Impact of Gemstones on our Life

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Impact of Gemstones on our Life

Post by nimbus » Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:35 am

A gemstone / birth stone is a collective term for all ornamental stones that possess attributes like beauty, rarity, durability.Astral gems, apart from these material properties, increase the psychic powers of an individual by their curative powers. Astral gems also have the power to ward off the ill-effects of planets and worn in the form of birth stone.
The gem stone / birth stone should be set in the right metal and with the right weight. It should be worn on the correct finger of the working hand.Each gem, with its constant source of specific rays,gives rise to constructive vibrations that have therapeutic powers

One thing we must understand that wearing of Gemstones does not lead to some magic – on the negative or positive side. The general feeling developed in people is that wearing a gemstone can lead to positive or negative effects in few hours does not have any empirical evidence. It comes from a psychological impact or it is a coincidence which people relate with the effect of the Gemstone.

Then the question arises does the use of Gemstones have an effect on our lives – the answer is a qualified yes . The Gemstones has a slow and steady impact on our lives in the manner described below.

When we wear a gemstone the cosmic rays of the planet it represents are drawn more into our Auras. This has an effect on the Chakras which are governed by those Colours. This phenomenon has an effect on our vibrations and our mental activity which in turn affects the way we interact with the people and the people interact with us. All this changes our environment and thus our destinies.

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Post by rahul » Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:47 am

this really seem interesting :smt003
let me see if i can get some gud stuff :smt006

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I am wondering

Post by Deborah » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:54 am

How does one know what metal is the right metal or the stone is the right stone?

For instant I have a Garnet I wear on my right ring finger. IT is a gold ring with decorative light design nothing thick.

What if a metal is to heavy or to light? I guess it provides negative attributes then?

What about wearing diamonds as well? what effects does this have on same area?

What about earing stones?

racheal vaz
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Post by racheal vaz » Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:04 am

ya i agree. not only is the stone important, the size of the stone, the metal in which it is embedded, the shape too. lots of stuff. and diamonds... now noone thinks much about the ill effects but my grandparents wud buy the stones, keep it at home for few days..and if nothing bad happened then they wud have the jewellery made:( now we buy readymade stuff:)

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Post by VickiWarriorWomen » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:50 pm

this may help answer some questions. This shows where to wear some stones.
Apatite -earlobes
Bloodstone -earlobes--throat
Chalcedony -heart
Copper --anywhere
Coral --forehead
Emerald -heart
Garnets -earlobes
Hematite--base of spine
Herkimer Diamonds --base of spine
Jade --anywhere
Jasper --anywhere -heart--throat
Jet --throat
Lapis Lazuli--throat
Lazulite -finger
Opal --anywhere-finger--throat
Petrified Wood --throat
Rubies -heart

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