Interpreting flying star sectors

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Interpreting flying star sectors

Post by lisamarie » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:45 pm

Hello- anyone who understands flying star feng shui

I am trying to analyize the numbers, and I would like to know if I am understanding what I've learned so far.  Your help and/or thoughts about my interpretation is what I seek.   Thanks for reading.

Here are the numbers located in the south sector (or cell) of a house.  (I've already correctly calculated-no problem here)

7 mountain star (or sitting), 9 water star (or facing), and 3 time star (or base).  With a 5 annual star (or yearly)

7m, 5w, 3t   and 5a;

(this area happens to be a bedroom, but I am only concerned with the home numbers, not an occupant in this analysis)

Let's look at the elements here:  metal, fire, wood and earth.

I first look for the controlling elements and corresponding numbers:

I will begin with the unchanging numbers, excluding the annual number for now.

I see that fire (#9 water star) controls metal (#7 mountain star), and metal controls wood (#3 base or time star).

Here I see that the base star is #3 wood, controlling nothing. The #9 water, or wealth star is fire, and is controlling the #7 mountain, or health star, which is metal.
In this, the wealth controls the health here. Though this area may be good for wealth, it is not so good for health.(perhaps too much work creating wealth is affecting the health of the individual)  The #9 star is the controlling factor here, which may have a possible fire hazard situation.
(moving right along)
The numbers themselves, are #3: inauspicous and untimely, #7: is retiring, and #9 is timely.

Now for the productive cycle:   #3t wood, produces #9w fire
Here, #3 assists #9 negatively, hence my saying "fire hazard".

Now for the reductive cycle:  #9w fire, reduces #3t wood.
So, do we have a stand off here? Between the #9 and #3?

okay, moving right along .......
The relationship in this sector is basically good wealth, but poor health, with a fire hazard potential. (how am I doing so far?)

Without factoring in the annual star, I'd conclude the remedy to be water element ????
(please correct me here, if I am wrong.)

Now, let's look at the sinister #5a star coming to visit.  5 is earth, but the number is inherently inauspicious, and untimely....and on its own right-Nasty!!
Although this area could use earth, it doesn't need #5!  So, It displays it's inauspicious characters affecting it's control negatively. (and it IS the controlling number now)   Okay earth controls water, but there is no water here.  What assists or produces earth? Fire. the#9 star which seems to be the controlling element in this sector.  (fire hazard?) now metal will control earth ugly #5?  Maybe a llittle, so Metal remedy?  
Will water help here, too?

In conclusion, I find this area to be good for wealth, but hazardous for health.  The visiting star not only makes this situation amplify, but brings in it's sinister characteristics.  (am I getting this?)
As a remedy, I'd say to use water and metal.

What do you think?


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Post by silkconcepts » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:05 pm

You are partially correct with your analysis. You first need to establish your host star and the guest stars. Since this is a bedroom, the mountain star is the primary host star (7m). So the 9w is draining to the 7m and the sector is S (Fire) which adds to 9's potency. Yin water is needed here so as to quench the 9's fire's so to speak and soothe the 7. Metal to remedy the 5 will aggitate the 7 and 5, which is also strengthened by the sector element and the 9w. Colors in blue and salt coin cure without the coins would probably be a good remedy for this area. Avoid Fire, Earth and Metal here. The sector is already working on exhausting the 3b so don't need to worry about that too much. You mention nothing about outside formations that could be activating factors so from what you've listed this is just my interpretation. Try things for a week or two and see how things feel. Let us know what happens.

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Post by lisamarie » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:42 pm

Awesome Silk!
I didn't know that because it's a bedroom, the #7 is host star,or primary.  This is good to remember.  I guess if it were an office, the host would be the #9, right?  Cool.  
okay, so I was headed in the right direction with the water....and even though #5 general remedies would include metal, in this scenario, it wouldn't be good, because the relationships between the stationary numbers.
wow. you are fast! me, it took me a while to even come up with what I did....hahahahah.....
Thank you so much, this is very helpful!!!

Peace to you

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Post by lisamarie » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:49 pm

P. S.

I actually just want to get my barrings on the sector numbers right now.....i understand the surrounding elements, along with an occupant will affect the diagnosis, but for now...I just want to soak up the basics.  
Whew! It's alot in the begining...and before I move on, just want to know that I'm comprehending (sp? lol) what I got so far.
Thanks again!

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I am interested

Post by alee » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:56 pm

I would analyse it this way:

According to the text, 5 + 7 combination is call yellow purple poison. It is the tendency to get sick due to eating the wrong food, especially prone to female or second daughters of the house.

You were right too about the fire hazard, I am forming this idea about the 7 mountain star.  This tendency is more pronounced on the yr 9 purple comes in  say in yr 2004, 2013 etc and also the summer months where fire is strong, tendency would be strong too if you have a fan, window in this area. THis fire hazards can be symbolised by physical fire, or losing the wealth you have accumulated thru some accident.

Similarly, looking back i would say last yr the yrly star was 6white. I would say 6+7 is known as the fighting swords : the light of the dagger and the shadow of the sword.  This can mean back stabbing, getting hurt by metal etc...

This room really sucks.... Who stays here? Better re-check your compass readings to be sure. I am not a pro, but that's how I would go at it. Maybe you can "backtrack" and try comparing previous yr stars to the related events. How did they match up?

sorry.... didnt mean to come on with the bad new  :smt086  :smt053  :smt004

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Post by silkconcepts » Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:24 am

alee is right this isn't a great room star wise. I would also refrain from trying to activate your 9w ever. It would cause too much strain on the wealth of the individuals that reside here. Better to keep things low key. Focus more on trying to activate the 8w, 8m and 9m if the stars are better there. As well as the 8a.

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Post by lisamarie » Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:13 am

Thanks Alee!

Actually, I am using this as a subject to help me interpret.  Luckily, the room is vacant and belongs to a friend of mine.  (I had a feeling when I just looked at the numbers!)  I told her to stay clear of that room, until I can figure things out.  She knows I'm new at this, but she also knows how focused I am when I want to learn about she is staying clear.  lol
Actually, there is no bad news.  It is just the way it is.  So, please, i have no problem in knowing the negative as well as the positive.  Now, would I tell HER the details?  Heavens NO!!  Sometimes when someone isn't familar with belief systems, putting scarry stuff in thier heads isn't the best thing to do......hahahahhaah....they might "run" with it, so-to-speak.  Plus, i barely know what I'm doing.  You guys are really helping me with this and I am getting so much out of it.  
Even if someone has a different opinion, that is good with me because in this Feng Shui journey I am on, it will help me to find my own rythym after a while.  So, don't feel like the bearer of bad news...because as feng shui goes...there is no yin without yang.  And's a good learn for remedy's-that's why I picked that particular room....It wasn't so obvious to me, like say a room (my old room lol) that has #5M #2W #9t with the yearly #2!!!!  hahahahaah....heck...I just got out of dodge until I know more.  (I'm laughing at myself pretty good right now..) to hear comments...and you are also good reply..I've been trying to read up on everyone when I get the chance.  You are impressive.

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Post by silkconcepts » Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:05 pm

It is very unwise to practice FS with someone other than your own home until you know what you are doing. Work on your home first, taking notes and getting a feel of what seems to work best. If your friend is interested she/he should be studying up and utilizing FS on their home. Dire consequences could happen if you give wrong information and then don't know if things need fixed.  Don't mean to sound like a hall monitor but that's one of the first things you read when you start reading FS.

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Post by lisamarie » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:12 pm

Hi Silk,
I couldn't agree with you more!  The good news is I'm not practicing with someone else's home......I just told her not to do anything in that room until I figure out things.  It's fine for her because this particular room doesn't get used; it's a spare room.  I guess someone told her to put purple carpet in some areas, and before she purchased some purple carpet...(yikes)..I told her that unless she paid this person to do consultation, then she would be better off refraining from spending that much money.  It seems that some people think that if you paint your door red, or put in purple carpets, this will bring you luck...but as you know, this may not be the case until a consultant actually evaluates the home, and the problems that may or may not exist.  By no means am I a consultant...but she is my friend and I don't want to see her do drastic things without a professional.
In any mentioned I should stay in my room with the 8m, 8w, 3t, and's been about a week now, and I've been feeling better..but I'm sure time will tell.  I'm hopefully moving within the next 60 days into a new home!!!  Then, I'll really be asking questions!!!  LOL
Thanks again!

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