So Disappointed I want to cry

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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So Disappointed I want to cry

Post by cybrlee » Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:30 pm


I have been over this and over this.

I built my chart, no problem I understand the math comeplety.

What I can't manage to do is interpret the darn thing.... Can anyone please help me understand?

I'm just totally and utterly LOST.  Which number/element to reduce and what the heck does it mean?

For example.

In my East Sector because of th way house is sitting it  controls Fame/Reputation  I have

9 as my mountain Star, 4 as my water Star and 2 is the Timely Star.

What controls what?  Where do I begin?

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Post by alee » Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:31 pm

hey there, hope i can offer some hints:-

1. concentrate on front door, living room, kitchen, master bedroom.

2. concentrate only on mountain star, water star in your chart and this year flying stars,  mountain star indicates people and water star denotes wealth matters.

let's say your room has mountain star 8 water star 8 then it means you enjoy good health and wealth and so on.....

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Post by kunoichi » Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:33 am

I have the same sort of problem.

For example, the book 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui' has a sample house analysis. Unfortunately after the sample ( ... is%22&cd=1 ) it suddenly says:

"Take the time now to evaluate and remedy the eight cells comprising your living and/or working space."

The main problem is that it fails to teach you HOW to do this. An example is well and good, and it has a nice table about the Mountain and Water Stars ( ... rt%22&cd=1 ) but absolutely nothing to help you understand how the Time Star effects the Mountain and Water Stars.

I know that there are interpretations out there, but you have to trawl the internet to find them. But nothing has been truely helpful in teaching how these combinations work ... or what Cures are best for the various problems that you think you see in the chart.

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For Example

Post by kunoichi » Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:46 am

> In my East Sector because of the way house is sitting it  controls Fame/Reputation I have 9 as my mountain Star, 4 as my water Star and 2 is the Timely Star.
> What controls what?  Where do I begin?

For example, the book mentioned above says in the table:

9 Fire. 4 Wood. "Birth of an intelligent child. Failure in Examination."

Wood produces Fire (see page 66 of that book), which seems to mean it's a Productive Cycle. I guess it's "failure in examination" as Wood produces Fire, so the auspicious 4 Star qi is drained by the enhancing 9 Star?

(I could be wrong, so please correct me! It's confusing, because 9 Star qi is meant to enhance the Stars it is with?)

2 Earth is, however, an inauspicious star.

I am guessing that it's still a Productive Cycle - Fire produces Wood which produces Earth ... but as 2 Earth is inauspicious, it needs a Cure to drain the bad luck? And so a Metal Cure might be okay?

But, as previously mentioned, there is nothing teaching us HOW to interpret the chart correctly, so my idea above is guesswork, and open to corrections by people who know better!

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