Introducing Spiritual Intuitive Healer and Teacher to help all~

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Anna of the Light
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Introducing Spiritual Intuitive Healer and Teacher to help all~

Post by Anna of the Light » Mon May 21, 2007 12:32 pm

I first found out about my gifts when I was a little girl. I would have visions about things and receive messages for others. However, I was very young and didn't realize that I was communicating with the Angels.

As the years passed I had many experiences with psychic phenomena. By the time I was a young adult, I began doing psychic readings for friends and family. Then 12 years ago a great tragedy changed the course of my life. As my relationships and finances fell apart, I lost all sense of inner peace. I doubted what role I had to play in this world. But I clung to the knowledge that I still had my power of clarity and I prayed for true spiritual guidance.  

One day I was awakened by a strange light in my bedroom door. I saw an image of an Angel who came to me and said, "You must help others understand how to connect to God."

One week passed and I found myself drawn to people who had taken the path of true spiritual calling. One day I went for a reading and the lady told me that I needed to use my gifts of clairvoyance to help others. I told her that I loved helping people, but didn't know how to start. She showed me, and has become a close personal friend over the past decade.

Today, I am doing my life's work. I attract wonderful people into my life, loving relationships, financial success, and true inner peace. This is what I want for you. This is my role. To gently GUIDE YOU to the UNIVERSAL TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE.

I want to share something with you -- something very important:

You deserve to LIVE your DREAMS -- to truly know the wonder that is YOU.
When you BELIEVE you can make ANYTHING happen in your life, it WILL happen.  
All you need is someone to help bring out your own beautiful spirit.  
Seek and you shall find God within.  
Looking Forward to Speaking to you and Your Angels and Guides!

Blessings to you all
Anna of the Light
anna pic secret.jpg
This is my photo for all to see who I am . Blessings Anna of the Light
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Anna of the Light
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This is An Article That I wrote...Blessings to you all Anna

Post by Anna of the Light » Mon May 21, 2007 12:38 pm

(True Story with tools for you to use)

As an Energy Worker, one of the questions I hear a lot is how to get what I want? How do I activate the forces of the Universe so things that I want come to me?

The first thing is to is see things as you want them to be...NOW.

A couple of recent experiences may help you understand this. A few days ago I led a healing group at my home. A woman came to be helped. She had been feeling alone and isolated for quite some time. She lived in an apartment with a roommate, but had no important relationships in her life. She desperately wanted to find a sense of connection with other.

Several people with healing skills were present, including my friend Sheree, who does therapeutic touch, an herbalist and others who have the power to facilitate the healing process. We each put our own form of healing energy into her. At the end of the session this woman had found strength inside her that each of us helped bring out. What made the difference was all our sources of positive energy. They combined into something more powerful than any of us could have accomplished alone. Our new friend walked out with new happiness and optimism to take on the world. And each of us in the healing group experienced our own kind of joy in being part of the process.

And that experience got me thinking...wouldn't it be amazing if there was a place where different types of healers could gather under the same roof and combine our gifts? How many other people would experience the same healing power as this woman?

At that moment I had a vision of opening a studio where different healing practicioners would be available to each client. Nutritionists, counselors, massage therapists, energy workers, these and more would all be available for someone needing to connect with loving, universal energy.

And I knew - living in a world in which it takes money to manifest many of our desires - that investors would be needed for my temple of healing.

So I went to a quiet place and found my calm center. I pictured the investors coming forward. I visualized the enthusiasm they shared for my dream. I pictured the contracts being signed, the building going up, the walls being painted with life affirming colors. I pictured the cheerful sign outside the building.

I visualized the first clients having life changing experiences in the building and practice I created.

And here is the most important part... I experienced all of this in the present tense. This is not something I wished for or saw in some distant future. I put myself in a place where it is already here. In my world and loving experience, my studio already exists.

I know beyond any doubt my studio will come into being. And it is exactly because of this knowing that it will. And the same process can work for anyone who wishes it...including YOU.

What is it you want most? Take a moment to think about it. Clear your mind. Go to your calm center and let your spirit paint a picture. What you desire waits for you there.

Picture it happening...right now. Be in the moment of its creation. If your dream involves, pictures, see them. If it involves sounds, hear them. If it involves feelings, feel them.

What happens every time you do this is the Universe sends you loving guidance in the form of signals you need to create your desire on the physical plane. Things show up - money, job offers, unexpected opportunities, even thoughts and ideas you hadn't experienced before. You receive all kinds of unexpected signals that are actually signposts pointing you in the direction of what you want.

This is the point where the dreamers are separated from the do-ers. Those who create the reality follow that guidance. They don't hold onto that feeling and let it die quietly. They move past fear and take action. They trust the wisdom that put the opportunity for action there in the first place.

That is why I know I will manifest my center for healing. And for those of you who are willing to follow your see them as if they already exist and go where Spirit leads, you will do the same.


Anna of the Light

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Post by starryskies » Mon May 21, 2007 12:51 pm

Welcome to the board, Anna - hope you enjoy your time here :-)


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Post by Rhutobello » Mon May 21, 2007 2:14 pm

Welcome to MysticBoard community, we hope you will have a nice stay and make a lots of friends :)

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Post by nnt » Mon May 21, 2007 3:22 pm

Hey Anna,

Hi. Nice to meet you. I wish you success & happiness...It is always great to have someone like you n our team...hope we will be in touch regularly and please keep posting useful infromation like this....

You are right the Law of attraction does work wonder....

If we can in anyways help you achieve your dream and your motto of helping people...we would be glad do so...let us know if you need any help or  support...


Light & Love....

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Post by swetha » Tue May 22, 2007 7:08 am

hello Anna,
welcome to the board

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Post by Samson » Tue May 22, 2007 8:37 am

Hello & welcome Anna.

Anna of the Light
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Good Morning to you all

Post by Anna of the Light » Tue May 22, 2007 11:57 am

Thank you and Blessings good morning to all of you. I feel honoured that you guys are all welcoming me.

Anna of the Light

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Welcome Anna the Light

Post by trinakay » Thu May 24, 2007 4:01 pm

Anna the Light,
Welcome...I am new here to. How blessed you are to have this ability. I have been trying to calm my mind to recognize my guides and angels. I often feel alone and caught in a turmoil of stress. I have been seeing the same repeatative numbers for years and each time I see the number 1115 I try and capture my thoughts. I know that I need to slow down and gain control-can you please help me? Thank you and welcome. [/b]

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Flame haired one
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Post by Flame haired one » Fri May 25, 2007 4:24 am

Hello and welcome to the board...I am new also.  Hopefully we will get to know eachother more as time goes on.

Have a great day.

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Post by Flame haired one » Fri May 25, 2007 4:24 am

Hello and welcome to the board...I am new also.  Hopefully we will get to know eachother more as time goes on.

Have a great day.

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Post by cajajo » Fri May 25, 2007 6:39 am

Hi Anna--this is my third post, so you know I'm new, too.

I've been doing a lot of spiritual-type reading and understand what you're saying about listening and acting on what comes to you--it's how God and/or your guides and angels communicate with you.  We all need to learn to trust our inner voices.  These communications are from the Ones that want the best for us.  You're right, too, about our thoughts manifesting themselves; it does happen.  I haven't really gotten into doing this for myself yet, but I will when I can find an hour or so of quiet time daily to do it!  lol  I'm finding that, contrary to religious dogma, God is much more approachable and near than I ever dreamed.

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