Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Post by jai » Mon May 21, 2007 12:28 pm

Hi All !

Could anyone focus on YELLOW SAPHIRE, who should wear it?

(As per horoscope, it's says if the position of JUPITER is well in horoscope it should wear. but i want to give my experience, i m Cancer Asc with Jupiter is in Asc with exalted but when i try to wear it more times, i got more difficult trouble.)

Thanks in advance for guidelines.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu May 31, 2007 10:45 pm

Very interesting and good material for jyotish students.
notice that jupiter and the three nakshatras it can be in in karkata/cancer lagna have an interesting common flaw in this lagna horoscope.

Now recall the mythological allegory that describes how moon seduced Jupiter's wife and gave birth to mercury. Moon and Jupiter!

One who can forgive his beloved who has forsaken and betrayed him must be the true saint, detached from all illusion that surrounds the mortal eyes!


[quote="jai"]Hi All !

Could anyone focus on YELLOW SAPHIRE, who should wear it?

(As per horoscope, it's says if the position of JUPITER is well in horoscope it should wear. but i want to give my experience, i m Cancer Asc with Jupiter is in Asc with exalted but when i try to wear it more times, i got more difficult trouble.)

Thanks in advance for guidelines.

Thanks N Regards,

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fire opal

Post by PixieGrrl » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:36 am

when used in combination with fire opal, it is stimulating for artists. it is good for creativity and when you are "stuck in a rut artisticly" I do agree about using apropriate stones for your horoscope signs, but sometimes the use outweighs the negitivity when wearing a stone that isn't for your sign. Intention is a big part of it. Use in moderation, or for specific times like while painting or writing

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Sapphire the yellow variety

Post by richardredhawk » Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:41 am

This stone is a multi tasker like most of the Gem kingdom in that it  helps with bringing wealth or prosperity, centering of the self and working with the intellect.

This is aside from the astrology meaning of this stone as all aspects must be counted in understanding the stone and its abilities.

It helps with clarity in visions and displays a leaning toward clarity of wisdom. This stone helps with treatment of the digestive system.

Also is a 4 in numerology

One quick question do you know for sure it is a true yellow sapphire and not the fire opal which is sometimes mistaken as yellow sapphire, of Central and South America.
The reason I ask is that this opal carries the curse of the Aztec and if not cleansed before you start using it it can create a lot of trouble. Now this being asked next is:

Your troubles may be coming from other stones that are next to this stone or it might be you need to clarify just why it is you are wearing the stone, remember they are a race of beings just as we humans and sometimes they just need to here validation from us humans as to why we need their help and to also say thank you for the help.
It is also said that this stone must be touching the body and this is not counting the setting it is in but the stone must actually touch the body.

Hope this helps

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about yellow sapphire

Post by STARMON » Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:52 pm

JUPITER (Brihaspati)  
If Jupiter is exalted in your horoscope you will be a leader of men, powerful, respected, although susceptible to anger. But if the position of Jupiter in a person's horoscope is debilitated Jupiter can cause personal unhappiness, egotism, sloth, and legal problems. LIGHT BLUE is the cosmic colour transmitted by yellow sapphires and other natural yellow gems. Light blue colour waves, being very cold, relate to the ethereal nature and are helpful in curing diseases of the glands, the fat system and bodily cavities. Jupiter astral talismans are known to enhance spiritual understanding, facilitate pregnancy and childbirth, improve marital relations, increase one's fortune, and help balance the endocrine system. Jupiter jewels are known to be especially favourable to women by increasing their happiness and contentment.  
GEMSTONES: Jupiter's energy is transmitted by natural yellow sapphires, topaz, citrine, heliodor, and other flawless (eye clean) yellow gems.  
Wear the right gem when the planets act tough. Choosing the right gem is the 20 carat question. Astrologers are of the view that when a planet is posited either in 6 or 8 or 12th house it becomes weak and provides malefic effects.   Planets posited in 6, 8 or 12, may  yield malefic results, but it is not correct to say, that the same planet has become weak.  There is another misunderstanding in the minds of the astrologers that by providing gems to a malefic planet,  benefic results will follow.  First one should know the difference between the weak and the malefic,   The planet will be weak only, if it is posited in the sign of debilitation or when the planet is in the sign which is detrimental to that sign that means the 7th to the own sign of the planet.  A planet will never be weak, when it is either posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house of the chart.  These houses are called the evil houses or Dusthana.

To provide strength and to propitiate the planets are two separate things and it should be understood clearly before prescribing remedial measures.

Do not recommend gems according to major dasa or bhukti lords.  

Read the chart carefully, and see  which  planets  cause the suffering, whether they are weak or malefic (not by nature but by ownership and occupation).

In case of weak planets, Gems are to be provided.  When the planets are malefic we should not provide the Gem for that planet.  In such case, propitiation of the planets are needed.  

The proper weight of a gem to impact human life is still as confusing and a bamboozlement undertaking. When some learned consider 5 rattis for a Ruby,  some other consider 7 rattis. One more theory seems to have emerged as a more authenticate i.e. the weight of the astral gems should be according to the body weight of the person who wishes to wear it. After measuring the weight in terms of kilograms of the person divide by 13. The quotient more nearer to a numerical is the right ratti to be worn by a native. For example if a person is weighing 67 Kg   and when 67 is divided by 13, it is, 5.15, which is nearer to 5. So the person should wear any stone of 5 rattis only.

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