How modern science is catching up with ancient wisdom

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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How modern science is catching up with ancient wisdom

Post by STARMON » Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:40 pm

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Although science is currently unable to comment objectively on the subject of the remedial influence of gems and metals, it is at least in agreement with the wisdom of ancient India on the source of all energy. Millenniums ago in India the rishis (fully illumed sages, authors of the Vedas and other Scriptures) explained that all forms of energy originate via the essence of light. In our times some theoretical physicists have describe light (electromagnetic waves radiating through space, governed by the laws of physics) as the medium which brings consciousness into form (matter).  
In 1983, Dr. David Bohm, a professor of physics at the University of London, spoke of matter as "frozen light." This seemingly radical statement is really just a slight extension of Einstein’s famous theory of General Relativity, in which he showed that matter and electromagnetic radiation are just two different states of the same thing, the two being related by his famous equation E=mc2, which described how much energy (E) you get when you "melt" a given mass (m) of matter into electromagnetic energy, and, conversely, how much energy (or light) needs to be "frozen" to give a certain amount of matter. The two are related by the most important constant in the universe, the velocity of light (c)--(186,000 miles per second).
In order to better understand the atom,

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