bathrooom in fame area what to do?

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bathrooom in fame area what to do?

Post by spring88 » Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:41 pm

Hi all the bathroom is located in my fame area of my home.
what is a simple cure, there are no windows in this room so no natural lighting. thanks.

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Post by KWC1638 » Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:49 am

just keep it clean and close the toilet cover so you won't flush out the fame.  Put read flowers in your restroom, but be aware of the fying star in that sector before activating it.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:27 pm

also avoid water themes in the bathroom...sea shells ocean themes..etc..bathrooms have enough water elements...since this is your fame area think about what you would like to be admired for and choose themes that correspond accordingly...

my bathroom is in the i have chosen a love theme...lots of crystal  and gemstone hearts and a valentine shower curtain with l o v e..
pictures of hearts etc..

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Toilet & Bathroom essentials

Post by astroace » Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:16 pm

Hi Spring88,

All Toilet & Bathroom irrespective of whether they are in good or bad sectors must be have the following conditions.

1) Dry, clean & well ventilated. (Humidity causes Yin or stale energy)
2) Bright or well lighted. (Yang energy)
3) If possible have live green plants or install air ionizer (Changing positive ions (bad) to negative ions (good)). Rotate live plants every two weeks if insufficient sunlight.
4) No clusters, open rubbish bin, used or soiled clothes basket. (Bad smell causes Yin or stale energy)
5) Close Toilet or Bathroom doors at all times.

Hope this info is useful,

With best regards,

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Post by minna » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:34 pm

Yeah. Installing air ionizer is good. One of this is the ozone air purifier which is a powerful oxidant that attaches itself to airborne contaminants such as odors, mildew and dust. It may only be used in unoccupied spaces. Ozone gas does not simply cover up odors, viruses and other airborne pollutants; it destroys them.

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bathroom in fame area

Post by fengshuidesigner » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:54 am

Keep a small nite light on in this spa e.   In our fame area we are searching for the Fire and earth elements.  When your home, light a candle in the bathoom to create veritical chi since this space is likely to get stagnant.  And opposite as you might hear, its ok to flesh andcreate movement.  Again no window no light let the toliet help a little.  I lovs to give my clients colorful, med to ssmall size river rocks and place them in the sink. They give a great spa like feel and you can hold the rocks while you wash your hands.  Its grat way to help ground you or provide strength.  You can put stones in place of the rocks if you like tom.  Pictures of moutains (earth) and sunsets ( fire) are the elements you want for your fame area.  Paint the walls an earth color and accent with reds. Enjoy.

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reply to fame in bathroom

Post by fengshuidesigner » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:26 am

I had several typo's in my last post for you and using my iphone won't cut it. So I will try to reply again with some repetition but from my computer...

Keep a small nite light on in this space.   In our fame area we are searching for the Fire and earth elements which offers us Energy, Strength, and Power. .  When you're home, light a candle in the bathroom to help also create vertical chi since this space is likely to get stagnant because there is no  windows, natural light or airflow.  Thus, over time your life and mind will start to get stagnant too if you don't do this.

And opposite as you might hear, its ok to flush the toilet and leave it open from time to time...Especially to get the  air flow to  move a little. Considering you have none to use to your advantage.

In a consultation like yours, I  love to give my clients colorful, med to small size river rocks and we place them in the sink. They give a great spa like stream like feel/look and you can hold or play with the rocks  as you run water the water...IT happens naturally. The rocks provide a sense of security, strength and stability,  plus everyone will comment on  how great they look too/feel because after all, it's a natural element we use to have primitively and still need in our lives. Just got to remember.   You can also put precious stones in place of the rocks if you like, however, you can find colorful river rocks at Walmart where the candle sections usually are.

Also, paintings or pictures of mountains (earth) and sunsets ( fire)  make wonderful high energy visuals on your wall. These will  provide that support as well in life from looking at the visuals.

Painting the walls with a warm earth color with hints of yellow or orange looks great and offers some high energy too yet cave like (earth feel) you want as well. Accent your bathroom with some  reds.,..i.e Red candles, red towels, etc...will provide that great finish touch too.

If you want to create some negative ions just hit some pots and pans in there...that'll happen naturally and it's free. Or leave a chime, bell in the bathroom then when you leave just hit it, tap it upon leaving.......either way, enjoy and have fun!

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many thanks another question?

Post by spring88 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:25 pm

hi many thanks.
being a weak water rabbit what can i do to improve my finances?
many thanks again.

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