the nine basic ways to raise ch'i

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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the nine basic ways to raise ch'i

Post by summerstorm » Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:48 am

The Nine Basic Cures

There are basic remedies to alter, moderate, or raise ch'i. Each cure has its particular qualities and uses. Their specific attributes work as follows:

Light Refracting Objects

Mirrors ~ Crystal Balls ~ Lights

Mirrors - cure a host of feng shui woes, exterior or interior. The mirror both offensively reflects back malignant ch'i and defensively provides protection. Mirrors should be hung in large pieces to reflect good views of water or gardens to the interior, drawing in good outside ch'i, light, and scenery. Mirrors create the illusion of expanse and light, and also reflect all intruders to anyone whose back is to the door. In business, if properly hung, they can increase profits.

Crystal balls - are said to endow the occupant with the gift of farsightedness and a good perspective. They can adjust a home or office's ch'i, symbolically resolving design imbalances by converting strong, threatening ch'i and dispersing it throughout the room. They thus represent sources of positive power and energy.

Light - itself is considered an important feng shui asset in any environment. They are symbolic of the sun and disseminators of energy. As a rule, the brighter the lamp, the better.

Wind chimes ~ Bells

Wind chimes and bells - disperse malignant interior and exterior ch'i and can be used to summon positive ch'i  and money into a home or business. Hung near an entrace, they act as alarms, warning of intruders entering a room or a store.

Living Objects

Plants ~ Bonsai ~ Flowers ~ Aquariums ~ Fishbowls

Plants -  bonsai, annual, or perennial, not only symbolize nature, life, and growth, but also conduct nourishing ch'i throughtout the room. Where a plant or a flower thrives, so will residents. Inside and outside restaurants and stores, they are subtle beacons bringing in clients and money.

Fish bowls and aquariums - are microcosms of nature, specifically the life giving ocean. Water, essential to the cultivation of rice, symbolizes money. Fish further enrich a home or office, where they are used to absorb accidents and general bad luck. When they die, they must be immediately
replaced. Aquariums with bubbling aerators, which, like fountains, stimulate ch'i, are considered the most effective.

Moving Objects

Mobiles ~ Windmills ~ Whirligigs ~ Water Fountains

Interior mobiles and exterior windmills, whirligigs, and weathervanes stimulate ch'i circulation. Water fountains and geysers are also microcosms of ch'i activating and money producing water. In business they are used to encourage profits.

Heavy Objects

Stones ~ Statues

Stones or statues - when properly placed, can help stabilize an unsettling or elusive situation.

Electrically Powered Objects

Air Conditioners ~ Stereos ~ TVs ~ Computers

Machines powered by electricity -  are used to stimulate surroundings. Computers can be good, enlivening, and stimulating to the office ch'i  raising wisdom and knowledge.

Bamboo Flutes

Historically a bamboo flute was used to report peace and good news, and therefore, by association, its presence brings peace, safety, and stability to a home, office, or business. With its hollow, segmented interior, a bamboo flue symbolically lifts house ch'i section by section. Flutes are also protective, symbolizing swords, and are hung in homes, restaurants, and stores to drive away evil spirits and would be robbers.


The Chinese consider certain colors more auspicious than others.

--Black - is the color of the water element and therefore connotes money. However, black also signifies loss of light and is often avoided.

--Red - is a color used in weddings and celebrations, and is considered auspicious.

--White - the Chinese color of mourning, is avoided.

--Yellow - represents longevity.

--Green - signifies growth, freshness, and tranquility.

--Blue - is an ambigious color, representing the sky. Because of its coolness, blue often represents death.


A range of personal cures can be used to address other problems. For example, use red ribbons for doors with knocking knobs, fringe to hide and resolve a slanted beam, and chalk under the bed to cure a backache.

Written by: Holy Mountain, Copyright © 1998-2000

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Post by Vishwas » Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:01 am

summerstorm, do u mean a red colour chalk??

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Thanks Summerstorm

Post by c_akash » Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:14 am

Thanks Summerstorm for your prescription. I will try these and will let you know.


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crystal balls

Post by Kaivalya » Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:16 pm

Where should crystal balls be placed and which crystals are best?

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Post by LovesRomance » Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:53 pm

Great info!  I've just ordered a futon for my home office so I have a place to sit and read or write.  Feng Shui has helped me place the furniture in my room as best I can within the confines of the room layout (i.e. doors, windows, closets).  These tips will help me maximize the energy in the room.  Since I'm a writer, I need all the positive energy I can get.

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great info

Post by calibandita » Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:12 am

thanks so much for that info, I love using feng shui & knowing more about it

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Post by ragun » Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:01 am

I would like to suggest to everyone that live plants are a great way to bring energy to a space. In China, most every place with lots of people and movement have live plants.

Back home it is this way too, but there just seems to be more here. For instance, my dormitory has tons of plants in the hall ways on every floor. There are three separate buildings for foreign students and the one building that lacks living plants has a damp, cold, uninviting feeling. People living there also tend to have a bit more trouble getting focused and studying -- not too mention they also battle weight gain.

Anybody got any more on the relationship between live plants and spaces?

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