Using Feng Shui in your garden/landscape?

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Using Feng Shui in your garden/landscape?

Post by KimSullivan » Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:15 pm

I'm guessing that the answer is yes, I can use feng shui in my garden/landscape/yard.

Anyone with good tips for me?   We love to garden and landscape at our home. I'm like to do it in a manner that is good feng shui from the beginning. We'll be tackling our backyard this year. We have some land cleared, tall pines and then there is a cranberry bog behind our house.

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Post by tootsiewon » Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:42 pm

It sounds as if you live in a more rural area?  Is there water around?  Hills?  

First, I'd look at the lay of the land and your house's relationship to that.  Do some reading about landscape feng and see which elements are already within your landscape.  

Start with your entry.  When you stand looking at your entry does it feel welcoming?  Does it draw you to it?  Is the walkway straight or does it meander a little?  When looking out from your entry, do you see any poison arrows coming your way?  In other words, start by looking at what energies could be enhanced and what cures you need.  Avoid plants that are too spikey (poison arrows) and if you have them, mitigate them with some that are softer.  Does your house have any missing sectors?  You can help that with appropriate plants.

Also, study a flying star chart for 2008.  This will help you know where it is auspicious for digging and disturbing the land and where it's not, among other things.  If you want to disturb the land in a direction that is not auspicious, you need to determine which dates during the year will cause the least trouble.

I'm no expert, but I think the above advice is basically sound.  

I, too, have some landscape issues to deal with this year.  I've recently moved to a place on 5 acres.  The house is diagonally north and south with the entry facing south-east.  There's a lake behind the house (west/north-west).  The house sits with two large hills on each end.  The valley between them leads right down to the lake.  The main living room is on the upper level and has two large windows and a triple patio door.  I've been pondering this layout all winter, trying to make a plan for spring.  Any insights would be much appreciated!

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Post by silkconcepts » Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:11 am

I know you're new to this but for 2008 the annual #5 yellow is in the south as well as The Three Killings (SE<S<SW), also Grand Duke Jupiter is in the N. Avoid disturbing the land in these areas or any renovations if possible. Place a 6 rod windchime in your S area for the year. If you find you must do work here check to see which days are more auspicious based on your BaZi element, that should lessen the bad effects. Try to always face the 3 Killings and keep your back to the Grand Duke for support. It's bad luck to face him head on.

I have a minor dilemma myself as my vegetable garden is in the S sector. Guess I won't be rotatilling this year. Darn no veggies! (HeeHee)
Hope this helps.

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BaZi element

Post by tootsiewon » Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:27 am

I have not heard of BaZi Element. &nbsp;Where do I find out about that? &nbsp;It's really important because I need to do some construction on the SW/W of my house. &nbsp;You see, there are three patio doors along that side of my house. &nbsp;One has a patio outside of it (NW) the other two have no decking outside of them... just AIR! &nbsp;(Remember, my main living space is on the upper level.) &nbsp;SO - when would be the right time to start this project? &nbsp;

Many thanks for any info you can supply!

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Post by silkconcepts » Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:11 pm

I have not heard of BaZi Element. &nbsp;Where do I find out about that? BaZi is also known as 4 pillars. Based on your birthdate and time of birth certain things can be figured out such as auspicious dates and your self element and what colors to use or avoid when dressing or decorating... Go to any search engine and type in free BaZi report and you should find a few sites that will give you a basic one. I'm not sure if we can state other sites here but if you PM me I'll let you know which ones I prefer.

SO - when would be the right time to start this project? &nbsp;Preferrably before Feb. 4 if possible but look into your BaZi and it will show. &nbsp;Of course, that's if you believe in this. &nbsp; &nbsp;

Use your own advice you gave Kim, look at your surrounding landscape forms. What is your actual facing direction? You need a good compass for most of what you do in FS if you want to get accurate placements. Does most of the sunlight come from the lake direction or in front of your house. You want open space in the front (ie. water) and "mountain" behind. Unless the most yang area is coming from the lake side. Is there a busy street in front of your house, then that is the more yang side.Look at the hills you mentioned. what is their shape, rolling, jagged... Does one look taller than the other? Ideally when looking out the front of your house you want "dragon" hills to your left and "tiger" hills on your right and the hills on left should be taller. In otherwords read up on your landscape form. It greatly affects your star chart and remedies.

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