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Post by NoobixCube » Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:20 am

I'm NoobixCube, and I'd just like to introduce myself before I go and start posting in every thread I see.  I'm by no means an expert in anything like tarot or astrology.  To most of my family, with the exception of my mum, and my aunt (dad's side), it's "hippy crap", so I've never actually gotten into it that much until just recently.  A couple of months ago I wanted to buy some tarot cards, but I haven't been able to find any, so this morning I went searching for a program I can use as a substitute until I get my own cards, and I found the MB Tarot Reading Software, and consequently this forum.  So, while I'm here I hope to learn a lot more about tarot, astrology, and psychic talents in general :)

Oh, almost forgot, the introduction is meant to be something of a short description of who I am as well :-P

18 year old male university student in Australia.  Studying to become a Japanese and English teacher.  That is, the Japanese language, if I'm teaching in Australia, and English Litterature.  Or if I'm teaching in Japan, just English as a language.  That's the plan when I'm finished anyway.  I'm in my first year of three.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:59 am

Welcome NoobixCube, you look like a great teenager:):) glad to have you here!

You said you will learn Tarot, sign up for Samantha's class on the subject.  You will learn a lot from that. I will also point you in direction of another free Tarot program, which you will find here:

Look forward to see you in class ( I will only be one of your class mates:))

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Post by Vishwas » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:39 am

Welcome to NoobixCube. Hope to help u in any way possible. We have got some of the best astrologers, tarot readers, psychics, etc, etc. here. But over all, we have some of the best ppl in the world in this site. & as Rhutobello said, the tarot classes by smamntha are very good. Don't hesitate to ask help from anyother member or admin or mod.

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Post by Vishwas » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:47 am

& hey I forgot, I like ur avatar, it looks good & it is good to have another Aquarian here.

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Post by NoobixCube » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:51 am

I appreciate the offer of joining the Tarot class, but the way I best learn is from books :).  I'll come to people here for more advanced help, and chances are at some point I'll give in and join the Tarot classes anyway :P.  Can anyone here recommend some good books to learn from for beginners?

By the way, thanks for the compliment on the avatar.  It's from VG Cats, one of my favourite web comics.  I hope this isn't counted as advertising, but you can find it at

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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:59 am

hi there,
welcome to the board..i am sure all ur answers will b answered in the tarot forum. we have a great teacher and wonderful readers. feel free to ask and learn.

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Post by nicnic » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:00 am

Hi and welcome to the forum. There is actually a tarot class going on at this moment maybe you would like to join the rest of our little class.

Just look under the Tarot section and go from there. I also live in Australia and am in Perth.

When you are ready you will find the tarot set for you. I find the best way for me to learn is to have the cards at hand. Also having a set of your own it makes it much easier to learn from as you can feel and see more.

Anyway there are a lot us here willing to help you in anyway we can. I am by far a novice at this although I have had my cards for over two years. We are all here to help each other.

Our teacher is Samantha, and she is here to help us in this forum every way she come on and join us :)  :)  :)  :)

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Post by Vishwas » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:02 am

No it isn't advertising. & U are welcome to join when ever u want. a basic tarot book I found good was "Tarot Reading Forutnes" by 'Guneetha Dhingra". But then again it is too small of a book to staisfy ur hunger I believe. Because it certainly didn't mine.

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Post by NoobixCube » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:12 am

I understand what you mean by having the cards there to touch.  I play a trading card game called Magic: The Gathering, and I know this will sound like some "Heart of the Cards" crap from YuGiOh, but I always did better when I had the tactile sensation of my own cards.  I'd often play online with a program called Apprentice, which is essentially just an interface, it doesn't enforce rules or anything, which is good because they don't need to make radical updates when a new edition is released, just update the card database.  Anyway, back to the point of my story.  I'd always put the decks I'd built in reality into the program, so I could use them online too.  Not only in their real form, but in the idealised form, the way I'd always intended the deck to be, but never had the cards to make.  Now, theoretically, the identical deck should have played the same, and the idealised deck should have been superior, but I always performed far better with my own cards.  Even playing with a generic (over the shelf, preconstructed) deck that someone else owned felt like wearing someone else's skin, even if I owned the same generic deck.  So, long story short, I understand the attachment a person can get to their own cards, and I much preffer the tactile sensation of having them there in front of me :)

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