wisdom cards and also love to throw the bones, but I only use tools as a focus point, I feel intuition and empathy are our most important tool.
I do read a little tarot, but I must confess that the tarot cards and I dont get along so well.

I have joined the site because I have just downloaded the tarot card creation software. I havn't had a play with it, but will be back to let you know my experience.

I am interested in the software because I am in the early states of the creation of my own cards.  I am putting together a deck of inspiration or reflection cards. At the moment I am in two minds if I should include a booklet of my interpretations of the images or if I should stay firm to my belief that the interpretations should be left entirely up to the reader. I would like readers to be able to use my cards for psychic intuition training or clairvoyance reflection..

Anyways.. this is me and why Im here.

Hi :)
:smt002  :smt002

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:25 pm

Welcome to MysticBoard community, Image we hope you will have a nice stay and make a lots of friends   Image

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Post by Dragonflies89 » Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:09 am


Welcome to the site... I'm new-ish as well :smt006  Your use of both goddess cards and angel cards is really interesting to me.  I mainly work with Tarot.... Rider-Waite, but have really enjoyed my Angel cards and have always been fascinated with everything goddess.  Maybe one day I'll give the Goddess deck a try! :)  Hope you enjoy your time at the site!

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Post by astrodinesh » Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:02 am

Hi, I just read your post . . . .

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:31 am

Ty for the welcome..

You are right Dragonflies, I was hesitant to introduce the Goddess into my readings fearing my existing clients will think I have "turned".  I dont follow and 1 religious  teaching, I rarely even refer to the angels by name in a reading. I use the cards to confirm the messages that come though and just let myself be guided what way I go.

After I open channels I usually start with a random card from a random deck to confirm I am connected with the client and not me. Then typically I begin with an angel deck 3, 5, 10 cards, I just let the story tell itself.
After this that Ill explain to clients that I like to draw from a Goddess deck not instead of angels but as a compliment. The message is what is important not the picture on the cards Im drawing from.
I know some people will have come specifically for an angel reading and would be uncomfortable with the Goddess cards, Ill gage this and ask if  this is something they are comfortable with.
On rare occasions Ill finish of with a 3 card tarot draw, but dont base a normal reading from them.

My Tarot cards are a generic no name deck I picked up cheap forever ago..lol, they are responsible for my angel cards. My passion was to learn the tarot as a teen, I learned, I can do a spread or two and read them, but I dont feel them talking through me. its more like reading words from a page in someone else's book. On one hand I learned but was still disappointed... soo I blamed the cards and set out to by some  Rider-Waite at a psychic fair here..
OMG what a drama.. to cut a long story short, I kept picking up this deck of cards I diddnt want and never heard of before then.. after about the 5th time, and looking like an idiot I paid for them and left..lol

Every time I go out to buy a good deck of tarot I come home with something else.
You must try a deck of Goddess cards, they are so empowering when reading for women.

Strangely even my Goddess cards are not the ones I set out to buy. I was after Doreen Virtues, ( love, love love her ) wanting to keep my sets the same.
Mine are "Goddess Oracle: A Way To Wholeness Through The Goddess And Ritual" by Marashinsky and Janto.
I dont go into the rituals with most of my clients, its not really what they are looking for when they come to me, but they seem to enjoy the powerful fem message they help find. I love delivering it.

I have bones also..lol. they deliver a very practical rune kind of message usually, they work really well when reading for men, as an alternative to the Goddess draw... Im still training on them

:) Great meeting you.

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Post by Dragonflies89 » Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:43 pm

Great meeting you as well!

I will definitely look into the goddess cards.  I am an artist at heart and am looking to find a deck that would appeal both to my intuition and eyes!  I really like the idea of the strong feminine imagery on some of the Goddess decks I had looked at in the past.  I have been thinking about getting a deck for the past few years... never really happened for one reason or another.  I hadn't ever spoken directly with anyone that had used them before, but now that I have, I think I will give them a shot!

Thanks for the reply to my post.....Hope you have a great weekend!

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