Is Feng Shui for real?

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Post by mgkchild » Sat May 19, 2007 7:36 am

I agree with Raka. The books are only a guideline. The important thing is what makes you truly comfortable and happy in your own home. >>>

I also have to agree.  just move things around until you feel comfortable.  I also make sure there is never an empty corner.  Energy can get trapped.  I also make sure there is at least one thing from each element.  I have plants, fountains, candles, electric and windchimes.  People come into my home and say they feel so comfortable they do not want to leave.  I believe it's because of the flow of energy.


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Post by fallenangel » Mon May 21, 2007 9:25 am

I feel that Feng Shui is real. I come from a Chinese family, and we practice feng shui. There has been drastic improvements with the lives of some with feng shui - keeping homes together, improvement of businesses, but of course one has to strive hard too, not just rely on feng shui :) but it just improves the flow of everything. :)

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Post by rozrokz » Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:53 am

Yeah, but with so many quacks around and every tom, dick and harry saying they are feng shui master after taking a short course from another feng shui "master". What disturb me is they will find everything under the sun to sell to you to put at your wealth spot or romance or health spot.  :smt073 . But there is no consumer protection. What prove is there to say that the items work or not? This is indeed a good legitimate way to con people. If a feng shui master is honest, they will just recommend inexpensive and even normal items you can use like plants and what not to block and enhance a "good corner or spot". It is also difficult to learn from books as the living situation now is different from dongkey years ago when land is a plenty and now, you will be lucky if you have breathing space. Sometimes, the examples given will cause more confusion than enlighten.

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Post by Gem » Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:33 pm

rozrokz wrote:Yeah, but with so many quacks around and every tom, dick and harry saying they are feng shui master after taking a short course from another feng shui "master". What disturb me is they will find everything under the sun to sell to you to put at your wealth spot or romance or health spot.  :smt073 . But there is no consumer protection. What prove is there to say that the items work or not? This is indeed a good legitimate way to con people. If a feng shui master is honest, they will just recommend inexpensive and even normal items you can use like plants and what not to block and enhance a "good corner or spot". It is also difficult to learn from books as the living situation now is different from dongkey years ago when land is a plenty and now, you will be lucky if you have breathing space. Sometimes, the examples given will cause more confusion than enlighten.
If goods don't do what they are adverised to do or if they aren't fit for the purpose they were sold for you do have a comeback, at least in the UK. But I realise that most 'masters' you describe will be very adept at selling stuff that doesnt contravene any laws.
Feng Shui is really very very simple, and it works, its obvious that clearing out clutter will help a place to feel brighter, cleaner and clearer lol, likewise living fresh flowers brighten a place, mirrors can double the size etc etc. The tricks are the subtleties in knowing what discrete chi blocks there are and how to cure them?

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Post by rozrokz » Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:41 am

So how do we find the house wealth corner. Really could do with lots of cold hard cash :smt005 after buying this new place. But sure feels like home. And I think that is what matters right!

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feng shui

Post by rakeshahirwal » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:15 pm

it always works.we take birth in some direction.we all make our future in some direction.feng shui helps in getting right direction for our life success.
hi this is rakesh

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I think it is for real

Post by wkleong » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:59 am

It is about flow of energy. If one accepts the fact that the universe is nothing but energy, then it make sense that we (a form of energy) will be influenced by other form of energies depending on the interaction of our environment with us.

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feng shui help

Post by dog07 » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:20 am

I hope you or someone can help me I`M going crazy trying to get this feng shui right I compassed the front door it is 90 east.
So then put the bagua map across my front door and mark what would be the north on the bagua so when I do my house instead of east its north and then follow each part of the bagua layout  from there or do I take my sitting direction east and follow my layout of my house using my bagua
I also hope someone can understand what I am trying to say?

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Post by danielmckey » Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:41 pm

Yes, most people believe in Feng Shui but sometimes we never care. Do you believe or not Feng Shui is originated from India before it comes to China.

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Post by mystic7 » Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:45 pm

I would agree that de-cluttering is 90% of the whole thing. It is very important to downsize, especially in the American society.

As far as "is Feng Shui real?" I would have to say that our minds are powerful things. Yes, energy does affect us, and there are things we can do to allow the energy to be more beneficial to us. But if you don't believe that Feng Shui (or anything else for that matter) will work for you... It Won't! The old saying holds so true.. "Whether you believe that you can, or whether you believe that you can't.. you are RIGHT!


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Making Feng Shui Mystical

Post by RobinSongsmith » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:59 pm

While living in Asia and since my return to North America I've noted that many "experts" tend to keep parts of their craft secret or "mystical" in some way.  Whether it is financial advice or Feng Shui readings, experts feel a need There are various reasons for this, the least being earning potential.

In my experience, Feng Shui is as much a science as Physics or Chemistry and can be learned by anyone who is willing to put their mind to studying it.  You don't have to "believe" it for it to be real, just as we don't have to believe in gravity for it to be real.  That is just another way for an "expert" to say, "If these Feng Shui solutions I am giving you are not working, it's because you are not believing hard enough and so, therefore, I am not at fault."

Just as there are factors determining the effects that gravity has on you, there are also mitigating factors in how Feng Shui has influences in your life.  To say that someone does not seem "affected" by negative or positive Feng Shui arrangements in their environment is too easy.  One's wealth may have no problems, yet their health may be in imminent danger.  One's health may be robust, yet their marriage may secretly be in shambles.  Feng Shui is about maintaining balance in the mitigating influences in your life by manipulating the physical environment in which you live and work.  Basically it is leveraging the flow of chi to benefit your life and the lives of others.

Now all you have to do is sift through all the "experts" out there to find one who actually knows what they are doing and is willing to teach you.  Good luck!

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Feng Shui

Post by woodsprite » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:16 pm

I am still learning and processing. I agree that it works, but am confused about the difference between so called traditional vs. Americanized. Traditional uses the bagua based on the direction on the compass. Americanized is based on the direction of the home/room.

How does that work? I'm confused.

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Traditional or "Americanized"

Post by RobinSongsmith » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:43 pm

Hey there, Woodsprite.

Always refer the traditional methods.  What you refer to as "Americanized" is actually "commercialized".  Commercialized Feng Shui allows people who have not been studying it for very long claim to be consultants or experts, when, in reality, they understand very little about the underlying principles of this ancient science.

Everything you do regarding Feng Shui will start from your date of birth and genger in order to determine your kua.  Once you know this, you can discover which directions you best suit you.  Upon finding your best directions, you can use an ordinary orienteering compass and the basic tenets of Feng Shui to help you evaluate your surroundings.

A good reference for traditional Feng Shui is Eva Wong at  It may help answer many of your questions.  Another good reference book is the Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui.

Good luck!

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Post by aiodoit » Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:23 pm

hi all, ive just been reading all the postings and thought i might add my 2 cents worth... i've been interested in feng shui for a good 6-7 years now but have only just started looking into it in-depth.  I have found a really good UK site Its a good site for beginners and explains alot, it does have its online store but the author does also explain how to use home made cures such as round metal weights (apparently the best type of metal cure) and salt water cures (i used our old New Zealand copper coins and they worked).  

I refer to this site every month for the monthly updates, have calculated our gua numbers have learnt about the flying stars and animal predictions and have learnt how to take a proper compass reading and how to place the bagua map over the map of our home to get our directions etc, i believe in feng shui, i believe in energy, and i believe that the changes i am making are for the better, positive thoughts equals positive energy i think.

When things in my life are a bit tough or im a bit down, i dont get worked up over the cures not working or that something is not in the right place instead i leave the cures where they are and place an enhancer in a specific location, for example, i might put a colourful pot plant in the middle of my dining table which is just inside my front door and for me it brightens the dining room and i see it every time i walk passed it, i also light incese sticks just outside my front door so that the nice smelling aroma flows thru the house and because i have a door off the dining room which leads into my kitchen area which then flows to the back door i make sure to keep this door closed so that the chi has to flow thru the rest of the house and not take a short cut thru the kitchen.  I have found the outside incese sticks smell better then the inside ones, dont no why that is.

I make sure that my front door is always clear of clutter, shoes etc and is clean, i have placed alot of bright blooming pot plants just outside of it to form a pathway so that visitors no that this is the front door as it is easy for them to mistakingly walk to the back door.  Pot plants are good feng sui enhancers as they can be moved around and they are living.  Silk flowers apparently are better than cut or dried flowers as these are seen as dead, i have grown many of my pot plants from seeds (.99c a pkt) and i get alot of joy out of watching them grow and my children love helping to water and care for them, this i believe is more positive chi flowing around us.

I had some single photos of dead family members on only 1 of my living room walls, i removed these pictures and changed them to show the same dead family member but in a happy environment with other people e.g my dad with family members at my son's birthday with a big smile on his face, my spirit is lifted now every time i see this happy photo, i am prompted to remember other happy times with him, i have placed all of these new pictures in the family area of my living room and now every one who comes to visit always comment's on how good they look and they too start to reminis about happier times as opposed to sitting on my couch staring at my lonely dad and feeling sad because he's left us.

These few suggestions are part of my feng shui journey, i am learning new things every day, i now do alot of changes according to my own intuition - gut feeling, if it feels wright then do it, i watch for signs and if anything negative happens i remove my last enhancer(s) and place it/them somewhere else, 8 out of 10 times the situation calms down, gets sorted quickly or just goes away.  I cant 100% say that this is feng shui happening but i do no that because of feng shui my house has been de-cluttered, is kept nice and tidy and im more aware of who and what surrounds thats gotta be good for anyone.

Happy feng shui-ing from me -  Aio

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