Is Feng Shui for real?

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Is Feng Shui for real?

Post by rozrokz » Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:39 am

I have read some book by so called modern feng shui masters and they all have different interpretations for even the period 8 (1996 versus 2008) let alone which is your good directions etc. There are so many person staying in a house and all have different favourable directions. I know we have to follow the breadwinner best direction but it could be unfavourable for other people and won't this defeat the purpose of feng shui?
There are also interior house design that in conventional feng shui terms is deem bad but I see the occupants doing very well while some people who have feng shuied their house to death are doing very terribly.
Enlighten me please!

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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:02 am

Dear Rozrokz,

Yes, Fengshui is "for real", but just as you have your personal preferences of what look feels comfortable for you, so Fengshui (in my opinion) should be adapted to what resonates with your energies.

A paralel example could be that "Fengshui Experts" dictate the basics of how a layout should be, the same way as Fashion Guru's dictate what clothing is "in", but you don't see everyone walking around with the same clothes now do you?....LOL

I believe that within the scope of Fengshui there is enough room that you can adapt these guidelines and principles (and that is exactly to my mind what they are - not dictations and law), to suit your own personal preferences and therefore the harmony you create will carry your own personal stamp.

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Post by Mlady Raka » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:04 am

Just a clarification here...

Even if Fengshui experts may "dictate", like I said to MY mind I would consider these "dictations" only as guidelines and principles, not hard and fast dictations or law.

Sorry if that sounded like a contradiction at first glance...

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Post by rozrokz » Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:12 am

Thanks for your reply. With so many different school on feng shui alone, I have gotten very confused :smt101 . Liu fa, xuan kong, etc etc. Who is right!!??!!! :smt104

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What does this mean

Post by Suzyn » Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:35 pm

I was given a book and tried out Feng Shui in my last flat.  I cleansed everywher from top to bottom, threw out loadfs of unnecassary stuff, placed the things I had that represented some of the items recommended, stones, fish tank, coins in a red purse etc. My house was transform and the clutter of my life was cleaned up a bit to.

A few days later my cooker, which was as about as central to the flat as it could be (Just coincidently, I hadn't moved that) caught fire and my kithchen was quite badly smoke damaged, we had to evacuate and call the fire brigade.  

Not sure if I had done something drastically wrong or it was the power of fire doing an intense cleansing! as a result I got a whole new kitchen. I also made friends with my after months neighbour who had took me in while I was waiting on the fire brigade.

Good or bad you decide - but definately a wake up call.

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Post by alchemaze » Sun May 13, 2007 2:05 am

Thats a classic Suzyn,Feng Shui like any form of energy transformation can actually result in unexpected result.
I got a Fung Shui expert out at my old place and all he said is,"you should make better descisions on the places you move into".
Thanks? I got the set of FS books and tried to follow the measurement tables and directions,and then left the house cos no matter what the energy still was bad,It could have been the sheep trucks passing each day,then I travelled in the correct direction,blew a few tyres,and stopped using feng shui.

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Post by Gem » Sun May 13, 2007 11:56 am

Whats it like now Alchemaze?

Has the energy improved or would you like some suggestions?

I think many FS masters find it hard to cope with many of the modern day housing situations. Pylons, pointy bits, energy streams and so on, they just wouldn't consider living there let alone buying, or renting and moving in lol. So they are slightly biased and working from a set of rules that are so far out of tune with western reality that they can't cope.  Simple little changes can help more than big ones.

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Post by alchemaze » Sun May 13, 2007 1:30 pm

Hey Gem
I am sure the place I left is still bad.Apart from the Sheep Trucks and Boats(As its in a Port area),there was heaps of Poison Arrows coming off the adjoining building and an Air Conditioner unit blasting onto my balcony.
So after lapping Oz a few times,I found a place in a bush reserve,which has good energy from the trees,but has its own social problems,from the adjoining suburb. I have hung the Lead Crystal balls,that have rainbows coming off them,in each window and planted lots of Native trees.Seems to be OK so far.
I agree,modern buildings can be a mess,so I try to use natural ways to combat un-natural negative energy flows.

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Post by Gem » Sun May 13, 2007 1:33 pm

Good to hear that you sound happier in your new home :) I agree that natural ways are best, a bush reserve sounds really exotic and lovely :)

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Post by alchemaze » Sun May 13, 2007 2:05 pm

It would be exotic but for the suburb across the road. We get lots of Birds,Bob tail Lizards and the yearly migration of White Tail Black Cockatoos. I have seen one Kangaroo,which is weird as I used to see them everywhere I went. I love living with nature,and have spent years living in the outdoors in a tent.
Canvas Tents do not interupt the chi energy spiraling across the Earth,as do dense materials,such as Wood Bricks or Steel.

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Post by Erinrose » Sun May 13, 2007 2:43 pm


I agree with Raka. The books are only a guideline. The important thing is what makes you truly comfortable and happy in your own home.

Look at some cultivated structures like the inside of a church or a therapy room. How do you feel when you are standing in the middle of a church. Look at the layout, the clours, the candles. look at your doctor's waiting room, all designed to make your wait comfortable.

If I may be so bold..... Begin by getting rid of the clutter. Have other family members do the same. Be firm with them. We spend most of our leisure time at home. We deserve to be happy and comfortable there. Make the decision to have at least one room kept clear of clutter. And as a family work together to chose colours and small accessories to enhance things. Make small changes, this needn't cost a fortune. Keep as much free-flowing space as you can.

Get ideas from the books. No need to stick to what is written. It is you and your families comfort that is important here.

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Post by alchemaze » Mon May 14, 2007 3:01 am

Good advice Erinrose. One thing about having material posesions is you cant take them with you when you leave this realm. I am a minimalist,and are constantly working out how to acheive "less is more".

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Post by Erinrose » Mon May 14, 2007 5:26 am

"I am a minimalist,and are constantly working out how to acheive "less is more"."

Same here. I am told I live like a nun - one of everything.

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Post by alchemaze » Mon May 14, 2007 12:12 pm

It really makes sense doesnt it. The western way is mass consumerism,now we have infected the Eastern countries with this mentallity,rather than learning from them and living with less.
The whole idea of Feng Shui is to align ourselves with nature,to increase our Luck and Harmony.

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My 3 golden rules

Post by Suzyn » Tue May 15, 2007 11:01 pm

When de- cluttering (us Leos are hoarders - it might come in usefull) I ask myself three questions.

Do I use it?
Can I remember the story behind it?
Does it benefit me or my

Anything that gets three no s should go out.

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