Curious newbie with a lot of questions :)

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Curious newbie with a lot of questions :)

Post by ahau » Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:26 pm


I'm glad I found a forum like this.

I've always been interested in and open to alternative lifestyles and spirituality. I've been to a healer once, my mom works with reflexology, I've meditated on my own initiative - in my own way, I've read a few books and a lot online about different alternative subjects (ayurveda, lucid dreaming, mayan astrology, healing and so on), but mainly touched the surface - not gone in any deeper.

I'm interested in hearing about other peoples interests and lifestyles. At the moment I'm trying to learn myself what I can about the chakra system.

In general I'm wondering about how the chakra system works for different people, what tools (gem stones, drums or maybe something completely different) you use and why, how people practice it in their daily life, and such.. Also what kind of healing people perform, Reiki etc. If you have any tips for a curious newbie, they'll be greatly appreciated.

I've read many places that the root chakra has to be in balance before any of the other chakras can be. Does this mean that there's no point in working on the other chakras before the root chakra is in perfect balance?

When you heal and work on your chakras, can you do two or more simultaneously - or do you have to work on one at a time?
What alternative way of life do you live?

Do a lot of you do yoga? What way do you think is the best way to get into it, with a group or by videos or?

Also, I have a little problem I would love to get som help with (Keywords: Body temperature, excessive sweat)

It seems like my body temperature isn't able to regulate itself. For example if I drink a hot cup of tea, I usually have to go out afterwards to cool down. And if I walk fast to catch the bus, I'll start sweating really bad when I sit down on the bus. When I have sex with my significant other, we can't go on for hours - because the pool of sweat (caused by my body) between us gets so uncomfortable and makes me feel really unattractive. In work situations I can end up fighting my tears because I'm so embarassed for suddenly being so sweaty. I know, it sounds pathetic, it's not a lifethreatening condition or anything, please don't get me wrong. I'm now in the mid twenties, this has been going on since I was approximately 16. The weird thing is when I was pregnant almost half a year ago, I didn't sweat like this at all except for maybe the last month of the pregnancy. After my darling baby was out I started sweating again, but I also started the pill again, so it may have something to do with that. I don't know. After any of these situations it takes about 10 minutes of staying still, before I cool down.

ANYWAY.. If anyone know which chakras may have an influence on this kind of problem, or any ideas about what could cause it, and what might solve it,  I would be grateful for answers.

Hope to be talking to someone on here and enjoying the forum :)

Have a good day,

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Post by korrin » Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:30 am

Hi, I'm new here and I'm just looking around at the other people who have posted introductions.  I see that you haven't gotten any responses and you've only posted once, so I hope you've found the answer you're looking for.  I think some people may feel a little worried about discussing something that might be medical--not that wanting to know what chakras influence the the feeling of body temperature is necessarily medical.  :)

I don't know much about chakras, but your question reminded me of something someone once told me.  I met this woman who had some serious back injuries and she was really into alternative medicine to use along side conventional aids.  She told me about this sort of meditative technique where she would completely relax her body, then focus on her toes first--imagine them warming up, and she'd do that all the way up her body.  She said she could feel heat generating within her--so I tried this and I kind of felt it.  

The real purpose, though (which kind of freaked me out) was that if you had an injury or some ailment, you'd connect to it and recognize it!  

If I were you, I'd certainly look into some kind of medical tests, though.

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Post by fisk_82 » Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:28 pm

Hi there ahau.. your message quite long ;D. Welcome to this forum. Although I'm not a novice on chakra thing but actually you can detect which of your chakra's that is not on balance. But I'm really sorry that I can't show you how. Actually, you can post your question in meditation forum. Enjoy your stay here :).

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Chakras in the Chakra forum

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:05 am

Welcome Ahau,

This forum is only meant for you to introduce yourself to us.

The best forum for discussing Chakras is the Chakra forum.
Know your Chakras and learn more about Chakra Healing
Chakra forum

"Introduction to the chakras" ... php?t=9040

The rule about NOT offering medical advice and diagnosing medical conditions, applies on all the Mystic Board forums.


EoT  :smt023

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