Help in identifying this crystal please!

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Help in identifying this crystal please!

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:58 am


I love this crystal and yet am a Little stumped into all its properties.  Now I know the clear quartz crystal bit and it has two terminators one has broken off the side leaving this gorgeous black fluffy bit that is half outside the crystal and the other is still inside the crystal.  the whole side of it also has these tiny delicate crystal fingers that are as delictae as okenite but is black instea of white.  It looks a little like natrolite but not as hard?  
I really am not sure what to name it as and was wondering if anyone else had some ideas?
I do know this it is, clear quartz, pyrite and............

Gem do you know as its starting to bug me and I'm running out of brain?
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another angle

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:00 am

Heres another angle....
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Post by Gem » Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:09 pm


Definately a flaw and cleavage line which caused the break with what looks like a cuprite and perhaps black rutile or black tourmaline with hematite and chlorite inclusions? That could be young disturbed Okenite, like that the hardness would seem greater than the fluffy ball, either way it should be a 5. There's another on the tip of my mind but memory escapes me right now. Do you know the country of origin?

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:28 am

Gem wrote:Bootyfull!!

Definately a flaw and cleavage line which caused the break with what looks like a cuprite and perhaps black rutile or black tourmaline with hematite and chlorite inclusions? That could be young disturbed Okenite, like that the hardness would seem greater than the fluffy ball, either way it should be a 5. There's another on the tip of my mind but memory escapes me right now. Do you know the country of origin?
Yes it does have a small amount of tourmaline, and it even makes it look like some of the inner terminators are smoky quartz.  I am unsure about it being okenite as I have always believed that true okenite is only ever white and yet this is black.  I have seen dyed green and red okenite though and it doesnt appeal at all.  If I am to blow gently on the crystals they move shape, some that have been disturbed will blow off if it is a hard breeze (learnt that the hard way)  she is kept in my cabinet now due to this very thing.  
I dont know the origin of the place she came from but I do remember recently coming across some quartz with what looked like black stars within them.  It was gorgeous.  Could it be the same thing and that when the crystal breaks the black star within is this delicate black crystal hairs that are now exposed on mine?  do you know the one I'm talking about?

I would love to know and understand more about her when I saw her the lady after I had gone through every one in the little cabinet said "Hold on one minute I think you may like this" and walked away.  A few minutes later she came back holding this and placed her on the cabinet.  I literally fell to my kness to see her at eye sight and not have to hold her to do it...I was stunned...she is very captivating!  I had three other stones I was going to buy but when this was placed in front of me they all went back and whilst swallowing hard I pulled out my purse to buy her.  She cost me all my x-mas money and then some.  Hubby got a lot of extra brownie points for allowing me to get her.....hehe

You do realise should you ever come to australia you really are going to have to visit!!!!!!  I love sharing them with other collectors and talking about their origins and they way they find their way to the owner.  I can as you could say the day I got each and everyone, how much, why, how I felt at teh time, what I think of them...mine are all hand picked and they all have a reason I dont buy to just buy!

Oh whilst I remember I may put up that gaia stone.  I did go and see teh store that it was in to see if I would bring it home and it is a gorgeous dark green.  She is beautiful.  The energy around her is a lighter, less intense feel.  I have already had a few attracted to her but when she sits on a light she comes to life and in her shadows she lights up red.  she speaks thats for sure.  Besides the aqua aura she is the only other man made/infused crystal I own but still a raw natural lover here..... I dont even have goldstone because it just doesnt talk to me like it does to others.

I'll find a piccy......

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Gaia Stone

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:33 am

Heres the Gaia stone.  When she catches the light or sun her shadows come up red and the contrast between the red and green are beautiful.
Gaia Stone (helenite).JPG
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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:11 pm

Wow!  Pretty!  I think that there should be a thread (maybe it's this one?) for lots of beautiful pics of crystals and gems that you all own!
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Posting pics!!

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:50 am

I know it would be great if some other members could post pics of their crytals and how they came to own that one.  I love seeing others pics and hearing about the stories that come with them.

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My new amethyst!

Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:11 am

I went to the malll today because my daughter said she had seen amethysts there.  She was right.  No geodes and the caves and a cathedral were selling for more $$$ than I had on me.  But I did buy a small modest amethyst the salesperson referred to as a point, I'm guessing because of the number of facets on it.  Anyway, here it is:


Of course, I don't know anything about the care and feedings of such crystals, so advice would be welcome.  It seemed right to expose it to the lunar eclipse tonite but the perpetual cloud cover kinda killed that.  But I did get a few waning moments of eclipse in a tiny break in the clouds:


So I hope that charged it, cleansed it or whatever (you can see I know nothing about this).  Anyway, there was a whole box of these amethyst points but this one seemed to call to me, like a kitten in the pet store (that happened to me a long time ago).

Another stupid question, or maybe thought, and that is a question of naming.  I like to name things.  My 4 PCs are named Freya (my notebook), Zeus (my server), Fafnir (my work system), and Gwenhwyfar (the family PC).  Looking at the amethyst, Ishtar came to mind.  Is this pointless and does no one else do this?  Just curious.  It seems it should be personal to me.

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Re: My new amethyst!

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:44 am

Oh my if naming it is looked down on then I'm down there on the ground, flat, peel me off the floor with a shovel flat....hehe.....I named my cave after the generous lady that I bought it from 'Bernie'  I havent named all my crystals (too many and not enough imagination to find names) but I have named those that took me years to manifest!  I say I manifested bernie as I wanted a cave since I was a child so to finally have one was so special!

I love the name you picked!  Any reason behind it doesn it mean something?

When it comes to cleasning a crystal what you hope to do is cleanse it of others vibrations and bring it back to its true vibration.  Then you can 'programme' your crystal.  So say for e.g you wanted the amethyst point to help you with your health after cleansing in the moonlight as you have done then you hold the crystal in your hands and like an affirmation say what your intent is for the crystal to help you with.

Choosing it the way you did is certainly the best way.  A crystal will always call you.  You will naturally feel drawn to a specific one and its always good to follow that call rather than pick one because it looks more expensive, or has better terminators etc etc.

I try to cleanse all my crystals but that has become too hard.  I used to take them out each full moon and then the next night bring them back in.  I just have too many so now I cleanse them with the house, I light sage sticks and use the smoke to cleanse the rooms and the crystals within each room.

Cleanisng your crystal is as individual as we are and some say that the sign you are Earth, Fire, Water, Air is the way you will feel attracted to cleansing it.  So earth people will want to bury it in soil or under leaves in the backyard, Air people will leave it out in the sun and moonlight, Water people will cleanse in purified water or salt water (not generally a good idea though if you dont know what your doing) and fire people will like to use teh smoke of burning herbs/wood like sage etc to cleasne their crystals.

The pic is great I'm very glad you shared it with us.  Yay we're converting you...haha....just kidding!  I say I converted my mum to crystals as after each visit to my home she will go out and buy another crystal of one I have as it intrigued her during her stay!  Oh they can become an addiction!

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Re: My new amethyst!

Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:02 am

flight _of_angelwings wrote:I love the name you picked!  Any reason behind it doesn it mean something?
It had to be named after a Goddess. That much I knew in my heart.   Ishtar descended into the underworld and the amethyst came from it, so to speak, if I recall my school (so long ago) earth science.  Plus, and probably mostly, it just feels right to me.
flight _of_angelwings wrote:When it comes to cleasning a crystal what you hope to do is cleanse it of others vibrations and bring it back to its true vibration.  Then you can 'programme' your crystal.  So say for e.g you wanted the amethyst point to help you with your health after cleansing in the moonlight as you have done then you hold the crystal in your hands and like an affirmation say what your intent is for the crystal to help you with.
Okay, I get that.  What can I expect the crystal to do?  Actually, I think I read somewhere that amethyst can be used to absorb negative energy or something like that.  I want to be more positive and use the amethyst to assist in that.  Does that make sense?
flight _of_angelwings wrote:Choosing it the way you did is certainly the best way.  A crystal will always call you.  You will naturally feel drawn to a specific one and its always good to follow that call rather than pick one because it looks more expensive, or has better terminators etc etc.
I can't claim to be that smart.  That amethyst called me from the get-go, but I didn't think that was the prettiest one in the bunch.  So I kept looking for better ones.  I think I was called back 2 or 3 more times before I realized that was the one that I was supposed to pick.
flight _of_angelwings wrote:I used to take them out each full moon and then the next night bring them back in.
In my neighborhood?  I would never find my amethyst the next morning if I did that.

flight _of_angelwings wrote:Cleanisng your crystal is as individual as we are and some say that the sign you are Earth, Fire, Water, Air is the way you will feel attracted to cleansing it.  So earth people will want to bury it in soil or under leaves in the backyard, Air people will leave it out in the sun and moonlight, Water people will cleanse in purified water or salt water (not generally a good idea though if you dont know what your doing) and fire people will like to use teh smoke of burning herbs/wood like sage etc to cleasne their crystals.
Well, cleansing in purified water (does distilled water qualify) seems intuitive to me.  Being a water sign probably helps.  Do I soak it?  Rinse it?  
flight _of_angelwings wrote:The pic is great I'm very glad you shared it with us.  Yay we're converting you...haha....just kidding!  I say I converted my mum to crystals as after each visit to my home she will go out and buy another crystal of one I have as it intrigued her during her stay!  Oh they can become an addiction!
My pleasure.  And I am not complaining about the conversion.  First of many, I hope.  I have been trying to locate runes made of citrine, but no luck.
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Re: My new amethyst!

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:24 am

Yes you can use distilled water on amethyst if you like.  amethyst has a hardness of seven so it wont break down like so many other crystals.  How you actually do that is up to you though.  If you want to just trickle water over it for one minute then that is what you should do.  If submerssing it in water for 24hrs will feel more suitable then do that.  theres no real strict rules.  Your right amethyst is great for absorbing negaticve energies which is why they are so often used as cleansing for other stones.  You could certainly use it to help you with your own energy or to remove others lingering energy within your aura from you etc.  In doing that it will help you maintain a more positive outlook as others energies and interference can effect our own state of mind.

Ishtar, wow I never knew that meaning I love that.  Do you mind If I call my amethyst bed that too?????   I so lack imagination...haha

Oh as for the runes of citrine I do know you can get them in rose quartz occasionally but I will keep my eye out for you I have seen them in other forms but as I check out many crystals and wholsalers if I come across any you'll be the first to know.  
If you ever found suitable citrine pieces already cut they can be engraved by someone in the field of lapidary at a cost.  How much though I could only guess.

So may I ask why you would use citrine?

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Re: My new amethyst!

Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:39 am

flight _of_angelwings wrote:Ishtar, wow I never knew that meaning I love that.  Do you mind If I call my amethyst bed that too?????   I so lack imagination...haha
Of course I don't mind.  The more Ishtars, the better :)  I really don't think you lack imagination.
flight _of_angelwings wrote:So may I ask why you would use citrine?
Two reasons.  The first is that they are a shade of yellow/gold and that color is important to Freya, the most important Goddess to me (a big 22x28 pic of Freya with her Valkyrie helmet, with a crystal mountain behind her is above my desk). The second is that I heard citrine can help with diabetes and since I am diabetic that sounds good.  Also, it is supposed to promote better sleep, i think, and I have problems there.  Well, I probably want to buy a nice citrine crystal.  I saw a baseball sized one for $110; that seemed pricy, but I don't know about that.  I know I didn't have $110.
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Re: My new amethyst!

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:37 am

EarlofLeicester wrote: Two reasons.  The first is that they are a shade of yellow/gold and that color is important to Freya, the most important Goddess to me (a big 22x28 pic of Freya with her Valkyrie helmet, with a crystal mountain behind her is above my desk). The second is that I heard citrine can help with diabetes and since I am diabetic that sounds good.  Also, it is supposed to promote better sleep, i think, and I have problems there.  Well, I probably want to buy a nice citrine crystal.  I saw a baseball sized one for $110; that seemed pricy, but I don't know about that.  I know I didn't have $110.
Citrine is also very good for bringing in wealth.  If you keep a piece in your purse/wallet, cash register it is said to help money come in and stop so much heading straight back out.
Citrine is gorgeous.  One thing to keep in mind is that many many places will sell heat treated amethyst as citrine!  Most natural citrine is more of a dirty brown.  So many new age stores and wholesalers because it is soooo expensive in its natural state will infact heat treat amethyst as it is cheaper.  You can like amethyst caves buy the same but citrine, and again most of the caves if not all are heat treated amethyst caves to look like citrine.
If you have any problems with finding some citrine and would like a tumbled stone or go larger and get a cluster let me know I'd be more than happy to post you a piece.  I know where some nice clusters are or if you like a few tumbled pieces!

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Post by BobD » Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:37 am

the geia stone you have is beautiful i would love to have one like it

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