Hello From The Joy Of Satan

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Hello From The Joy Of Satan

Post by SpaceSurfer » Sat Aug 22, 2015 6:51 pm

Hello. I am new to this website and would like to show you all everything the Joy of Satan website has to offer. Topics ranging from Astrology to pretty much anything occult related. I am a Spiritual Satanist if you are wondering. I hope you don't tune me out simply because of my religion but I would understand as I don't listen to a word christians or muslims have to say about god or allah since they bash my God constantly. That being said I hope I can post freely on certain topics that I am knowledgeable on or post a related link to the Joy of Satan website for research and study. Looks like lots of good stuff on here.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:56 pm


So please let me get the facts straight.

You are expecting us to respect your beliefs, but at the same time you show no respect in return for the beliefs of followers of any other religion? You will not even listen to anyone else's beliefs, but they should listen to yours?

That is against one of the most fundamental rules on which this site was created. Mutual respect for each others beliefs, as long as nobody attempts to harm anyone or to force their beliefs onto anyone or try to trick them into accepting those beliefs through deceitful means.

You are expecting us to promote the Joy of Satan website on Mystic Board as a valid alternative religion which you believe our members should explore if not only as an intellectual research exercise, and you think that you will be allowed to freely post whatever you want to on our boards, and that if we do not allow this then you will cry discrimination and censorship against anyone who dares to stand in your way?

I will not apologise for standing in your way!

You will only allowed to post any such material on the Occult and Magick forum (posting it anywhere else will see it automatically removed) and we will at all times reserve the right to moderate and if necessary remove any postings which are either regarded as offensive, promote violence and intolerance and extremism, or break any of the terms and conditions of use for this website, to which you agreed when you first registered as a member.


We do not promote external websites (especially ones spreading intolerance and extreme beliefs which we believe would be harmful to our members) on Mystic Board, other than those which belong to the member in question (you must be the site owner), and then only on the link exchange which has its own set of rules which must be strictly followed if your posting is to be allowed to stay there.

Outside of the link exchange general members are not allowed to post links to external websites on the forums, including with their forum signature.


While I cannot stop our members from visiting this website, Mystic Board and its admin will not accept any responsibility for what might happen to them as a result.

However this having been said we would not be doing our job and be morally responsible if we did not warn you about the possible negative consequences of your actions, and would responsibly and ethically recommend that you should give this invitation a miss.

I would greatly encourage all our valued members before contemplating this spiritually dangerous experiment that you should insert the following keywords into your favourite internet search engine BEFORE VISITING THE SITE.


I feel that all members should be given the opportunity to form their own opinions about the true motives for this site's existence through their own intelligence and personal research, instead of us simply tuning you out or blanket banning you from posting on these forums.

So under the above conditions, I welcome you to this site and community and look forward to you sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us on the Occult & Magick forum only, in a manner which shows as much respect for our members and their beliefs as you expect them to give you and your beliefs in return.

Sincerely yours,

EoT (site admin)

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