Gems to Promote Artistic Creativity.

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Gems to Promote Artistic Creativity.

Post by Malachai » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:43 am

Can anyone provide any suggestions as to which gems are the best aids to promote artistic creativity and why.

I have had ideas for a Tarot floating around in my head for years now, and I really need to get it out of me, but I just keep encountering blockages.

I like to use gems in sets of three. If you were to select three gems to use together for this purpose, then which would they be and why?

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Post by Gem » Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:04 pm

Hi Malachai,

The three that I would choose would be clear quartz, amethyst and lapiz lazuli.  Clear quartz is the best at unblocking anything, it also carries the note of inspiration and can channel thoughts and emotions from far and wide. Personally, when I am facing a writers block I use my clear quartz, I sometimes use 3 or four points all facing me to draw in positive energy and enthusiasm and soon I find that things start flowing.

Amethyst is a great stone to have around whatever is going on, it really balances and improves the environment, and the lapiz lazuli is fantastic at opening expression and the throat chakra and therefore aiding you to put those thoughts into reality.

Making a tarot set is a wonderful experience, I wish you lots of luck and would love to see how you get on :)

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Post by Malachai » Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:15 pm

Hi Gem, thanks for responding.

I like the idea of using those three stones that you suggested and I should give them a try.

I like the idea of four pieces of pointed quartz to focus creative energy, or perhaps three would be better, a more creative and focused number.

Last Summer I went to a psychic fair, and when I got to the gems section, I decided to intuitively pick three gems with a mind to selecting the ones most conductive to artistic creativity. I decided upon a piece of smoky grey chrysophase, a piece of Picasso jasper, which I'm sure I chose only for the name, and a stone mottled with deep greens which I'm sure was called 'chrysobella', and yet an internet search on this reveals nothing. I'm sure it had -bella at the end of the name, and despite it being apparently associated with womens health problems, I was drawn to it, so decided upon it anyway. Have you heard of chrysobella or have I got this wrong? I believe it get's it's colour from copper.

I found myself very drawn indeed to the blue and green stones, but eventually decided upon the smoky grey chrysobella, the Picasso stone slashed and striped with yellows, browns and creams, and the chrysobella, which for some reason I cannot look up.

These stones did work to promote my artistic creativity, but in a way totally unexpected. When I arrived home from the fair, I was overtaken by the urge to draw, and I was suprised to see the image of a wisened old man develop, and this came with the notion that this was a spirit guide making himself known. I began drawing guides for friends and family, and then for others on an internet forum, with some startling results in the way in which the people related to the drawings.

I was even actually offered commisions from people all over the world, and one woman wanted to write a magazine article about me, but this was all too much too soon, I only started it as an experiment, not a business enterprise, I felt under a lot of pressure and for a multitude of reasons, I decided to pull the plug on the drawings - but I will come back to this in future.

So the stones that I chose did indeed promote artistic creativity - of a nature I have never tried and didn't know that I had in me - but not in a very grounded way. I needed to knuckle down to my Tarot but these stones sent me to rather lofty heights - although they did help me to discover an ability I wasn't truly aware that I had.

Two of the stones I chose begin with 'chryso-', which I later found comes from the Greek 'chrysos' meaning gold. I do wonder what the significance of this is.

So I need one of the stones to have a very grounding influence, in order to get to grips with this Tarot.

I'll give the three you suggest a try, and if I don't get my Tarot out, I might discover another untapped artistic outlet!

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Post by Gem » Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:12 pm

Chrysoprase or chrysocolla? or perhaps Chrysopal? or chrysoberyl?  

Grounding stones are usually dark, earthy or black, so black tourmaline, black Obsidian, hematite, tigers eye, boji stones, dark red jaspers, pyrites that kind of thing... do you have any?

The four crystals are for the four winds, the four directions, the four points, the four seasons etc.  The pyramid of threee is perfect too :)

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Post by Malachai » Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:28 pm

Yes! Chrysocolla, that's the one! Not chrysobella, lol.

I do have obsidian, haematite, tiger's eye (blue, red and yellow), red jasper and a piece of iron pyrite.

I have quite a few stones, but I haven't been into them for ages and they are currently stored away in the attic, so I might have a rummage later and rediscover all my stones I'd pretty much forgotten I had.

Somehow I think that maybe onyx would be good, it's not the most attractive stone, but perhaps good for some no nonsense grounding.

Thanks for telling me about the chrysocolla, I was going mad trying to look chrysobella up on the 'net!

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Post by Gem » Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:18 pm

Onyx is one of my favourites :)  Not many people seem to have it around though so thats why I sadly missed it out. I try and choose stones that people have or that are easily accessible. Nothing worse than someone saying 'you need so and so' and can you find it?  No, and when you do, you cant afford it !

Now quuuick up to the attic with you!

Do you use any crystals with your tarot?

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Inspiration and Creativity

Post by Delphina » Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:50 pm

I find that if I suffer from writer's block it is best to use blue topaz and sodalite with quartz crystal.  The quartz I use with just about everything, or on its own. The blue topaz and sodalite can help open a writers block, stimulate fantasy and new ideas and help with creativity.
Hopefully you have some of these in your attic :)

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Post by PixieGrrl » Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:18 am

I left a post about mixing yellow sapphire and fire opal in a different section. It is from Michael's Gemstone dictionary. It is a really good resource for gemstone meanings. It goes into specific types of creativity and different fields of art. Thanks for the tip about onyx and the blue topaz/sodolite.

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