Rose Quartz and Me - experience

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Rose Quartz and Me - experience

Post by Angelfish » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:54 pm

Hi all,


3 days ago I was in a very bad shape. I felt like life is going to turn the back on me. I had huge problems integrating into my new (Swedish) culture where I moved from Ireland 3 years ago.
This uncomfortable stage had lasted for about 3 years now. Under this time I also lost my BIGGEST friend Denis who died at age of 33 R.I.P. (he got a brain stroke).
I didn't cry when it happened nor after. I locked it deep inside of me. A couple of month ago I have collected the courage to look into my old photo album with Denis's photos....and I cried... a lot.

I also had serious problems at work with my bully boss which lasted for almost 2 years now. I had a huge argue with him only one week ago and after almost firing me he admitted that he has some very difficult private issues he is dealing with for some time now and for that reason he was acting aggressive towards me and all my working colleagues.

I am also carrying a heavy load from my past - just to add to the list.

What happened 3 days ago?  :)
I was so desperate that I went for search on the net for anything which could give me a meaning. I was using keywords like religion, astrology, faith, life, love, etc...
And one page had lots of info on stones/crystals and I got dragged into it. It gave me that lost feeling I had 3 years ago when I used to paint (oil on canvas) Feeling that there is more to life than this what was happening to me!  :)

The next day I went to work (Pet Shop). I had received recently a shipment of stones we never ordered... Rose Quartz!
When we got the stones I discovered one that was very beautiful but never though of taking it.
That stone was still in the basket waiting for me and I took it home with me.

The same night my wife noticed something new. She said;
"It feels so nice to see you smile again"
This gave me a shock at first. I didn't realise that I wasn't smiling for such long time. At least not smiling from my hearth.

I decided to have that stone in our bedroom for that first night (intended to keep it in our living room).
I had a very strange dream last night;
I dreamt that I have a daughter (I don't have kids in reality) and she called me "Mother"...I tried to explain to her that Kristine is her mother and I am her father... she looked at Kristine and then at me kind of confused...I can't remember the rest of the dream.
I woke up kind of exhausted (like usually).
One thing came to my mind;
"I didn't have dreams in ages"

Today I handpicked two more Rose Quartz stones (which felt right) and placed one on my desk and one back home in my bedroom (the first one I placed in our living room)

I don't know much about Crystals. My stones are kind of broken on many places and have cracks. Is this good?

With Love and Trust, Angelfish
Last edited by Angelfish on Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by GuardianFlash » Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:14 am

what a lovely story

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:17 pm

Thats one beautiful piece of Rose Quartz! I'm addicted to them and have them all over my house :)
My big pieces also look like yours so do not worry about it. They just raw pieces - I like the roughness.
You can get the more polished pieces, those are smooth and shiny, I usually put smaller polished pieces into my drinking water etc.
I sometimes take my rose quartz and bath with them - now THAT is a treat from the heavens!!! Or I even will keep a big piece under my desk and then will take my shoes off and use the stone as a foot rest, so good bye to any stress or frustrations!
Also good choice you put it ontop of the TV, takes any of the 'nasty' waves away.

The dream: Well I guess first thought is that gender is not really one of those big things in the bigger picture. Its all just spirit at the end of the day.
So that takes into account all animals, plants, you name it!

Also roles, like that you should be father as you are the male...nah...:)
If you believe in past lives, then you could have a field day with this one: I mean my father in reality was actually my younger brother in a past life and I am mother to my mother in another...that kinda thing. I was also very very much male in previous times. Happens with friends too. Its not just with your immediate family.

You are soooo blessed to be able to be around animals each and every single day!!!
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Post by Angelfish » Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:10 pm

Thank you all for replying :-)

If I am counting right this is the day 3 since I got in contact with my Rose Quartz stones. Now I keep 3 bigger and 3 smaller ones.

Today at work my boss decided to criticise my work and usually I would verbally fight him back. I simply do not like authorities with his temper and a bully attitude.
Today his negative energy didn't effect me. It was strange that I didn't have that "fight back" impulse, I simply said "OK I will fix it" and carried on with my work. He looked at me kind of surprised, obviously confused with my calm attitude :-)

I believe that Rose Quartz is working on this issue with me :-) I hope I will be able to listen to my stones. I know this doesn't come at first.

RoseRed wrote;
If you believe in past lives
At the moment I am not sure what I believe in... I am not much into religion. I do have a FEELING about the endless universe and me as a part of it. If that universe is endless so am I as a part of it.

Once I experienced a POWERFULL feeling which made me think more and more about how connected we all are on this planet Earth and in this endless universe.
I happened to be on a mountain, it was a sunny summer day and everything was soooo green. On top of that mountain there was a field covered in fine green grass with thousands of small flowers. The field was surrounded by the forest which was forming a circle around the field.
I wasn't thinking about anything really just enjoying the day.

I laid my self down on the grass (like the Vitruvian Man) in the middle of the field facing the blue sky . I had a smile on my face... and I felt very happy.
In a split second a POWERFUL/Intense feeling took over me. I felt the volume/size of our planted. I felt how HUGE it is in comparison to me. I felt (all at once) billions of "lines" coming from a single spot in the middle of the Earth, connecting all living and non-living creatures and things which are on it.... what a FEELING :-)) I would give anything for that feeling once again :-)
, then you could have a field day with this one: I mean my father in reality was actually my younger brother in a past life and I am mother to my mother in another...that kinda thing. I was also very very much male in previous times. Happens with friends too. Its not just with your immediate family.
:-) I am not being rude here :-) but I feel to ask :-)
How does one know what one was in her/his previous life? I have read about it, heard about it but never actually talked about it with someone who knows these things :-)
Thanks for replying :-)

With Love and Trust, Angelfish

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:08 am

Wonderful about your Rose Quartz and your boss!
I would maybe think about buying a nice crystal book for yourself... someone posted about that some time ago (which books are good ones) - have a look in the Gemology section.
Angelfish wrote:At the moment I am not sure what I believe in... I am not much into religion. I do have a FEELING about the endless universe and me as a part of it. If that universe is endless so am I as a part of it.

I just want to say - when all of us do add our 2cents, it really is our 2cents. Its completely based on what we have experienced and learned. Everyone's journey is different. Sometimes there will be certain concepts or thoughts that ring true for quite a few - but that does not mean that anyone with another view is not correct.
It seems to me that you know what feels right for you and if you listen to that - then you can't go wrong.
Also make sure you are listening to your heart and not your mind :) The mind is a tricky b*st*rd... in my opinion.
You will see, alot of us when posting will always put the term "in my opinion" or versions of that. Its to make sure that ppl don't just believe what youre saying and its like a constant conscious reminder to yourself to keep things in perspective.
Angelfish wrote:Once I experienced a POWERFULL feeling which made me think more and more about how connected we all are on this planet Earth and in this endless universe....
That must've been a wonderful experience, I have experienced something a little similar and is something we can all experience and that is the Planetary Pulse. Wow...crazy feeling! Its like the most amazing heartbeat that you have ever heard...

Angelfish wrote::-) I am not being rude here :-) but I feel to ask :-)
How does one know what one was in her/his previous life? I have read about it, heard about it but never actually talked about it with someone who knows these things :-)
You're not being rude at all!!! Ask ask ask away! Ask as many silly questions, big questions, whatever questions you want to!
If you don't ask then you won't receive ;)

In my case it was a couple of experiences with about 3 different ppl, each one confirmed a different truth and they all confirmed each others...if that makes any sense.
My knowledge on this matter is rather slim, as I am not 100% sure on the whole thing. Still making my mind up...and not even sure if I have too...kinda just be an open question until whenever...:smt003
Cause you see in my opinion, I think its a little bit of a waste of time. As it doesn't really matter who you were, but who you are right now. And I think about the person you want to become.
And by thinking about it, past lives etc then you are investing too much energy into it, leaving energy stuck there in the past while you could rather use that energy on a much more beneficial aspect of your life.

But others will strongly disagree with me on this one :smt004
Rev Vesta is a great person to chat too, as she actually does healing work in that line.

So I would recommend getting stuck in here...I think most of your questions will be found.


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Post by Angelfish » Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:55 pm

Thank you for the thorough reply RoseRed  :)

Yes I already ordered a book called Crystal Bible which should be delivered to me in a few days. Can't wait to get it.
I will try to use my feeling about the stones more than the books but still good to have it for reference.

The 4th day since I got the Rose Quartz;
Today I had a great day at work. My boss seem to behave much calmer around me actually even pleasant (which is strange but welcome). I keep one huge Rose Quartz in my desk at work and two smaller pieces on me. Something positive is happening  :)

I also feel less tired today!

Last night before going to bed I held my big Quartz chunk for a very long time. I like it's "silky" texture. No dreams but good sleep.

With Love and Trust, Angelfish
Last edited by Angelfish on Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Angelfish » Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:23 pm

Day 5;
The working day went well :-) communication with people was good no negativity's.

I didn't feel anything special though but even this is a huge improvement :-)

I was called by another Rose Quartz big raw chunk and I took it home with me. It is very beautiful :-)
Namaste - Mitakuye Oyasin

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:29 pm

lol! Sounds like youre becoming an addict like I am!
hahaha! I was even thinking creatively once and thought about making a whole bead made from rose quartz...imagine how cool that would be.

Just a warning, or more so a suggestion. Once you've become attuned to the rose quartz energy, basically its raising your vibration, and thats also how you are no longer affected by arguments, negativity and moodiness etc, cause all that nastiness is on a much lower vibration, and you are no longer resonating on that level so therefore you are no longer affected by it.
And I guess that in actual fact is one of the major points that we all are trying to do, we all do it it different ways i.e mediation, exercise, eating right, yoga, astrology, thinking right etcetc but it doesn't matter what we choose - all these practices basically increase our vibration.

But the point I was getting too is that, once you feel settled and comfortable with the energy - then try a day without all the tools. Or start by taking some away one by one.
You need to get to a point where it is not a crutch.
You need to stay in that high vibration on your own. Once you have established that on your own then you can start to reintroduce the crystals. That way you know that its you. And that is NB.
All these tools are meant to stay as tools, you need to be able to survive without them.

So happy that rose quartz has come to abundantly into your life!

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:05 am

Angelfish wrote:Yes I already ordered a book called Crystal Bible which should be delivered to me in a few days. Can't wait to get it.
I will try to use my feeling about the stones more than the books but still good to have it for reference.
Ahh I love that book! My favourite! Its great - nice and simple with great photos and also some great general information about crystals and how they formed, different ways you can use them etc etc. Great book!
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Post by Angelfish » Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:14 am

Day 6;

I just woke up and remember dreaming something strange.

The Dream;
I came back home from somewhere and found another big red cat in my home with a kitten (I mean I keep 2 cats one big red male Alex and one small black female Sheba).
The new red female cat was bullying my small black Sheba which was hiding under the bed. Sheba was scared.

I looked at my wife (she was reading a book) and told her;
"I can't believe it that you actually got another cat without consulting your self with me, can't you see that Sheba is being bullied"?!
"She just looked at me and did that "what-can-I-do-now" move with shoulders"
I felt very unhappy with this and remember turning into a real Lion!

I charged on the big red female cat and I pushed her with my closed muzzle in front of me (I didn't bite). I roared and she roared back but she didn't choose to attack back. I wasn't attacking aggresivly and my attention wasn't to physically harm her but rather to create a balance between her and Sheba, to tell her that Sheba is a part of my family and is protected by me. The big red cat understood and went back to the kitten.

That is all I remember :-)

When I woke up Sheba was waiting in front of the bed-room door and was all over my legs. I took her into my arms and she started purring. She was around me much longer this morning than usually.

About animals;
Animals react strange when it comes to establishing the Packing Order. But they eventually get to the point where the calmest and strongest take over the Pack and then everything seems balanced. That Leader is there to remind individuals which tend from time to time to get out of balance and go around causing unbalance and stress. Actually the whole pack is going to help the Pack Leader with calming down the stressed individual (amazing) :-)

Hi RoseRed :-)
Thanks for all the advice :-) it makes sense.
I was drawn to the 3rd big chunk which was "buried" deep under the big pile of Rose Quartz (I didn't know it was there). I am attracted to the ones with much deeper Rose color not the light ones. And this last one has a very deep Rose, ah it looks so soft and feels soft :-)

With Love and Trust, Angelfish

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Post by Angelfish » Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:18 pm

Day 7;
Today I traveled with my wife down to South of Sweden, city called Trelleborg which is beside the sea.
I brought all my big and small Crystals for a Sea Bath :-) I feel they enjoyed it and got cleansed and re-charged. The sea was waive and the wind was strong. Afterwards I cleansed my stones under freshwater.

I also bought some new stones;
Hematite, Agate and Angelite
My wife took one for her self called Carnelian (very beautiful)

I had a very pleasant day today :-)

With Love, Angelfish
Namaste - Mitakuye Oyasin

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Post by Angelfish » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:50 pm

Since the day 1 I started working with Crystals I felt much better, actually very well and relaxed.
I had gentle ups and downs but that was more because of the "detox".

I decided to work more with Snowflake Obsidian (very strong stone in my experience). I keep it under my pillow together with Smoke Quartz (for dream recall). The Obsidian would bring unpleasant dreams usually connected to the traumas from my past, just to remind me where the problem lies.
Thanks to the Rhodochrosite (around my neck) and the Rose Quartz crystals I have learned the lesson of FORGIVING  :)
I started forgiving everyone who had hurt me in the past and wish all of them the best luck in life and immediately I would feel much LIGHTER  :)

Forgiveness is the best Healing method indeed :-)

I have discovered that my stones react very positive (and I feel their vibration much clearer) when playing this old Psalm to them;

I hope you will enjoy this Psalm as much as my Crystals and I do  :smt020

I would like to thank you all for your kind support and especially you RoseRed :-)  You are beautiful :-) Let the Light be with You at all times and with everyone else!

With Love, Angelfish
Namaste - Mitakuye Oyasin

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