The members of the house and fung-shui

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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The members of the house and fung-shui

Post by thailivingdoll » Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:21 am

If i want to correct Fung-Shui in my home as my Element and Color to make it's balance but my husband and my kids Element are different...I just wondering what can I do about it? I just used my element and color or I can used one of them? please explain anyone?

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Post by yoyocue » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:13 pm

My master said I need to charge the people who I help.
I think I do one time free for you.

The principle of the house is who charge in this house. If your husband decides most of things, you need to use husband element. Your element (wife) can be put on the kitchen. The master-room/living room/family room is your husband element and each children room is your children element.

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Post by lisa_was_here » Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:47 pm

yoyocue wrote:My master said I need to charge the people who I help.
I think I do one time free for you.
That is not very good business strategy to charge for simple questions like this, if you do not mind me putting in my 2 cents.

I mean this lady just has a tiny, almost insignificant question. If you help her out freely and without making her feel like a mooch then she will come back to you for further help and likely pay you next time when she has a big issue. :smt002
I think the problem with business in this field is that it is too new and unregulated. You get so called experts claiming that their fees are legitimate because they have the "best" answers, whereas you have other experts with better answers charging less or not charging at all. There is no regulation and it is an open field for scams and fraud. I really hope to see some professional standards and fair competition in this industry soon. It has too much benefit for humanity to be treated like this and misused in such a way :smt012

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Post by yoyocue » Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:05 pm

lisa_was_here wrote:
That is not very good business strategy to charge for simple questions like this, if you do not mind me putting in my 2 cents.
I am sorry I need to obey my master rules.

I usually do not charge on this simple question with regular price.  :)
I am glad to get 2 cents from you.  :smt003
For this simple question, you can decide the price (even 1 cent) which you will give me and put it on the red bag to me.
I do not care how much it is in the red bag for this simple question.
At least, I need to get the red bag with money (even 1 cent) from you because you ask me the question.

I am glad to help you to answer this question because I have the ability to answer your question, but I need to get some from you by my master's rules.  :smt004

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My Chinese friend says...

Post by tootsiewon » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:06 pm

Regarding charging for feng shui questions and advice:  My friend Dan, who is from China, tells me, "Pay-ME attitude mess up their own chi.  Feng Shui is for good of ALL!"

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Post by silkconcepts » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:25 am


Would you charge a family member or friend when they have a question?
We are here to learn and expand our own knowledge and if we can help others in the process that enhances our chi. Your "master" must have charged you for every question you asked. It saddens me that so many FS "masters" think this science is out there to only make a profit. If someone asks for a whole house analysis, then fine charge a fee, but for a simple question here or there... you're in the wrong forum sweetie!


In answer to your question, most homes have mixed groups. If possible choose your house facing direction, bedroom, and dining area to be in whoever is the main bread winner's favorable directions. For bedroom, place head of bed along the wall that's the other person's more favorable direction. This way there's a compromise of the 2. For furniture placement in the other main rooms, try to position them to face everyone's favorable direction. Same goes for the dining room. In other words, eat, sit or stand facing your better directions, sleep with your head pointing in your more favorable direction. Children's rooms are their domain and they most likely will be resistant to you telling them what to do there (especially if they're older). You can suggest but never demand. They know what makes them feel good. Remember this is their sanctuary, let them decide what they want. Just try to make sure their bed is on the wall that's one of their better directions, preferrably their sheng chi or their tien yi direction.
Hope this helps.   silkconcepts

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Post by silkconcepts » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:30 am


Would you charge a family member or friend when they have a question?
We are here to learn and expand our own knowledge and if we can help others in the process that enhances our chi. Your "master" must have charged you for every question you asked. It saddens me that so many FS "masters" think this science is out there to only make a profit. If someone asks for a whole house analysis, then fine charge a fee, but for a simple question here or there... you're in the wrong forum sweetie!


In answer to your question, most homes have mixed groups. If possible choose your house facing direction, bedroom, and dining area to be in whoever is the main bread winner's favorable directions. For bedroom, place head of bed along the wall that's the other person's more favorable direction. This way there's a compromise of the 2. For furniture placement in the other main rooms, try to position them to face everyone's favorable direction. Same goes for the dining room. In other words, eat, sit or stand facing your better directions, sleep with your head pointing in your more favorable direction. Children's rooms are their domain and they most likely will be resistant to you telling them what to do there (especially if they're older). You can suggest but never demand. They know what makes them feel good. Remember this is their sanctuary, let them decide what they want. Just try to make sure their bed is on the wall that's one of their better directions, preferrably their sheng chi or their tien yi direction.
Hope this helps.   silkconcepts

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Post by lisamarie » Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:18 pm


Geez.  I am new to this forum and am seeking many answers.  It was yesterday that I was on another topic and noticed your reply's were quite fitting.  Today, I read in this topic there is an issue about exchange>?
First, let me say, I didn't mean to offend you (If I have.  I sort of asked a lot of questions of you, without understanding your expertise)  I know how it feels when you are expert in a study, and you offer your learned experience with others without expecting anything in return.  Sometimes the line can be crossed until it hits you in the ol" pocketbook. (time is money for consultants, I know)
For me, I had to decide when to know what was "being helpful" vs "being taken advantage of".
I certainly did not intend on taking advantage of you.  In fact, I believe these forums are for helping others, and sharing knowledge-if one is able.
Personally, if appropriate, I LOVE to help people.  It makes my life richer all the way around, and I feel honoured to have the fortune of being able to impart small gifts to others-hopefully enriching thier lives just a little.  I believe we are all connected, and everytime I help someone, I am helping myself, too.
You are young, and perhaps this is how you earn your living.  I respect that.
For alot of people, this is an interest, a hobby, so-to-speak.  I see many people come here for answers and solutions, and many people are here to offer this as well.
Again, i saw your replies as very fitting, which promted me to appeal to your senses.  Now that I know this is perhaps, your profession, I will take this time to apologize for my big inquiry of you.
I didn't understand the sensitivity of your feelings, until now.

I wish for you great success and patience; for one sustains the other. :)

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Post by yoyocue » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:12 am

THIS IS my LAST TIME TO ANSWER THIS BORING QUESTION. I do not care what you said to you at all. I have helped lots of my friends at no charge since I was a under-graduated student.
There are also lots of people I do not want to help because they are in rude or else. Some think they are rich, they can pay it for their Feng-shui and we should let them more richer or more famous. I do not like this. Like my master, he did not teach each one came to learn. I know charging for a simple question is ridiculous. But like I said it before, you can just give one cent in red envelope. I do not care how much you give for this simple question. This is POLITE. If I charge you at regular price, I will let you know.

What kind of "Help people" is really helping people! You know Feng-shui is a theory. Every one knows flying star, then you say everyone can help people by this??
Feng-shui is not like the question you ask and I answer it. I need to concern all situations. When I concern all situations, I will use my knowledage and take the Responsibility. It is not a simple what you think.
The responsibility of Feng-shui is more than the others (astrology).

If you are Chinese, you can read the story of "Jiang Dake LEONG" (蔣大鴻).
He is the most famous of Xuankong master, but his students helped him to burry when he was dead. Why? This is what we need to concern.

Learning Feng-shui can not be a hobby like to be a doctor. If you think like this, please give it up in early and do not harm your lovely friends and family. This is my experience.
Feng-shui is not everything and Everything can not be decided by Feng-shui.

In I-Ching section, I will answer your question if I can. You can see my posts at that section.


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Practice of Feng Shui

Post by astroace » Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:28 pm

Hi To All,

I couldn't help but feeling sad and frustrated with people wanting to charge for a simple question in regards to Feng Shui or Bazi. I am  a Chinese and I fully understand the practice of giving and receiving Ang Pow (Red Packet).

Some of us are born with the symbolic stars that make us interested in the paranormal studies. We are gifted to learn these subjects easily and with practice we are better than others. Those without these stars will take sometime to learn and perfect their skill. We should assist and guide these people. We must always remember that by helping people we will gain the good karma.

I apologize if I have offended anybody.

With best regards,

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