Old crush

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Old crush

Post by ookissnhugsoo » Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:06 pm

One dream I have been having over and over is....I have been dreaming of an old high school crush. I liked him for years, we never dated but we were very close. For some reason I keep dreaming we are hanging out together. Never kissing or doing anything sexual. Kind of like were a couple, but no touching. He does have a girlfriend. But in real life he flirts with me and suggests things. Or I just dream hes there, at parties or my work. We might not even speak to each other, but hes there.

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Post by Nimisha » Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:57 pm

One theory says that everyone and everything in our dreams have something to do with ourselves.  For this person to appear repeatedly in your dreams may be directing you to qualities you admire in him that you wish were more developed in yourself.

But if you see him often in your daily life, it may just be that your subconscious has accepted him as a normal bit of background.

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Post by Angelique » Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:12 am

Hi ookissnhugsoo,

Nimisha is correct in her assessment and I hope she doesn't mind but there are other possiblities and I'd like to offer you to think on.

You seem to have many dreams of him and it's the same theme, not necessary the same scenario but the theme remains the same - no touching, no kissing, no form of intimacy. Apparently this young man was someone you had a crush on and nothing ever came of it. Whether it was because the timing was wrong, maybe he thought you just liked him as a friend meanwhile you were dying for him to just ask you out, or vice versa I would think this dream is recurring because it's unresolved feelings. Years may have passed and life has gone on without him, but somewhere in the back of your mind I think you have a section I call the "what ifs?" The relationship never came to fruition and it's something you may occasionally wonder about and the "what if he and I had started dating?" or "what if we took our relationship to another level?" To me this dream is unresolved issues - or what could have been or it would have been nice.

Who knows? You're young still according to what you state your age is. Maybe your paths will cross again and maybe this time one of you will avoid the "what if" and take a chance on each other.

I hope this was helpful


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