Ahoy from Africa!

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Ahoy from Africa!

Post by RoseRed » Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:34 am

This is from another forum site, its a south african forum
Thought it would be easier... :smt003

1. Why did you choose your handle(online name)?
Its snow whites sister, I liked the imagery of it.

2. Nicknames:
Liv, Olive, Livo, Livvy....so many! (My name is Olivia)

3. Venus/Mars?

4. Any Piercings and/or tatoo's?:
Yip, piercings in ears, noraml and some bolts. Nothing too crazy.
Tattoo, only one, on my left side (representing past), but it reaches from my shoulder to my thigh. My mother calls it a landscape...shame my poor mom.
I see it has earning my 'stripes'...

5. Place of Birth:
Port Elizabeth, South Africa, GMT +2

6. Where you live now?
Cape Town, South Africa, GMT +2 (thats until recently)
I now live in Accra, Ghana - yip crazy days

7. Star sign, Chinese sign & Mayan sign (if known):
Normal: Leo
Chinese: Wooden Ox
Mayan: White Lunar World-Bridger

8. Do you see your self as a:
a) earth, b) star, c) elemental, d) animal or e) alien being?
c and sometimes d and maybe e

9. Hobbies and interests:
Wow, that's tough,
Reading, Writing, Art, Psychology, Tattoos, Studying, New Age, Alternative healing and Health, , Music, Walking, Crafts, Contemplating the Universe, Cooking, Movies, Chilling out, Rip raging parties to forget all about what i've learnt...

10. Favorite flower/plant:

11. Favourite drink:

12. Vegan or Omnivore, and what is your favorite food?
I'm a def meat eater, and I guess I'll have to say italian food (my parents are italian)

13. Favourite restaurants:
Don't really have one, if the company , vibe and food is gewd then its a place I wana go back too.

14. What do you do most often when you are bored?
But that can drive you crazy, so then read.

15. How many times did you fail your driver's test?

16. Favorite day of the week:
I'm actually not really sure...

17. Favourite Color:

18. What are you listening to right now?
the AC's whooshing sound

19. When and why did you become a Trancie ?
about 5 years ago, trance parties was a place where ppl I could relate to gathered and a place where one can truly let you hair down!!!

20. Anything else you would like to add about yourself?
Reiki ||
Reading and learning as MUCH as I can!
doing NGO work here in Ghana

A little story about myself and this year: (Beware: this is quite long)
So here is my Just my two cents

Well Finished working at the Health shop in Feb 2008, which I thoroughly enjoyed and it changed my views of what I would like to do in my future. I already practice reiki and LOVE it! But I wanted to add abit more to it and from working at the shop I got such amazing satisfaction from dealing with the customers and actually helping them, becoming friends and building some really fantastic relationships. I loved the fact that one can never really know everything, there is always something new to learn so its a very humbling experience.

So Natropath started blinking in my Mind's eye.
I looked and searched and came up with a university in Toronto that specializes in the Natural Medicine arts. Unfort they require that you have an undergrad and I didn't finish my final year of Comp Sci when I was at university. I had a nervous breakdown that was due to many factors- but basically I couldn't any more.
So that put me in a bit of a predicament. I was still scared, yes def fearful of returning to the University world.

But the Universe had other things in store for me :)

My parents had left for Accra, Ghana (NW Africa) the previous year in about late October, they had settled down, found a house (Finally after spending 4 months in a hotel!) and were happy. Well happy as you can be after saying goodbye to all your friends and family AGAIN! My father has been working the expat life for about 15years and it has taken us on some interesting journey's. I've even had the privileged of living in Lagos, Nigeria for 2 months. We had just got settled back in South Africa when my dad got an offer he could not refuse. So off to ghana they went!

Back with me I was still struggling with this idea of University etc I asked the Universe to PLEASE help me with this very difficult decision and one day I went to a local market found next to the beach with my Reiki master, we have a very good relationship. :)  And we were just ambling along and looking at all the things ppl were selling when a box of coins jumped out at me, so we started scratching around and laughing at some of the ancient coins when WHAM a coin jumped into my hand and I was like hummm lets see...turned it around and it was a very very old coin from Ghana!!!

Well the ball started to roll very quickly fro there...my parents asked if I wanted to come and live in Ghana with them and jumped at the opportunity. There is something there for me to do. Then my sister at this point had been travelling for about a year and a half (Spain, Central & South America, Australia, Mexico etc etc) and she was now off to the South East Asia part of her trip. She asked my parents if I could join up with her. (I had some inheritance money and the money I earn't while I was working) and my parents said that I could!

Now this was amazing in its self.
The reason: I was a very difficult child while I was growing up. An Indigo mixed with Leo Indigo Child was not a great recipe for my family who were are not very open minded. So I was always too distant for them and behaved like I never needed them. I could always look after myself.

Then I got to the dreadful teenager years and I actively looked for trouble. I always knew I would be okay, cause I have an insane strength of will power, but how do you describe that to your family? They just panicked and shut all the doors of my freedom which naturally I wouldn't accept and so on and so forth. There is also a 5 year gap between me and my sister, she is a happy go lucky, always looks at the positive and I was a very intense little girl. Let's just say we didn't get along. :smt019
Basically did not have a great relationship with my family. Due to my own stupidity.

Anyways, My manifestation for this year was FAMILY.
So you see by my sister even asking for me to join her and for my parents to let me go was a miracle!

So off I went on my journey...had to say goodbye to a longterm bf and many friends...but I was insanely happy. Could feel that rumble in the tummy thats lets you know there are special things at play here!
It was as if I was a given a second chance. I could finally shake off any baggage that I perceived was dragging me down.

Me and my sister travelled for 4 months through the entire of Thailand, Lao and Cambodia. We wanted to do Vietnam but unfort we ran out of time. Through this time my sister and I had forged a friendship like nothing I had ever known. :smt040  Another miracle.

I returned to Ghana, my new home.
Back to living with my parents. Shock-Horror. I have lived many years on my own as I went to boarding school for some years. But I knew that inorder for my manifestation to work, I need to work at it. So breathe in, breathe out.
Oh and when I got back i started looking at the whole studying thing again and I was at total peace about it all. I have decided to study via correspondence and have started and am LOVING it! I'm a slow worker so it really works for me and I'm doing very well. Whoop!

I still tell myself to breathe in, breathe out.
But in general WOW!!!! What a blessing :smt003
Thank you Universe
This may be a little too much information but with me at least you know I really do tell you like it is, esp with myself.
I'm the first one to point out my shortcomings so that I can hopefully learn from them quicker and hence move forward.
x :smt004  x

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:51 pm

Welcome to MysticBoard community, we hope you will have a nice stay and make a lots of friends  :)

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Post by Marion » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:57 pm

Hi :smt006


It's great to meet you. There are plenty of great forums here.  Have a look around and enjoy.

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Post by hthrshorty » Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:16 am

Welcome it's very nice to meet you.

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Location: where you can hear the african pulse...

Post by RoseRed » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:17 am

wow thank you for such a warm welcome!!
I'm very excited to go walking around all the different forums...:)
Thank you

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Post by looking_glass » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:45 pm

That was brilliant.

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Post by Crow » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:12 am


Welcome!  Was curious to know if that is your tat.  Love the picture, it caught my eye.   :smt003

Safe Journey

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:37 am

hey crow...its very similar to my tat actually...I designed my tat myself from the age of 10!
When I read a book called...ummm let me get back to you on that one....that was the image and it just pulled all my ideas together and made what my tat is today.
Hummm maybe I should post a pic of it....I have one from my travels in South East asia....a little daunting to post though....hummm

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