Newbie in town

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Newbie in town

Post by gorben » Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:41 am

Hello All
   This is my first time ever on any forum. I've been interested in the metaphysical for about 30 years now. I think I've read several gazillion books on many areas of the supernatural so at least when I read many of the posts here I should have a fairly good idea of the contents meaning. I live in a small town so finding like minded individuals is extremely difficult.
                                Thanks to all,gorben :smt006

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Post by Evard » Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:42 pm

Hello . Gorben . Metaphysics is on the information site at WikiPedia [if comment allowed by admin]
with a sense of personal example to begin what will be known as : The continuense uh religion and
science with the Meta being a philosophical understanding about natural thought and implied newer
intellect with accord to be the older definition of the word {not American} ., "ontos" referring to @.
the Study of Ontology . . known to some as the study [ or science ] of Being similar to the Sophist
thoughts on what is real and what is a real object or what is good and "atmos" about the learning*
when the mind sees or perceives object and reality with accord to determine the physical world as
real and not a figment of the mind . Geometry and some mason~ing are referral to original Soph!
a{o}cles! in reference to the Philosophy on Reality and seeming undescribable examples of the *
Mythic which are treated in tolerance of the role to be founded in Truth , not debating good nor @
evil though founding a *principle* of what is real and thereby beginning designated education . . .
Metaphysics sub category The Nature or Study of Being is based ([ in my opinion ]) on the Mythic
to show God forms known to be fragments like the word sections of "Faith" are perceived as real.
[[ :-D @!! :-D Welcome to . I for one am not normally eccentric so Welcome!! :) ]]     Enjoy your stay here

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Post by crazy4years » Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:13 pm

Blessings Gorben!

I haven't been on this forum in some time and am just returning, but am also from a small town in the Midwest currently. I don't find it difficult to find like minded folk, but then I guess you could say that the symbolism and my speaking let's them know my stand and we welcome each other easily. I display items in my windows, on my car, on my clothing and such, that announces to the pagan that I am, which the rest seem to just dismiss. I also have the aura of gentleness and respect that draws similar I guess. You might perhaps try wearing a somewhat pagan tshirt in a crowded event and see what happens. It often provokes conversation with those interested if you are open to it. A triad in your garden or window is also a conversation starter when recognized. I went to grad school in Urbana and found a nice group of folk there with shared beliefs, open for discussion and tossing around questions. I recommend highly that you move from the books to people if you are ready to make the stretch to crystallizing how you stand on your feelings about all you have read and considered. It helps so much when you face challenges to have others to talk to. Pleased to meet you here. Enjoy!

Posts: 924
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Post by Evard » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:56 am

She said , come in stranger . . it's good to have you home
I hurried through but I knew it was you when I .. saw your
dog waggin` it's tail .,. Hunny why didn't you let me know!
by mail! you been gone too long . . . The Captain Johnny.,  Cash . . . Musician Extraordinaire .

Only wondering . . . [honesty intended] @ you would happen to be a good 0r evil pagan ./. :)

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