Try feng shui to soothe your baby

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Try feng shui to soothe your baby

Post by swetha » Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:02 am

Washington Post Service

Parenthood is a life-changing -- and certainly sleep-changing -- event, but a new book suggests ways to minimize the disruption and disorganization of the first few weeks and beyond.
Laura Forbes Carlin and Alison Forbes are sisters and co-authors of The Peaceful Nursery: Preparing a Home for Your Baby With Feng Shui (Delta, $15). They suggest that well-organized and peaceful surroundings can smooth the transition for parents and children.
Feng shui is the Chinese art of arranging your surroundings to enhance your life. The authors say they realize that not everyone will embrace the philosophy. But the book ''focuses on the common-sense aspects of feng shui,'' says Forbes, ''making the link that your home affects your well-being.'' It offers simple steps that any parent can take to create a calm, welcoming nursery for a newborn.
''By creating this room, you're already caring for your child,'' says Carlin.
• Clear clutter. Clutter -- physical or mental -- can zap time and energy. ''If your home is already cluttered, it's going to be 10 times harder once you have your baby,'' says Forbes. Look at each object in a room and ask: Do I need this? Is this useful? Do I love this? If you don't answer yes to at least one of the questions, pitch it.
• Preparing the room. Make repairs and renovations early, and clean the room using all-natural products. Sleep should be the priority in the nursery, so choose soothing wall colors (blues encourage relaxation; greens represent serenity and growth).
• Make choices with health in mind. Babies crawl around the floor and put almost anything in their mouths, so materials containing toxins (synthetic carpets, lead paint, pressed wood) should be removed.
Try to avoid wall-to-wall carpeting, which can attract mold and dust mites; opt instead for area rugs that can be cleaned easily.
• Proper crib placement is crucial. ''Naturally and instinctually, we feel safer when we can see who is coming from the door,'' says Forbes. The crib should have a view of the door and have at least one side against a wall.
• Have the necessities. The only things you really need in the first few months are diapers, wipes, blankets, clothes and nourishment.

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Sleeping Postion of Baby and Adult can neutralise Bad Qi .

Post by lincoln » Sat May 27, 2006 4:38 am

Sleeping position of person-adult as well as infant baby AFFECTS and has direct  casue to, the stability Of qi of earth where on he/she rests/sleeps on and Qi of that person. The stability or instabilty of such configuration of BOTH Qi, determine and dictate the health, built up process and prosperity to that person physicaly, biologically, atrologically, mentally and psychologically.

Some sick woman of old age upon changging  her sleeping position as I have advsied, could not sleep comfortably and in peace mind and suffered from cold, heat ( rising body temperature ) and shrivering the whole nite when she rested on bed. Some infant  baby cried the whole nite and day, and ceased to do so when and upon sleeping position changed.Sleepin position can be GEARED AND TUNED to qi field of 4p of birth chart of a person )or the earth location.

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