Dreaming of war...please help!

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Dreaming of war...please help!

Post by Shadowdonavan » Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:56 pm

I had the strangest dream the other night. i was in the middle of a giant field. When all of the sudden i saw two massive armys surging at each other. on one side i saw demons, on the other angels. they met in the middle and i just stood there and watch as both sides tore each other apart. Blood was everywhere and things were happening so fast. finally they stopped. both armys turned and just stared at me. and then i woke up.

please if anybody knows what this could mean i would appreciate the help

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Post by Deborah » Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:33 pm

I dont do dream interpretations but opened this one because I have seen war in dreams .......... and later wars have started over seas.. :(

But yours sounds Biblical ...

demons ? ..what did they look like?
Angels ..were they with shields?

Blood between the two hmmm

Do you mind if I take a shot at this?? .. I am getting a tingle to say ..

The Angel represented the good and the demon the bad ......... whats happening in your life?  Is there a choice you are about to make or need to make ? (I am getting a feeling of a split Divorce? Separation?) Oh I said those words and i got heart burn instantly!

They stopped the battle and looked at you.......... are u involved in something that you are the decision maker ???

I think You have something going on in your life that you have to focus on and make a decision on what you want to do with it.

I am seeing a bluish beam of light .....  

(Its been awhile since I have picked up on someone ........... or even offered to try)

I hope someone else can give you a better interpretation than I have ..........

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dimensional visions

Post by drmeals » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:21 pm

occasionally in dreams we are actually witnessing alternate realities as things are taking place in those realities. You may actually be going to these realities in your dreamtime, and working in those places.

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Post by Angelique » Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:32 pm

When I read it last night it reminded me of what is written in Revelations... I agree with Deb and what she has deciphered from it on this one... Good call ;)

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Post by Shadowdonavan » Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:04 pm

ok well lets just say it is something that might happen or even something in an alternate reality. why would I be at the center of it. im really not that important lol. its not like im some big powerful person. im me that works 9-5 everyday. hmm and if its something that will happen in another demension or even this one. WHY oh WHY would i be at the center. why would carnage be going on all around me then just stop so everyone can look at me. and as for appearance.

Demons- well the usual huge red ugly things with giant bat wings. some were black as night. like staring into the darkness in a pitch black room. then some were discusting little things that looked like thier skin was decaying. i cant recall all of them exactly. my dream was incredibly vivid though.

Angels-Well almost all had huge feathery wings. some wore armor. some had shields. all were (and no i do not find men atractive) but all were gorgeous. kinda one of those i couldnt even describe it things.

Both demons and angels had weapons of some kind. with the demons it was more along the lines of whips and warped looking weapons. twisting and turning in ways metal SHOULDNT. the angels were more conformed. the usual long sword or posibly bastard sword. all glowing with a bright white light.

well i cant really recall much more of the dream. most of it was just seeing all these "beings" slice and tear and bite and slash. well if you can think of anything else please tell me.

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Post by Deborah » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:32 am

I feel its a choice you have to come to .. as in this path that you maybe walking now has come to a stand still you can choose bad or good......

what else besides the 9-5 is going on in your life?

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Post by Shadowdonavan » Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:42 pm

well...choosing between two huge things in my life that i cant have both of. i have been going over the decision over and over. neither are bad choices but both will hurt someone dear to me.i cant choose neither becuase then both will be hurt.

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:07 pm

Shadowdonavan wrote:well...choosing between two huge things in my life that i cant have both of. i have been going over the decision over and over. neither are bad choices but both will hurt someone dear to me.i cant choose neither becuase then both will be hurt.
I think what Deb said is very accurate based on the above quote. You have a decision to make that to YOU is good and bad. My interpretation of this dream has the angels representing "you" and the demons representing the "decision". You are watching the "war" that is going on in your own mind. You probably feel as though you are being ripped apart by this decision but know you have to make it, while at the same time you know it will hurt someone you care about. In the end, the two sides look to you because you are the one that has to make the final decision.

I hope that made sense.  Whatever it is that you are agonizing over, all I can say is pray on it and the path you are supposed to take will come easier.  Good luck. :)

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Post by Shadowdonavan » Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:17 pm

thank you so much everyone you have been a big help. And yes i did finally make a decision and i think it was the right one...

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:39 pm

A choice a choice a choice, but I don't think it was the choice you thought it was.

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Post by Angelique » Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:26 pm


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Post by anchlim » Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:30 am

...as with all normal human beings, we face dilemmas and constantly find ourselves stuck in a quandry..trying to battle and rationalise what's best given the situation...

i think that it may just be one's sub-conscious acting up and being reflected in our dreams...the constant struggles of having to deal with the good and the bad.

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Post by Alasandro » Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:18 am

I am given simply this:  CHOOSE YOUR SIDE... Until you do, neither shall win and the battle shall continue inside of you.  CHOOSE YOUR SIDE!

Thank you for allowing me to present my humble opinion.


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