Afarid of the Tarot

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should readers receive their first tarot cards as a gift?

not sure
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Post by lapiscrystals » Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:21 pm

Ms_Guided Angel wrote:Welcome lapiscrystals!   :smt006

I had a bad experience once after a reading, actually the person I read had the bad experience and it frightened me so bad, I never read again. I was only just learning so I was unsure if I was jinxed by using Tarot or something else was happening.  

As it turned out it was not my reading that I should have blamed, but a bad person(different person but involved in the event). Valuable lesson learned that perhaps I should have been intuitive enough to take something from the reading for myself.  

Is that possible, to gain insight personally when doing another's reading?

Cheers :)
I think your name - Guided Angel - is another clue to the answer. I agree with Rhutobello and would like to add that; looking at ourselves through the eyes of others (readings) can either be a welcome and enlightening experience or soul destroying (as you already discovered).

I have also been there myself - only, what scared me was the fact that the readings were correct.  A friend who i thought was loving and kind asked me to read for them. when I opended their reading, there was so much bad karma there that I had to tell them that it was not possible for me to read for them at that time. i was shocked by what the cards were showing me. Later I found out that everything the cards were showing me was true. This was one of the occasions where i disposed of the cards discretely!

i was much younger then and did not uderestand the concept of choice and free will. I thought readings were cast in stone.

Personal insight gained... I did not realise that my role was to show the person where the cards said they were heading and assist them in making the correct choices for them. The beauty of decisions, i later learned, is that we can always make another. We always have choice.

The Key: Be guided my the Most High, the Messenger Angels that guide and protect. If the intent is to be of good service and we know we have done a good thing, remain confident -

When we are on the right path, everything furthers! :smt002

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Post by lapiscrystals » Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:39 pm

Gaeliccrossed1 wrote:I agree with Rhutobello. You have a gift to begin with, the cards are secondary or a tool to use the gift that you already have. Dont let the negativity of others cloud what you know inside you is right, or comfortable to you. People can only make you feel negative about your gift if YOU let them.
You have come to the right place................welcome lapiscrystals. Non  of us will stand in the way of your gift nor ridicule you, in fact we applaud them and encourage them in a positive manner.....We all have something in common the need to interact with like minded souls .
:smt002 Ah...such a beautiful message. I think I have come to the right place. Your words are a blessing to us all :) Thank you

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Ms_Guided Angel
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Post by Ms_Guided Angel » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:29 pm

lapiscrystals wrote:
Ms_Guided Angel wrote:
I think your name - Guided Angel - is another clue to the answer. I agree with Rhutobello and would like to add that; looking at ourselves through the eyes of others (readings) can either be a welcome and enlightening experience or soul destroying (as you already discovered).

I have also been there myself - only, what scared me was the fact that the readings were correct.  A friend who i thought was loving and kind asked me to read for them. when I opended their reading, there was so much bad karma there that I had to tell them that it was not possible for me to read for them at that time. i was shocked by what the cards were showing me. Later I found out that everything the cards were showing me was true. This was one of the occasions where i disposed of the cards discretely!

i was much younger then and did not uderestand the concept of choice and free will. I thought readings were cast in stone.

Personal insight gained... I did not realise that my role was to show the person where the cards said they were heading and assist them in making the correct choices for them. The beauty of decisions, i later learned, is that we can always make another. We always have choice.

The Key: Be guided my the Most High, the Messenger Angels that guide and protect. If the intent is to be of good service and we know we have done a good thing, remain confident -

When we are on the right path, everything furthers! :smt002
Lapis...thanks for your lovely message, insight and sharing your experience.  I hope you truly feel at home here in this board, sharing similar experiences and feelings with friends of parallel mindset; I know I do!!

I look forward to more stimulating correspondence!!  :smt003


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Post by ollieowl » Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:53 pm

welcome "lapiscrystals"]

A few people know that i give readings but many of my closest friends do not. I hope that joining this community will allow me to share myself more openly with others and not feel ashamed of what i do.[/quote]

welcome to the board I to are new here but have found all here friendly
and wise i do have to I agree with Rhutobello.
For your questions.
I think it's nice when you recieve Tarot as a gift, but you do the same job with a deck that is bought.
In my opinion, it is not the deck that is the important thing, but the reader.
In order to give good readings, you must have a great understanding of people and a very good intiuation.
The cards can be read in several ways and since you felt guilty you might have beleievd you did "dark magic"

Sorry to say, but it can be used for "dark magic".

B U T that is the choise of the reader, it's he/she that use the cards the way they self see fit.
If you start out looking for the "negative" you find it...if you start looking for the find it.

So if Tarot is used the right way it can be a tool to enlighten peoples mind and give them new goals.

So if you use it for the light....don't be afraid of it....if you use it for the dark....burn them
and you should never be ashamed unless you diliberately hurt some
but I do not think you have try do that

so again I say WELCOME  :smt006

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Post by priestess12 » Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:13 am

I understand your concerns about what the bible says. I too had that concern for a LOOONG time. But I was diagnosed with cancer last year and I spent a good deal of time trying to "get right" with God and praying about my tarot reading.. which I do for a living. I received my answer in the form of peace that passes all understanding and I knew that God was cool with me reading tarot cards. Since then I have done a LOT of reading about the nature of God. The bible says that God IS love. (1John 4:6-8 1John 4:15-17) and goes on to define love in 1corinthians 13:4-7

4 Love is patient and is kind; love doesn't envy. Love doesn't brag, is not proud,

5 doesn't behave itself inappropriately, doesn't seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil;

6 doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;

7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

So even the bible supports the notion that God is not going to throw you in Hell or be angry with you for using a gift. It does not matter if the cards are given to you or bought. They do the same job. As someone else stated it is the reader that makes the difference, not the cards or where they came from.

I wish you luck

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Post by rainy » Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:57 pm

Welcome Lapiscrystals
I 2 am new 2the board n have bin overwhelmed by the kindness of all.
It already feels like home.
My spiritual journey began wen my baby son died at 4 months of age, 16 years ago. I started going 2 a spiritualist church because I needed 2 no he was ok. it took many months b4 Matty came to me thru a medium there and in the mean time proof that we continue 2exsist wen our physical body dies came 2me thru others recieving readings from different mediums every week. I read every book I could lay my hands on, joined the development circle as I was told I had natural ability even tho I didnt no it myself, discovered healing n was amazed by the experience but was even more amazed that i could give healing 2 (theres a funny story about how i thought I'd killed my dog after giving him healin bcoz he seemed unconsious 4 hours after!) N then i discovered card reading (thru a book i think) but i started with normal playin cards. Soon friends and neighbours learnt of this n were askin 4 readings all the time. I didnt no if there was nethin in wot i woz doin, how can u prove it, i thought but after spendin an afternoon reading for 3 neighbours I managed to convince them 2come 2church with me. 2my amazement n shock each one of them got a reading with the medium who told them all exactly wot i'd said 2them earlier in the day word 4 word. One of my friends was in tears bcoz of it. They never went again but I got the proof I needed that even tho I didnt understand how or y the reading works, it works! I then decided 2 progress to tarot cards n have been learning 4 12 yrs now. I still dont understand how or y it works n I only usually read for myself as i still need a book to remember the meanings of all the cards n it was from looking 4 free tarot readings on the net that I discovered this place by downloading the software. 2 find so many like minded people is like all my christmas' come at once. It fills me with excitement n makes me feel a lot less wierd as I havnt come across ne1 like me 4 along time.

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Post by searlait » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:43 pm

Hello everyone!  I'm pretty new to the board here as well.  I've been reading tarot only a short while and only for myself and close family members.  I live in an area that is VERY hostile toward card reading among other things....I don't believe it would make any difference whether the cards were a gift or you bought them.  If you can make that connection with them, I don't believe it would make any difference.  I have done a couple readings with a regular set of playing cards as well (my daughter bought them for me, it is a pretty angel deck) and have had the same results as I have gotten from my tarot deck.  

Just wanted to put my two cents in and say hello to everyone here!  I had a question in the sun sign section if anyone could answer that, I would be appreciative, no one has replied as yet...Thanks to all!


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Post by rainy » Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:58 pm

4give me n its not that i dont want 2 search thru every page but i did want 2 reply 2u but cud c no sign of where u r
rainy x

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Post by rainy » Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:26 pm

4give me but as far as i'm aware we dont have such problems in England. It may b thought that we have mental health issues bcoz unless u can prove sumthin scientifically it dosnt exsist. if u can hear voices u need medication, if u can c things others cant, u need locking up and if u can con vunerable people in2 believing u can talk 2 the dead then ur minted. i struggled to accept that i heard voices n that is bcoz the only voice i heard was my own. I'v learned since 2 sence n now i believe i no the difference but try telling that 2 a mental health professional- u cud easily find urself locked up!

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away message

Post by lapiscrystals » Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:45 am

Hello everyone  -

firstly, i would like to thank every one and especially those who have responded to my introductory post.

i also extend apologies for not responding to some of you individualy and thank you again for sharing your experiences with me...I will be away from the board for a while and would like to leave you with a few words.

sometimes lifes beauty is in its unpredictability - whatever this means to you - and at other times it brings seemingly sheer devistation.

They say 'every cloud has a silver lining' - but - this may be hard to find if we seek something we consider more precious.

sometimes we seek answers (i.e. what is the future...) when how to develop what is neccesary to achieve our aims or to overcome adversity may be a more appropriate response.

The tools of divination bring both comfort and discord and in their usage i have experienced thus but this I will say:

The tools of divination or the god force within always guide us to identify the various life skills, tools, mechanisms, individuals, groups, situations etc, in the material world, that will assist us if we ask for help or guidance. And this is exactly as it should be.

you are correct...we should not be afarid of ourselves. learning to trust is a major life challenge and when i return, as well as engaging with other posts, i will open a new post on this topic.

many thanks to you all...lapiscrystals

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Re: away message

Post by Nicole » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:11 am

lapiscrystals wrote:when i return, as well as engaging with other posts, i will open a new post on this topic.

many thanks to you all...lapiscrystals
I don't know you... Hope you retuen safe and sound~!!
I enjoyed this post alsot... Your very nice..  :)
Take care and be safe...

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Post by BLACKCAT » Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:09 pm

welcome to the board.

i just posted something in the occult forum about this. i too have many of the fears u talked about. also this morning i was reading on signs and omens. it said you can get a lot of answers in things u read. how strange is it that I'm reading your post on the same subject. very cool.this is what i have kinda come to believe, i know i have a lot of ability in witchcraft and feeling ppl's moods and knowing things about them. but i feel like it's wrong to do spells and magic thou I'm very attracted to it. i believe in God and it is said you will worship no other God but me. so calling on other gods and deity's would be a sin. i get very confused. i think maybe this a life lesson i am hear to learn. to have the ability to do magic, but to get by without using it. it's a hard road to go down.
i don't know if this makes much sense to u. but for some reason i feel a strange connection to u.

don't worry I'm not a weirdo, starker, person. thou my friends may disagree about the weirdo part.


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