Introduction to Tanya Maria

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Introduction to Tanya Maria

Post by fringegirl666 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:05 pm

My name is Tanya Anne Maria.  I have lived throughout the United States.  I am of Irish descent.  I practice in a modern western mystery tradition.  My Sun sign is Pisces, Moon is Sagittarius, and Leo is my Ascendant.  I was born in 1975.  At a very early age, I was engaged in occult and metaphysical studies.  Some of my favorite authors (despite the controversy surrounding their work) are Aleister Crowley, Carlos Castaneda, Charles Baudelaire, Marquis de Sade, and Anton LeVay.  Other less controversial authors I enjoy include Janet and Stewart Farrar, Starhawk, Raymond Buckland, John and Caitlin Matthews, to name a few.  I also like Course in Miracles, Urantia Book, the Book of the Subgenius, and Principia Discordia.  Another thing I might mention is my love for entheogenic shamanism and psychonautical research.  Since I have read so much, and because I have a decent command over the English language, I fear that I may sometimes come across as a know-it-all.  I'm really not like that.  My interest is in sharing ideas, not arguing about authority (although I do like well-made points about accuracy, etc.).  I'm not impressed by, nor do I engage in flaming arguments.  I'm actually quite skilled in argumentation and debate, I just have limited interest in cutting up subjects I love with senseless rational conflicts.  On the other hand, I'm a very tolerant, forgiving, merciful person regarding the tendencies of others in this regard.  I won't hate you if you like to argue, I just might not participate.  Academic study, and rationality spurred by spirit/will are totally fine, though.  There is nothing wrong with clarifying things that are misconstrued.  What brought me to Mystic Board was a web search for astrology software.  What I found here was so much more.  I was happy about finding these boards, and this community.  Unfortunately, I don't spend massive amounts of my time at a computer terminal.  My posting can be sporadic, and I may stay unconnected for months at a time.  I like the idea of posting to unlock software.  It motivates people like me, who tend to isolate in their studies, to get involved in the community.  I actually have donation money to unlock my software, but the idea of doing it this way instigated my posting.  It's a cool idea.  I may not be able to post enough to unlock my software, we shall see....  I love writing and reading, especially about these subjects, so who knows?  As I said, we shall see...  But at least this is an introduction to who I am, and a thank you to this forum and community for being here.  I am glad to have found this.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:24 pm

Welcome to MysticBoard community, we hope you will have a nice stay and make a lots of friends :)

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