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Hey there!

Post by albertasahm » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:25 pm

Hiya. This is the first time I've ever been a part of group like this. I hope you'll find my presence here satisfactory.

My name is Amanda. I'm 28, and I am happily married with 4 children. I live in Canada.

I don't think I'm a psychic or anything, and I have no real "gifts" per se, but I've always been intrigued.

I saw a lady for a reiki treatment once. She was wonderful, and the treatment was something unlike anything I've ever experienced before in my life. She told me I was a "natural healer" and that I needed to broaden my experience with that, learn how to "use my gifts". She said she "loved my energy". I have to admit that since that time, a few years ago, I have been curious what exactly she meant by "using my gifts". What gifts?

Though I've always considered myself no more than ordinary, I've often wondered if there was something different about me. I had trouble connecting with people, and a lot of the time I feel like I just don't fit in.

When I was younger I used to be able to walk into a room and feel the energy there. Of course, then I didn't know what that was that I felt but, it didn't take me long to associate my feelings with the energy in a room. I highly doubt that's anything special though.

I dream things. Not often, but I do dream, and I think it's sometimes important. Once, several years ago, I had a dream that I will never ever forget. I'm not sure I am, or ever will be, able to interpret it. It's so clear though, and it gives me such a tight and heavy feeling whenever I think of it.

Anyway, that's me. I hope to make some friends here and learn some things about myself as well. Thanks for reading.

**Btw, I'm not sure if this matters at all.. but, as I was writing this I kept seeing (like a foggy bubble in my minds eye) someone going over this post and knowing exactly where I edited and what I'd written there before. Kinda strange!

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Post by suzisco » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:26 pm

hello and welcome to the forum :)

I hope you enjoy getting to know us :)


Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:59 pm
Location: Canada

Post by albertasahm » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:46 pm

Thank you, Suzi.

I look forward to getting to know the forums, and the members who use them. :)

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