At your service

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At your service

Post by cybee » Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:41 pm

To all members old and new.

Here at we are endeavouring to establish a reliable and professional Forum base for people who are interested in all areas of Mystic, Occult and Spiritual areas of life. It is designed, to help us in our journey through life, allowing the use of tools and software to aid and assist us in that quest. Our membership consists of people from all over the world and in all areas of life. Young and old, experienced and novices. They are all volunteers and give their time, knowledge and experiences for anyone wishing to learn and understand these arts. Please don't abuse your privilege.

I therefore request that members old and new use the Forums correctly and abide by the relevant Forum rules and guidelines.

If you want to learn Tarot, then post in the Tarot Forum under "Mystic Academy" - Learn Tarot. Read the rules and guidelines of the Forum and you will be welcomed on board.

If you want a reading from our readers, then please post your request. A reader or myself will let you know who and when the reading will be done. If three is NO response from you regarding the reading then, no more will be done.

You are just as much a member as the rest of us and are expected to contribute one way or the other for the privilege of being a member. If all you want is a quick fix when it suits you by jumping on and off the Board when you feel the need for a quick reading, then it will just waste all our time and efforts in dealing with the membership who truly rely on our professional services.

As long as you abide to all Forum rules and guidelines then we can serve the world community in a more effective, efficient and professional manner.


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Post by Samson » Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:15 pm

It's a really good point that you made about people jumping on and off the forum whenever they feel like it, I see this happening all the time, it doesn't really matter what you say though, the members here New or Old but mainly Old wont really take much notice what is written because if one only wants to have a reading that's all they will come for and nothing else.

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