puzzling dream

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puzzling dream

Post by yay » Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:32 pm

i just woke up from a dream where i am in a japanese 'restaurant'-not sure if its a restaurant coz it looked old but they have very tasty maki..so, in this dream i am eating maki with my mom and my aunt. across our table is 2 local celebrity women about my age who has a large pile of maki they're also eating. i wanted more maki to eat but we only have enough.

then i was in another dream. where an older cousin (we're not close, she lives in another country-she's actually a mom now) was trying out clothes from my closet without my permission. i saw a glimpse of my opened closet and some of those she was trying on are new ones i haven't even worn. i don't know where i was going but in my dream i had to secure some of my mom's things-like lock them up in a secure place so my cousin won't be able to see it..this is also because i had to go someplace that i can't leave these things unattended.

i was awakened by a phone call for my mom..it felt hard waking up coz it felt like im not done dreaming and while waking up im also figuring out where im lying as if i was to return to my body and get back to my senses..felt tired.

what does this dream mean for you guys?

btw, my sister was also sleeping and was awakened by the ringing phone too. she told me she dreamt of me where i had a terrible wound that my foot was almost cut and needed to be rushed to the hospital. she said we we're both starting to cry as it was too painful for me and she was telling it to our dad who didn't seem to be bothered coz he was talking to someone on his cellphone where my sister sensed that its about another woman that he's planning to meet.

any comments? interpretation? thanks!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:42 am

The following are intended as being only friendly suggestions as to what your dreams could possibly mean to you. In the end, you are always the best possible interpreter of your own dreams. It is consequently entirely for you to decide which if any of the suggestions are either relevant or of help to you.

i just woke up from a dream where i am in a japanese 'restaurant'-not sure if its a restaurant coz it looked old but they have very tasty maki..so, in this dream i am eating maki with my mom and my aunt. across our table is 2 local celebrity women about my age who has a large pile of maki they're also eating. i wanted more maki to eat but we only have enough.

Assuming that Japan and specifically Japanese restaurants do not have some unique deeply personal meaning to you, it sounds as though you believe that you are not as fortunate or have not received as big a serve or helping out of your life than those of your age group who you admire and look up to as being a good example to follow. You feel that you may have been short changed or relatively overlooked when it comes to success and happiness in your life in general, but you also appear to believe that this is simply something that you need to accept (or perhaps grin and bear). You recognise your place in life, and you feel unwilling or too unsure of yourself to be able to get your own equally important needs met, preferring always to let others decide what is in your own best interests.

then i was in another dream. where an older cousin (we're not close, she lives in another country-she's actually a mom now) was trying out clothes from my closet without my permission. i saw a glimpse of my opened closet and some of those she was trying on are new ones i haven't even worn. i don't know where i was going but in my dream i had to secure some of my mom's things-like lock them up in a secure place so my cousin won't be able to see it..this is also because i had to go someplace that i can't leave these things unattended.

Dressing yourself up in somebody else's clothes is frequently believed to mean that you are temporarily interfering or are taking on what are their roles in life (when it is not your right to do so). Whoever your older cousin represents in your waking life (and I suspect it is not your older cousin herself) appears to be attempting to increasingly take control over what is your life to live as you see fit. Someone close to you (most likely still a family member) is butting in where they have no right to, although they may not be doing this either intentionally or maliciously. They may indeed feel that they have your best interests at heart, although their methods may be somewhat misguided?

This ongoing misunderstanding is creating an element of mistrust between two people who would otherwise be the best of friends, but just as with your previous dream to a certain extent it is up to you to stand up for your own rights to live your life and to honestly communicate your feelings on the matter at hand, without at the same time being overly aggressive (and so making the other person feel as though they are being attacked for doing something they never intended to).

i was awakened by a phone call for my mom..it felt hard waking up coz it felt like im not done dreaming and while waking up im also figuring out where im lying as if i was to return to my body and get back to my senses..felt tired.

This is a fairly common experience when anyone is forced to suddenly become fully awake, before the normal more gradual shift in consciousness between dreaming and fully awake has occurred. It takes a certain amount of time for our bodies to catch up properly with our awakening minds? Try prematurely arousing someone who is just falling asleep, and you are likely to receive a good slap or punch in return. It is simply an automatic reflex of the physical body and nervous system, but you could still get a bruise or blood nose in the process.

btw, my sister was also sleeping and was awakened by the ringing phone too. she told me she dreamt of me where i had a terrible wound that my foot was almost cut and needed to be rushed to the hospital. she said we we're both starting to cry as it was too painful for me and she was telling it to our dad who didn't seem to be bothered coz he was talking to someone on his cellphone where my sister sensed that its about another woman that he's planning to meet.

As I presume that your sister's dream did not come true (yet) and that your foot was not severely cut or injured as a result of some serious accident, this could simply be interpreted to mean that you (or alternately others close to you) are not taking enough notice of either minor health symptoms or perhaps in a more symbolic sense minor problems not necessarily related to your health at all which may indicate a need to investigate a little deeper.

Bleeding in a dream is often associated with the loss of vital energy or your life force. Were you personally undergoing unusually high levels of stress or chronic fatigue at the time of your sister's dream? Possibly getting a general physical check up from your family doctor would be a wise thing to do if you were experiencing unexplained physical symptoms. At the very least it could not do any harm? Better to be safe than sorry?

Please let me know if these suggestions have been of any help to you in better understanding the possible messages contained within these dreams.

Take care,


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Post by yay » Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:24 am

hi EOT. thanks for trying to interpret that dream i had.

from the things you said about the japanese restaurant, i admit i feel less confident about myself or my life sometimes. i seek comfort..opinions from people i love and thank you for reminding me that it is i who's in control in my life.

about my closet and older cousin figure in your interpretation, right now all i could think of who it might be is my dad. im not sure if you remember your psychic reading about me and my bf who's 13-14yrs older than me. he has said some things about it which is somehow discouraging but i know he's my dad and that he only wants the best for his daughter so im trying my best to understand and listen to what he's saying and tell him how i really feel in time.

if my sister's dream has really anything to do with my health, then it must be about my heart? during the last week of may i had myself checked up by a cardiac specialist coz although i've had palpitations before, what happened felt scary so i just had to have it checked. my ecg was ok, xray ok. even had my thyroid checked to rule out the possibility of having the thyroid disorder that my grandma had and my aunt has. results were ok too. doctor said heartbeat's in normal rhythm but is just too fast so he had me take something to make it slower. no more alcohol, softdrinks, anything with caffeine but stil i had coffee sometimes. i have yet to go back and have ultrasound for my heart. i am somewhat scared honestly. i do know it's better to know as early as now.

i hope my heart's ok  :smt009  thank you again EOT

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:57 am

While I cannot by law diagnose your medical condition, my impressions are that there is no structural problem at all with the heart itself. My impressions are that it has more to do with your particularly high resting anxiety or stress levels (which is possibly why the caffeine in coffee is a big no no).

I have a brother in law who also suffers with unexplained tachycardia (as you appear to) and although the palpitations are often years apart and he has been subjected to every available test his heart specialist can think of, at his age of 61 they are no closer to understanding why he seems unusually prone to these spontaneous episodes of rapid heartbeats.

As for the high anxiety levels theory he is the most calm and level headed person I know of even in a crisis situation, and he is still quite physically active for a person of his age. If you do ever discover what the problem is with your own heart (if indeed it is your heart which is at fault), then could you please do me a favour and let me know this through a PM?

Many thanks,

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Post by yay » Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:22 am

i am hoping for the best that my heart is well. although the physical symptoms that i had cannot be disregarded. high anxiety or stress levels, i was sad why i have a weak heart when not so long ago i engaged to rowing, taekwondo, boxing, badminton..sports that i dont think a person diagnosed with cardiac problems can do. i can't say im the most calm person like your brother in law but i'm only 23 and i have symptoms worse than his? i mean like he experiences tachycardia years apart when i have it several times within a year.
i wish your brother in law a good health!
will pm you as soon as i find out. thanks again EOT! take care  :smt006

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:55 am

To entirely ignore these symptoms hoping they will go away by themselves would be most unwise to positively dangerous.

Your endocrinologist would probably also be looking to your adrenal glands (specifically the inner layer or medulla) for a possible reason, and test the circulating levels of both adrenaline and noradrenaline under varying levels of stress.

They seem to have already ruled out an over functioning thyroid gland, and unless your heart become over enlarged as a result of too intensive physical training, I really do not think that it will turn out to be the main culprit (if at all) in the end.

Other than that, we will leave it to the medicos to sort this puzzle out?

Take care,


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Post by yay » Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:54 pm

i know..  :smt009  :smt022
hmm, so far my doctor didnt mention anything about adrenal glands but you have a good point there  :smt003
also, not sure how significant it is coming from a chest xray, it says in the result that there's no cardiomegaly present.
oh, i feel like i've said a lot about my condition but i failed to mention other than tachycardia..i visited the doctor coz i was getting paranoid if i was having angina or even a heart attack. my right arm was getting numb that time.
im afraid if my heart's not the problem i would go to a gastroenterologist..i also have heart burns and quite hyperacidic. argh. no softdrinks. no coffee  :smt089 now i understand my grandma (NIDDM) when she still eats what she should avoid or minimize eating..its hard!  :smt021 hehe.
thanks for the comfort and opinions EOT!  :smt058

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:17 am

my right arm was getting numb that time.

I believe that it is generally an intense pain experienced down the left arm, rather than the right (having not actually had a coronary attack myself).

On one upsetting occasion while I was still a school teacher, which eventually turned out to be the result of a severe anxiety attack, I felt the pain I just described and wondered if my time was up.

Here I am almost 25 years later still with a healthy heart. At least something is working OK!!!  :smt009

Anxiety can often mimic a huge range of other more serious medical conditions, including unexplained gastric reflux which causes that terrible burning sensation that the layperson calls "heart burn". But it does still warrant investigating!

I personally suffer with this myself, if I eat meat or drink different sorts of bottled spring water.

Please excuse the language, but it can be a real bummer to have to think carefully about everything you wish to eat or drink every day of your life.

Take care,


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Post by yay » Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:36 am

Here I am almost 25 years later still with a healthy heart. At least something is working OK!!!  :smt009
good for you..although in other areas? why a sad face? wish you the best, good health and happy life  :) oh did i tell you my dad's also 54?  :smt003
Anxiety can often mimic a huge range of other more serious medical conditions, including unexplained gastric reflux which causes that terrible burning sensation that the layperson calls "heart burn". But it does still warrant investigating!
i/we cant self-diagnose..i guess not always. have to always consult the experts to know what's up with our body. i am afraid i'm becoming a hypochondriac  :smt017  :smt005
Please excuse the language, but it can be a real bummer to have to think carefully about everything you wish to eat or drink every day of your life.
oh yes it is a real bummer. lol. almost all that i drink was prohibited but i still drink it (coffee, softdrinks, iced tea, tea). i guess moderation is the keyword here.

you take care as well EOT! :smt006

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