Hi, I don't really understand all of this.

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Hi, I don't really understand all of this.

Post by Laluna6 » Sun May 20, 2012 2:53 am

Hello everyone! I have been experiencing some weird things for a while now but only over the past year or so, I have started to pay more attention to them. I don't practice anything, I really don't even know what it all is but I feel like its getting stronger sometimes. It started with getting a feeling that I needed to see someone right away, so I left the state to go see them and they died the next day. I thought it was a coincidence. I have worked in the emergency health care field for 7 years now. I know when people are going to die and when they are not. Again, I thought this was just good medical observation. However, it started with people who are not patients. There was a 16 year old girl who babysat for me in seemingly perfect health as far as I knew. I got a feeling of extreme danger for her. It was so strong I told her I have a feeling something bad is going to happen and she may not make it. I asked her not to leave. She went home to pack and come right back but when she went home, she ended up going to the hospital with internal bleeding from multiple ruptured cysts(no one knew she had them)which almost killed her. Another weird thing I noticed is that not one of my patients has ever died in my presence. Is this a coincidence? I live in a heavily populated area and have had a lot of very ill patients. I dont understand... Sorry this is long. Thanks for reading.

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Post by Evard » Sun May 20, 2012 3:36 am

Hi . :)  It sounds like you have a time Life and health precognition disorder .

When the condition itself seems dangerous you wonder if you see the DooM .,
about impending death as if the life line is getting shorter and you don't know
if the darkness is pending near a short life in radiant future .,. or if you @*!#!
see the reason you may find them as near death . . . it seems like a technical
disorder of a time fluke from you working with Health and terminal indoomier
disorders you might know are more technical psychic (or aura.ist) thn Power.

I wonder have you ever seen the auras appearing dark or black when the uh
person is about to end life . . . a Death Aura appears happy and unknowing *
and black . . . or did you feel a strong sense of doom and not see any foeling
. , . so Apology for my grammar and you might not want to invest energy on
developing this gift .,. like Death's Door seeing impending terminal disorder.s &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Anyway <sigh> welcome to MB . Evard .

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Post by Laluna6 » Sun May 20, 2012 3:57 am

Thank you for your response. I will look into what you are talking about. I actually don't feel doom, it is more like an extreme peacefulness. Everything is calm and I just want to make them feel comforted. But when it happened unexpectedly to the girl I know, I got very scared and worried for her.

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Post by Laluna6 » Sun May 20, 2012 4:09 am

Also, I have never seen an aura.

Nice to meet you!

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Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:36 am

Post by Evard » Sun May 20, 2012 5:12 am

You say you haven't seen any aura.s

Reminding you ., the happiness and*
peaceful thought before darkness uh
offers the reason to begin accorded*
dying peacefully is given by the #!@!
Higher Power or Deity who Oversees
Death and Dying to begin a sense of
Heaven with regard to the passage.s
of spirit and soulful return to corpus*
spiritum renewal with Life and Death
being Rebirth in most religions . :-D .

:-D Nice to meet you too . Thanks :)

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