money issues

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Post by silkconcepts » Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:32 am


What you said sounds pretty much what I've told my sister. She's always falling for those overnight scams. Her ex was worse. They were into amway and some other pyramid thing. He also wanted to try that realestate infomercial you can watch at night. I always felt sorry for the kids because they never had anything. Me personally, I don't even know if it's worth trying to enhance my wealth areas. According to my BaZi, I have very little wealth luck, at least during my productive years. My husband and kids have the same. We're all going to have to work extra hard to enjoy any prosperity. If you believe in all that.

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Post by lisamarie » Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:10 pm

Hello Silk,
you wrote:

"According to my BaZi, I have very little wealth luck, at least during my productive years. My husband and kids have the same. We're all going to have to work extra hard to enjoy any prosperity."

Ohhhh, that depends upon what a person believes "prosperity" is for them.  For example, at times in my life when I've had it financially challenging, I can remember some of the most prosperous moments between my daughter and me.  I say prosperous because, I am so rich to have her in my life. She loves me no matter what, and if I had to live in a tent, then that would be her home also. (she said this to me)
My point is....... is that her strength gave me the strength to overcome the situation I was in, and once more enjoy security.  
For me, that is very rich.  I know very wealthy people whose kid's would sell them out in a heartbeat.  They set thier friends up to rob thier home.....This is not so prosperous to me. A great big beautiful house with nice cars and nice everything isn't prosperous if everyone is in strife and there is no love and sense of family trust.    On the other hand, a modest home with lots of love and trust will breed all kinds of strength and endurance.  This is prosperous!
 You see, just like in that dvd, "the secret", it is important to focus on the positive things we do have, and in doing so, we create more.  Unfortunately, it also works the other way around.
It's easy to get dissallusioned, but cheer up....I don't think that any thing that is mapped out for us each means we can't change it..we can, but the mind will have to change first.

See what really is prosperous in your life, and focus on that for awhile, I bet you will see some amazing changes once you stop resisting.
(and believe me, I do speak from experience)

Above all, I believe in the power of suggestion (well, not above God..but  you get it) The power of suggestion has worked miracles in people's lives...and maybe thier BaZi was similar to yours.  
Seriously, I always quote this :  "I think, therefore I am."  and  "if you can imagine it, then you can have it."    It's worked for me, maybe it will work for you, too.   :)

Bless you.

Posts: 21
Joined: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:38 am

Post by lisamarie » Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:40 pm

Hey Silk,
Maybe this will be positive for you-it is for me!!

(Master Joseph Yu, in talking about the four pillars of destiny)

"An unfavorable stem and unfavorable branch does not mean a sentance of disaster, misfortune, and illness without possibility of peace, comfort, and happiness.  Just like yin and yang can't exist without a hint of each other's  opposing characteristic, misfortune can't exist without moments of fortune."

peace out

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Post by silkconcepts » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:49 pm

Forgive my ignorance but when the report is talking about WEALTH luck and prosperity I'm thinking they mean wealth and money related issues. There is a different section on general prosperity, at least on my report.

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