What is Feng Shui?

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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What is Feng Shui?

Post by sunny » Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:45 am

Feng shui, pronounced "fung shway," means "wind and water." It is an art and science that has been practiced in China for 7,000 years. Years of experience and study are required to master the principles of feng shui. However, for a novice, what is essential for experimenting with feng shui is having an open mind and a willingness to listen to your intuition.

Feng Shui, the Chinese version of vaastu is supposed to be 4000 yrs old.
Of two Schools of Feng Shui, the Compass school is particular about direction and guides what should exist in which direction, and the other Farm School is not particular about  direction.

According to Feng Shui  Yin & Yang  are basic components of universe and or responsible for creation and sustenance of all objects-living/Non-living. Chi is the force produced due to the interaction of Yin and Yang.Feng Shui believes with the manipulation of landscape we can get the best and balanced form of Chi.

Feng Shui believes that all the four directions should have different levels to create excellent Chi. They prefer the turtle mountains at the back, the green mountains representing the dragon on the left and the white tiger mountain on the right. The plain open land should be in front of the plot. This is supposed to be the best landscape where Chi is liberates in plenty.

Not only the landscape should liberate good Chi but the building should be such that the Chi moves slowly to continuously move towards the various directions in the building. The characteristics of Chi in every direction is different and can give you a particular gift which is necessary for the enrichment of life. Thus family, happiness, relationship, name, fame, children etc. are all possible when good Chi circulates in a related direction.

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Post by sarah » Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:03 am

hello guys,
this is a very intersting section...let me see what i ca come up with!!

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Post by lincoln » Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:26 am

Feng Shui is refering to the Air and Water.It is actually referring to the Qi in the air and water. Oxygen is found in the air we breath in and in the water fish live in.The oxygen found in the air and water support tissues respiration for growth and living.But these qi replenlish astrological forces and reinforce the strength of mankind and all beings on earth. These qi can be traced and Trapped or captured for astrological strength or *life* to promote prosperity,wealth and health.

Unfortunately, the techical knowhow how to go about trapping these qi for such purpose is not widely available and because of its so miracle power and mighty use to mankind, many tried to possess these technology but failed.Owing to its high demand and unique function, this has resulted to widespread, in the market of so many feng shui schools and practitioner providing such services, but it is sadly to notice that none realy work and function.Many have been cheated and made a fools by unscrupulous masters

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Post by Abhishek » Sun Jun 26, 2005 5:16 am

Owing to its high demand and unique function, this has resulted to widespread, in the market of so many feng shui schools and practitioner providing such services, but it is sadly to notice that none realy work and function.Many have been cheated and made a fools by unscrupulous masters
i couldnt agree with you more. a few years back feng shui and vastuu hit india in a big big way. and i was surprised to see people spending thousand to get an expert to look at their place and advice them. more often than not these experts were nothing but thugs with good contacts. they often suggested stuff like getting totally breaking down walls, building new ones elsewhere, placing stuff every other place. i dont know... it was crazy. infact, i'll raise my hand and say even i consulted someone i know before getting my place ready. i didnt pay nothing ofcourse and the changes he suggested was nothing that couldnt be implmented cause the flat was still being built.

but i must admit so far nothing seems to have helped. i hope i need not say more. infact i was thinking of putting up a scanned copy of our home-office here to see if anyone could shed any light on it.


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Post by dilip_b11 » Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:40 am

Repost from another topic :

Do you feel shit staying at your home. If yes you may have a negative feng shui.
You read all books by great feng shui experts, surfed every possible feng shui website, consulted Lilian Too and other exotic Chinese named experts.
You finally decided to invest in some feng shui materials, got to internationally known shop, got a seven rod chime, a toad, a bamboo plant, a pair of swan. You shifted your aquarium, changed the placing of your bed, removed the mirror to a different room.
One month latter you felt more shit. Shoot another letter to Lilian Too and she advises some more changes.
Advice from the Buddha :smt019 :
If you feel like staying in a shit feeling house go out. Go for a walk. Go with your friends. Go with your mate. Stroll with your children. Watch the sky. Walk beneath the sky. See the moon and stars, gleaming. Dance in the rain.
Just make sure you don't get attached too much too the outside world. You may not want to return home.
Peace to all.

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Fake Xuan kong-Not less than 98% In The International Market

Post by lincoln » Fri May 26, 2006 9:37 pm

I strongly beleive NONE of the masters today know and understand the 4 charts and luopan I have attached earlier.Lately they might have heard something on these. Of course some liu fa students have seen and copies of the above charts and luopan extracted from Yahoo forum. I have just finished, half an hours ago,  the NEW design of that 4 charts for my webpages and website use.


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