Goddess Moon Magick

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Goddess Moon Magick

Post by cimerianarcania » Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:51 am

Goddess Moon Cycles


The appearance of the crescent or the full moon is sometimes celebrated by a rest from work, or a time to begin new projects and plant seeds. The full moon is seen as being the time of greatest power and good luck, a time for rituals and celebrations. The waning moon is a time for finishing projects in preparation for the resting of the dark moon.

The three dark days of the "death" of the moon are feared by some, as death is often feared as the mystery of transformation. During this period the moon is sometimes believed to be killed by other heavenly beings and later revived, or in hiding. It is time to rest and introspect.

References: Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara Walker

The 13 moon cycles within the calendar year are the original "months". 13 was always a number sacred to the Goddess, which is why it was thought unlucky by patriarchal traditions.

As you work magick, or do something as simple as a three card tarot reading, you may choose to call upon a Goddess to enable and energize your work. Here are some that you may choose to assist you.


Luna- The Latin name for the Moon Goddess, worshipped in Rome. Many myths said that the Moon Goddess was the Creatress of all things, who drifted alone in the primal ocean of chaos until bringing all forms of life into being. "Lunatic" used to mean possession by the spirit of the moon, or being in a sacred state of consciousness. "Moon-struck" meant "chosen by the Goddess".


Artemis - As the Moon Goddess to both the Greeks and the legendary Amazons, Artemis's followers paid homage to her by the light of the full moon in the forest. Associated often with the waxing moon, she was the Goddess of all places and things wild. She was portrayed as tall, slim, lovely and dressed in a short tunic by the Greeks. Her chariot was pulled by silver stags and she roamed the forest, mountains with her nymphs and hunting dogs. She was defender of women who were threatened by men. She is associated with young girls, magick, sorcery, enchantment, psychic development, purification, woodlands and healing.


Mawu is the Creator/Moon Goddess known among the The Fon of Benin, people from the Dahomey region of West Africa, the female aspect of the divinity Mawu-Lisa. She is associated with the moon, night, fertility, motherhood, gentleness, forgiveness, rest and joy. The cosmology of the Fon has the Earth as floating on the water, while above circle the heavenly bodies on the inner surface of a gourd.


Hanwi - Oglala Moon Goddess who lived with the Sun God Wi. She was tricked by a woman into giving up her seat next to Wi, and consequently shamed. She left Wi and gave up rulership of dawn and twilight, hiding her face when she is near the sun.


Arianrod - is the Welsh Moon Goddess, and also one of the several children of the mother Goddess Don. Her home was in the constellation Corona Borealis. She is also referred to as Silver Wheel, High Fruitful Mother, Goddess of reincarnation. She was the keeper of the silver wheel of stars, which symbolizes time and karma. Rituals to Arianrod take place at the Full Moon.


Chang-O - (Also known as Chang-wo, Heng-E, Heng-O) Chinese Moon Goddess. According to legends, she was the wife of a famous archer to whom the gods had promised immorality. Chang-O stole her husbands magical potion, drank it and was forced to escape his wrath by fleeing to the moon in the shape of a frog. She is represented in the dark spots of the moon as a three-legged frog.


Selene In Greek art, Selene was depicted as a young winged woman with a pale face, riding a silver chariot pulled by two horses. Often, she was shown riding a horse or bull, wearing robes and a crescent on her head and carrying a torch. After her brother, Helios, the sun, finished his journey across the sky, Selene began hers as night fell upon the earth.


Hina - (also known as INA) Hina is the Polynesian Moon Goddess, in Hawaiian mythology her full name is Hina-hanaia-I-ka-malam, which means the woman who worked in the moon. Legend tells of how she went to the moon by sailing there in her canoe, and lives there in a groove of trees she brought from earth in her canoe.


Chia- also called Huitaca, Moon Goddess to the Chibcha tribe who lived in what now is known as Columbia. Shown as an owl, she represented the spirit of joy and pleasure, and was constantly arguing with the male shaman Bochica who represented hard work and serious approach to daily living. In some legends she is depicted as his wife.


Levanah - ("The Lunar Flame") A Chaldean or Hebrew name for the Moon goddess. The world used for moon in the Song of Solomon vi:10 is the Hebrew form Lebanah: "Who is she that looketh forth as in the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?"


Manat- Arabic Moon goddess, ruler of Fate, and her name is a synonym for Luck or Fortune. She was venerated at a sacred stone at Kadaid in pre-Islamic times, and was part of the trinity of Fates worshipped at Mecca. The root word for both "Moon" and "mind" was the Indo Europian manas, mana, or men. representing the Goddess's wise blood, governed by the moon, as in menstruation. "Mania" used to mean ecstatic revelation.


Ixchel - Mayan earth and moon goddess. She was usually shown as an older woman dressed in a skirt with crossed bones on it, with a serpent in her hand. Ix Chel is often shown with a great jug that is filled with water, sending floods and rainstorms down to Earth. Sometimes shown as a young maiden with a rabbit of fertility as a companion.


Hecate There are approximately twelve centuries of recorded Hecate worship including the early Egyptian roots from the midwife Goddess Hekat, through Turkish, Greek and Roman. Original images of her indicate a Maiden goddess, or a triple Goddess (maiden/mother/crone). Her images guarded three way crossroads for centuries, and her rites involved magic, prophecy and consultation with spirits. Hounds, snakes, frogs and others were sacred to her.

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astro info

Post by Saia » Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:47 am

Ive recently discovered The Tripple Goddess, and her moon/Earth/astreroid connection. One aspect represents the physical path of the moon and energetic vortex, (the Earth's gravity bond to the moon) a guide to the  storehouse of hidden treasure in our natal charts! When examined, areas of attention are revealed, as well as whats needed to keep energies balanced, and where to look to  gain knowledge into our hidden nature. Makes the chart an interesting read when asteroid Goddesses are interpreted!

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