Hi! Amanda here, looking to meet other healers and learn more about crystals!

Welcome to mysticboard.org. Introduce yourself to other members here. Invite your friends here and post your welcome messages.

Moderators: eye_of_tiger, shalimar123

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Hi! Amanda here, looking to meet other healers and learn more about crystals!

Post by Mandasaurodon » Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:04 pm

Hi Everyone! I joined to meet more crystal healers and enthusiasts. I am a vertebrate paleontologist who currently works at a Verizon Wireless Zone. I got into crystals and healing (knowingly healing) almost 3 years ago when I met my boyfriend, November 2011. I have always been a natural healer, empath, and psychic, but I only knew about the psychic part. People have always spilled their secrets to me, and vented to me; apparently, I've always said the right things and my energy always makes people feel better. My boyfriend explained why after I met him. Now I'm a full-blown crystal collector and healer :) As a paleontologist, I also know a bit about the geology of these crystals, which makes them even more interesting to me.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE meeting other people who are into this, and I love comparing and sharing knowledge. I can help identify crystals if people want me to, and I would also love it if some of you helped me identify some that I have.

I'm open about almost everything, so feel free to ask me things and chat!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:41 pm


I noticed that you have already found our Crystal Healing forum where I feel that you will be in your element with your advanced knowledge and relevant and detailed practical experience with the use of crystals as healing modulators, so the only thing which still needs to be done by me is to warmly welcome you to our online spiritual community.

I hope that you will find whatever you are looking for on this site, and discover much more of interest to you than you can presently imagine, as well as becoming a regular contributor to our forums.

Finally I pray that you will make many new and lasting friendships along the way.

We LOVE LOVE LOVE having you here with us.

EoT :smt002  :smt002   :smt005

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