Remove Vastu-Dosha from Your Lovely Home !!!

An Indian architectural science that brings about well being and happiness by principles based on direction

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Remove Vastu-Dosha from Your Lovely Home !!!

Post by astrobhadauria » Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:49 am

Sometimes, it so happens that the man does such acts, out of ignorance, which harm him and their remedy seems impossible. Here, we are giving solutions to the problems of those, who had constructed their houses against the rules of Vastu -Shastra.
1.      If some river or drain is flowing in a direction other than the north-east direction of the house and has anti - clock movement, then it is advised to place a statue of dancing Ganeshji facing the west on the north-east corner of the house.
2.      If the boring has taken place in the wrong direction in a house or a factory, then it is advised to place a picture of Panchmukhi Hanumanji, facing South-West to the boring.
3.      If a naked wall is seen while entering into a flat, then either a picture or a statue of Ganeshji should be placed there. The naked wall is the sign of loneliness. Hence, the wall should not be kept naked.
4.      If high voltage overhead wires pass over a house, then a plastic pipe filled with lime should be erected from one corner to the other of the affected area in such a manner that its both ends should remain outside by at least three feet each. This will eliminate the evil effects of energy being generated out of the overhead wire.
5.      In certain cases, energy circles can be improved by using Swastika Yantra. But, this requires a lot of care. This should be handled under the supervision of an able Vastu mason.
1.      Cactus should not be planted or kept in the house.
2.      The statue of Hanumanji should not be placed in South-East. It may create fire hazard.
3.      All the doors should open inside so that the energy may remain inside.
4.      The hinges of doors should be noiseless. If so. The hinges may be greased periodically.
5.      The doors should open towards right hand.
6.      Bed should not be put under a beam.
7.      There should not be five corners in the ceiling of a room.
8.      Efforts should be made a leave the rooms open on North-East side.
9.      While ascending the staircase, the face should be either towards the north or the east.
10.  The seat of the toilet should face North-South.
11.  No doors or windows should be provided on South-West side.
12.  Almirahs and beds should be set very close to the South - West wall and at a distance from the north - east wall.
13.  While drinking water keep your face towards North-East.
14.  When sitting for worship, keep your face towards North-West and sit in that corner to intake air from that direction.
15.  While Taking meals the plate should be in South-East.
16.  In the South-West Corner of the house one should sleep pointing his head towards south.
Where should the master bed room be?
The master bedroom should be located in the south west part of the house.
Where should the kitchen be?
The kitchen should be located in the south east part of the house.
Where should the puja room be?
The puja room should be in the north east corner of the house.
Where should the guest room be?
The guest room should be in the north west of the house.
kitchen is at the North -East direction.
It would curtail peace and mutual love in the family.
The kitchen can be built in North - West direction. But while cooking, the face should remain towards the east only.
kitchen is at the South-West direction.
This direction is not suitable for kitchen. It would be harmful for the land lord.
South-East direction is best for the kitchen. Water tap in the kitchen should be in the North-East direction. It is better if the stone, on which food is cooked, is red.
Tube well is not at the suitable direction.
Shortage of female members, sexual and stomach troubles among male members.
North -East direction is best for Tube well or well. This place should be open and at the lowest level of the house.
Toilet is built at the eastern corner at the 'Ishan' angle.
It may be cause of diseases.
This should be constructed mainly towards South or West. The face should be towards north or West while discharging stool.
Bedroom is built in the North - West direction.
The room in this direction is suitable for guests and girls.
Bedroom is at the South -East direction
The children do not take interest in studies. There is no sound sleep. People have much anger. Decisions are generally taken hurriedly.

Worship place is not at right direction
Loss of concentration. Unpeaceful mind

Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:36 am

Please Help!!!!

Post by cupidscastle » Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:51 am

Dear Ramendraji,
After going through your post, I have discovered that my house (flat) is one station of Vastu Doshas...
We are planning to change home, but untill then could you please suggest how to remove the following Dosha's.

1. I am the only son of my parents and my room is situated in the North-East corner of the house. I have an attached toilet that is further in the north-east after which the flat ends. My room faces West and has a window on the eastern wall opposite the door. I have a beam right upon my Bed shared by me and my wife where we sleep with our heads in the east.

2. My parents' bedroom is in the South-East and they too have a beam upon their bed.

Our floor is divided into two flats, both facing south. One being ours on the eastern part and the other i.e. western part belongs to our neighbour. Hence we do not have any South-west corner in our flat...

I am new not only to mystic boards but also in this world of astrology...and would request you to please assist me...
And most of all A WARM THANKS TO YOU...because your work is very good for a beginner like me...

Thanking you

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Re: Remove Vastu-Dosha from Your Lovely Home !!!

Post by rustamg » Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:16 am

astrobhadauria wrote:
14.  When sitting for worship, keep your face towards North-West and sit in that corner to intake air from that direction.

Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

Dear sir ,
       please explain this principle ??

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Suggestion pl

Post by ssn » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:32 pm

My house compound wall entrance is facing west side and at the south end. and house door is facing south and at west end. My house toilet and bathroom in south east corner, well is placed in north east corner.  overhead water tank is in southeast corner above the toilet and bathroom. Kitchen is in soth east corner.  Is is ok or any correction to be made. please help me.

Rajan Panse
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Removal of vastu dosha

Post by Rajan Panse » Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:00 pm

there is a problem of having a toilet in north east corner of my house. This kind of situation is problamatic. Kindly suggest solutions, possibly without breaking the civil costruction.

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Please suggest!!

Post by vb123 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:18 pm

Respected Ramendraji,

We live in rented apartments that is totally opposite to Vastu Shastra. The main entrance of the house is south facing, there is a wall in the opposite direction i.e. North. There is a shoe closet in the east and drawing room in the west. Bed room is North-east and Bathroom is North-west. Kitchen (west) and dining room (east) are in the middle of house.

How can I correct it. Some one suggested to place a mirror on the North wall opposite to the entrance. Shall  I place the mirror? If yes, how and of which size. Please advice.

Thanks and regards,


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kitchen in south west direction

Post by sameer31 » Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:05 am

In my home the kitchen is situated in the south west direction and the cooking is done facing south. Rescently I heard that its incorrect. Can you suggest any changes. Its highly impossible to move the kitchen. But still by some adjustment it can be moved to the exact south.

Can you please advice.

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misty sur
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Post by misty sur » Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:35 pm

i got to know a lot from here abt Vaastu shastra. thank you.

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suggest tools for vastu dosh

Post by sharma011 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:56 pm

hello sir,

I have vastu related prob in my house.

my house is N-E facing
kitchen in W-S
master bedroom is in S-E
bathroom and toilet S-E
drawing dinning in N-W

plz suggest me some tools through witch i Can remove these dosh from my house.
through these dosh me and my family members are facing so mny prob
I have 3 elder sister and they are unmarried.
we have so many tension

so plz suggest me some tools through i can remove these dosh

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Post by Lax29 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:56 pm

They say the door should not be towards South. What angles / degrees of South should be considered?

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