Xun Kong Feng Shui

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Forum Forum LINKED To My Forum

Post by lincoln » Sat May 27, 2006 4:59 am

Hi, abhisek & Sweta, Thank you for your kind offer. I wonder if your feng shui forum in mystic board and can be linked to my forum so that I could  attend directly to any postings on the subject matter in your that forum and my postings in my forum, a copy of which, would automatically re-directed to your that forum too.

I can see that your forum is of phpBB2.I have not acquired successfullly that skill to replace my logo with that of phpBB2 and to change the header (The All White Area ) of style and theme of subSilver AND TO LINK phpBB2 AS MY FORUM PAGE IN MY WEBSITE. I find hard to amend the scripts code.I may need your help on that matter one day, if I still could not solve them.

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8th Period star effecive from 1996 till 2017

Post by lincoln » Sat May 27, 2006 5:32 am

Xuan Kong 8th period start with effective 1996 till 2017 for water dragon and till 2020 for mountain dragon. The Fu Mu San Pan Gua that governs this period is Earth Quake Gua ( 7/8). Parent Gua for Water Dragon is *Zhen3* and for  Mountauin Dragon  is *Xun4*. Aixing is 2,7, for facing/direction and water and 8 for mountain/sitting.

It is not always POSSIBLE to activate  these parent gua and parent Aixing due to many land form dragon's natual or already built up structure of geagraphycial landscape terrain and other factors. But one can alway try to activate other smaler dragons as far as possible, is available and is practicable.

8th  period never start form 2004 and last for 20 years since 2004 for BOTH WATER DRAGON AND MOUNTAIN DRAGON AS IS BELIEVED AND PRACTISED IN THE MARKET. In any given period, water dragon and mountaiun dragon NEVER START AND END FOR EQUAL 20 years.It start with at least 18 years to 27 year, 21 year to 24 year and NEVER FOR 20 YEARS.There is no 5th period which is the center of gravitational foce of earth planet.There are altogether 8 period only starting from period 1 to period 4 as The Upper Era ( as Ying Part or vice versa of A Xuan Kong/ or A Taiji )  and period 6 to period 8 as The  Lower Era of One Xuan Kong Cycle.

4 parent dragon are yang or water dragon in the upper era and 4 parent dragon as yin  or mountain dragon in the lower era of any given ONE XUAN KONG CYCLE which is a Taiji having Lian Yee or the two pieces of One as Yin and One  as Yang.

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Post by p98h » Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:24 am

hehe~ U also a student from Bro Jacky?
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Post by lincoln » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:34 am

No, I donot know any of them.I am not aware if there is any *Xuan Kong Liu Fa* Master or School around in the market, although I do hear some others  have had said about it.

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Post by lincoln » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:50 am

8th period, Mountain Golden Dragon ( Jin Lung ) is Kun Gua (2) and the Water Golden Draogn (Jin Lung ) is Gen Gua 8.The Fu Mu San Pan Gua reiging is Earth Quake Qua where 7 (Dui ) and  Gen ( 8) STAND FOR A PAIR OF NATURAL REAL AND TRUE HEALTHY COUPLE. If you cannot see this, please refer to the linegraph or trigram of  Dui and Gen.This is XUAN KONG GUA AND NOT ORDINARY BA GUA. The number of year each Jin Long shall reigned is determined by the Yoa composition of its respective  linegraph or the trigram. A yang Yao stand for 9 years and a Yin Yao stands for 6 years.Although this pair of Gua reigns in period 8th, but the respective length of active control of water dragon and mountain dragon lies with their Yao composition of the linegraph.

By Aixing principles, and as per xuan kong verses quotes:

Mountain Dragons must meet the Facing Dragons, and the Facing Draogn must meet the Water Dragon, The Water Draogn must meet the THREE  ASUPICIOUS POINTs.

What and where are that Three Auspicious Point?

Gen, Bing, Xin -all have  Aixing 7-these are the Facing Dragons.
Kun, Ren, Yi -all have Aixing 8, these are the Mountaion Dragons.
Yin, Wu Xu-all have Aixing 2, These are the Water Dragons.

A little gift from me.

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Post by lincoln » Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:50 am

Traditional Chinese feng shui technique used  Gua or  a specific type of sign and symbol to register  the bahavior of  qi flow and  other natural occurance and event, action and reaction, phenomena, and how  does it affect growth and development of life and beings on earth planet. This qi flow is one of many natural  product of the Solar System.It is not that msyterious or spiritual or religion associated, in content and nature as widely misconcepted.So please take this as an ancient science inherited down from chinese community of the ancient days.Though modern science is very  well developed, advance, but modern science never deals, explores and improves science of and by chinese feng shui/s nature and content or direction.

Any attemp to misleasd public, particularly those of the non chinese origin,   feng shui as religious,spiritual and super natural power and mysterious SHOULD BE REJECTED.

Authentical Feng shui masters Must be able to explain Logically, sensebly, in simple plain language the origin and function of such discipline and to use and apply of feng shui knowledge In positive, constructive prosperative contribution to mankind's benefit and advantageous..

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Post by lincoln » Thu Nov 23, 2006 3:36 pm

If a 4 pillar chart ( Chinese Zodiac ) need earth elelemnt or qi as the yong shen and there is no ways what by any combination or transformation of the shoot and root system to produce earth qi to get Incorportated and  introduced INTO this birth chart, THEN THE ONLY WAY TO GET SUPPLY OF EARTH QI, IS BY ACTIVATION OF THE PARENT  JIN LUNG, BEIN GENG 8 AND KUN 2 OF THE 8TH PERIOD BY XUAN KONG LIUFA PRINCIPLES.


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Post by p98h » Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:29 am

lincoln wrote:No, I donot know any of them.I am not aware if there is any *Xuan Kong Liu Fa* Master or School around in the market, although I do hear some others  have had said about it.

I c... i thought u from LiuFa.com... should know Bro Jacky who is the Founder over there.  :smt020
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Post by lincoln » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:25 pm

This is xuankong liufa. See this chart attached.That *super chart* is not.

Xuan kong applies all Ba Gua-Two Pieces (Day a& Nite Phenomenum), Yin and Yang Capacity(Protons & Electrons),  5 Elements ( 5 qiflow)-Spring, summer , Autumn & Winter experienced on the Earth Planet ) theories.
Any deviation from this natural truth as caused by The Solar System is non xuan kong/nothing to do with xuan kong, be they by what ever names are called, termed, defined and described

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Post by lincoln » Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:32 pm

xuankong-liufa.com is Technically under reconstruction, all business under the said websites is now  taken over by xuankong-liufa-ebooks.com.

Please be informed.

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Post by lincoln5 » Mon May 26, 2008 4:13 am

There are many versions of *decodings* of xuankong verses by xuankong schools.Among the main popular xuankong schools are Xuankong Feixing, XuanKong Da Gua and Xuankong-Liufa.Xuankong Feixing school has adopted one xuan kong has 180 years categorised into three era, The Upper Era , The Middle Era and Th eLower Era. Each era has three Period and each Period is of flat 20 years duration.Since each Era has three Periods, there are a total of 9 Periods, namely Period 1,2,3 of the Upper Era, Period 4,5,6 of the Middle Era and Period 7,8,9 of the Lower Era.

Xuankong and Xuankogn LiuFa praactise one xuankong has 180 years with only Two Era, namley The Upper Era comprises of Period 1,2,3,4, and  The Lower Era comprises of Period 6,7,8, and 9.There is No Period 5.Both these two schools use striclty Ba Gua theories to explain and apply xuankong principles whereas Xuankong Feixing school does not.

Apart from being using same standard Ba Gua theories in its concept and application, Both schools have great differences of understanding of xuan kong verses contents.Xuankong Feixng school and Xuankong LiuFa schools do use Aixings, Xuankong Da Gua school does not.However the understanding of Aixings and its derivatives by both these school are totally different.Apart from this, both schools differ greatly on the main core concept on xuankong's law of nature and in both core theories and application techniques.In short all these three schools have a little area of common concept and understanding but differ fundamantally on overall concept and their understanding of xuankong, despite the fact that all these three schools have modelled and followed all their teachings,thought and taught on same xuankog verses and scripts.Evidently this indicate that either all the three schools are wrong or one of them only is correct.

As to which of these schools is correct or wrong, we can go to the root of the picture bvy comparing and analysing all the xuankong verses *decoded* by each of them.Xuankong verses cannot or in no way can be understood  except by decoding which require the passwords to the SOURCE CODES of created by the original author or author or were given and passdown to its disciples or students.These source codes were written in phrases, poem and form in classical chinese.Ther are thousand  phrases and clauses of codes all together in xuankong verses and scripts.

The first phrases and sentences say,There are River East, River East Gua and River North/South Gua classification of Ba Gua(8 Power or bodies of Qi flow) and out of 8, there are 4 Yin and 4 Yang that has constituted a xuankong which refers to an Earth Orbit as well as Earth  Rotation as according to xuankong-Liufa schools. None of any two schools have related xuankong to the earth orbit and rotation although both schools started to  talk about xuankong and all of xuankong principles beginning with Xian Tian Ba Gua (Pre-Gua Chart) and Hou Tian Ba Gua (Post Gua Chart).None of these schools have offered any logic explanation as what these  Pre Gua Chart anad Post Gua charts are about and how do these charts play part or are involved in formulation of xuankong knowledge and principles, its mechansim and operating system. None of these schools teachings, their  philosophy and concepts of xuankong knowledge, except  Liufa schools have adhered or conformed to Newton's Laws of gravitational pull and other  modern science laws of  physic and other scientific disciplines.On the surface of it, and if we further go deeper into these areas with common good sense and logic, we could  realize that the  ancient science offered by xuankong-liufa school about science of  nature -xuankong study actually is.
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How to do an audit in Period 8

Post by lincoln5 » Mon May 26, 2008 4:15 am

In Period 8, The EarthQuake Gua reigns.Kun Qua is the Yin Jinlong and Gen Gua  is The Yang Jinlong.Kun Gua ( S.West 45 degree) is to meet Mountain Highland and Gen Gua (N.East 45 degree) is to meet Water lowland.By xuankong law of nature, Qi flow should be  flowing from Gen Gua direction where it should be  Non blocking highland to allow smooth flow course and be trapped  by the Kun Gua  region where  should have highland Mountain to  block the Qi flow.Of course , this is just one of the  (well or burial site condition) Qi flow are trapped in between these two regions.This is by Jinlong Principles.As by Aixing principles,it all depends on the Construction and design of the natural landscape of the  *Site* in question.

Among other things, Aixings may  be of any values or not or should be activated or not, lies in the Construction of the landform dragons  of the  Luan Tou shape built up.In practical audit, Theories plays only 5o% contribution, the other 50% lies on the ability to Correctly tracing these dragons, whose terrantial structure are definately  differently configured in  every case study, burial site or audit.

Tracing Dragons, a Luan Tou Principle or the study of land form principles which command the valid application of any authentic xuankong Qi form principles can only be acquired through years of practical trainings and  under master's strict guildance.The availability of such Luan Tou set up, commands the effectiveness and validness of any fengshui activation.

Mastering of authentic xuankong Qiform principles such as xuankong-liufa, alone does not guarantee any successful fengshui activation.Qiform principles can never work or be effective at all, unless Luan Tou meets the Qiflow activation's requirement.Again, in Qiform principles, as long as Jinlong are not in placed, due to the constrains of Luan Tou factors.It is unlikely that activation would succeed.

Jinlong or Aixing as the case may be, must be timely activated first, only then other remaining chapters or principles of xuankong-liufa would positively  work.To activate Jinlong or Aixings, The major xuankong and the minor xuankong must be first determined in order to CONFIRM The main Taiji, without which, all activation would fail and are false.

To ascertain Main Taiji, Local Magnetic North and not Magnetic North or True North must be invoked.The differences and functions of Magnetic North, True North and Magnetic Local North in xuankong fengshui's operating system and mechanism must be perfectly understood and mastered.

Due to the constrains of Luan Tou factors,in any real application, Replacement Stars and 7 Stars Robbery principles OF XUANKONG LIUFA SCHOOL are practically applied.

As to the controversies of Magnetic North and True North,we have to  consider One xuankong of 180 year a cycle as the PLATFORM.Unfortunately, these  were overlooked and neglected.Take the case of the  length and duration of a Period and that of the Mountain/Yin Dragons and Water/Yang Dragons,although One Era has 90 years but within this One Era , there are 4 Periods whose length and duration and that of the respective mountain and Water dragons of these Period are never of same duration.The sum of the duration of years of these  4 Periods and that of the water and mountain dragons add up to 90 years.Thus the two Era ( 8 Periods,  each of  different duration of times ) finally sum up to 180 years-One standard Xuankong  

As to the activation of humanTaiji and Taisui effect,how perfect configuration is of the Qiform Dragons and Landform Dragonsa by the major xuankong and minor xuankong have to be carefuly studied.Presence  of Good External Mintang and Internal Mintamg protected by the presence of the left guard ( Green Dragon) and left Guard (Right Tiger) are  factors qiflow are well trapped or not.

Very often in practical audits,landform dragon may sit in betwen Two Gua or more Gua.For an example, in Period 8, dragons sit in between Gun Kua and Li Gua, or Gen Gua and Zhen Gua.Under this circumstances, replacement stars  or 7 stars robery principles come into plays.
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Tian Di Fu Mu San Ban Gua-The Jinlongs

Post by lincoln5 » Mon May 26, 2008 4:17 am

Jinlong are the 8 zones of qi flow of a 360 degree xuankong.Each Jinlong is of 45 degree space and sizes and is represented by 8 Gua similar to that of the Post Gua Chart or Pre Gua chart.The 8 Jinlong are Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen as males/Yang group and, Kun, Xun, Li, Dui as female/Yin group.These are the governing qi flow of each Period of the 2 era  of a xuankong.One xuankong has 180 years duration, divided into two era where each era has 90 years duration.The upper era has 4 periods , namely Period 1,2.3,4 and the Lower era has another 4 Periods namely Period 6,7,8 and 9.

In each Period a pair of Jinlong consisting of a Yang/Male Jinlong and a Yin/Females Jinlong reigns. 8 Jinlong represented by 8 Gua are grouped into 4 pairs, name;y Qian/Kun, Zhen/Xun, Kan/Li and Gen/Dui where each pair has a Yang vales and a Yin vales being the Two Phase of  a Taiji or of a Xuankong.A Taiji or a xuankog is a smaller similar component of the mother xuankong possessing the Two Phases-Yang Phase and Yin Phase  

Technically,by xuankong codes and operating system these 4 pairas of Jinlong are named as Tian/Di Gua, Water/Fire Gua, Thunder/Storm Gua and  Earth/Quake Gua.Tian Di Gua reigns in Period 2 and Period 6, ThunderStorm Gua reign in Period 3 and Period 4, WaterFire Gua reign in Period 1 and Period 9 and EarthQuake Gua reign in Period 7 and Period 8.

These 4 pairs of Jinlong are Tian Di Fu Mu San Ban Gua governing 8 Periods of a 180 year xuankong.These are the 8 body of Qi flow that are the main sources of would be auspicious qi or sha qi, depending of how activation is properly done.
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Post by alee » Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:22 am

If there's a serious flaw in the bazi of a person making him unable to accumulate wealth, how can one uses the fengshui to help? Using your branch of fengshui.

I am trying to incorporate my bazi into fengshui. hopefully you can give me some pointers.
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Post by lincoln5 » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:02 am

If one's Bazi has not the wealth qi or has had exhausted his/her wealth  reserve, there is Nothing any master can do or any principle will improve wealth luck either.

What fengshui can do is to  reduce further unnecessary loss of wealth, such as involvement in  accident or bad health, personal injury or dispute  or court cases, theft and burglary.

Both Bazi and xuankong  work on common force of  Yin Qi and Yang Qi in teh atmospheric air.Bazi comes first and has immediate effect and is indicator to  one wealth and other domain. fengshui just only support

Atom of iron always remain as atom of iron whose configuration never is the same, as that of gold under normal temperature and pressure.We all live  in normal temperature and pressure.Under this natural environment, what it is , is what it is.
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