Dream of dead mother

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Dream of dead mother

Post by ldykas99 » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:23 pm

I had 2 dreams of my mother. The first dream was while she was in the hospital.  She was very sick.  I had dreamt that she had died and I was at the coffin crying asking her who was going to take care of me (I was 18)  she picked up her hand and said I will always be with you.  I woke to the phone ringing with my dad on the other end telling me that she had passed.

The second dream I had, my mom was changing the curtains in our kitchen (which she did practically every week) and I came in with my husband (which she never met) I introduced my husband and she gave him a sweater.

Can anyone help me?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:52 am

It was understandable that you were concerned for your mother's health since she was already in hospital, and I think that the rest of the dream where she died and you were left wondering who else would be willing to take care of you was simply an expression of the subconscious fears of any normal child.

Because we are almost entirely dependent as children, teenagers and as young adults in so many ways for our physical and psychological survival during our early years on our parents being there to protect and guide us (and because there is always an extra risk involved in being treated in hospital, especially if surgery is necessary), I would honestly have been more concerned about your peace of mind if you had not dreamed this.

Releasing some of these quite natural fears in a dream can act like a protective safety valve, often preventing these fears building up within us, and from getting completely out of control. Rather like having your own inner therapist on nightly call?

Your second dream with your Mum once again changing the curtains as she often did as a matter of habit in her waking life is quite a different matter.

To dream of curtains is generally thought to mean that an unwelcome visitor will cause the dreamer excessive worry and unhappiness. In the case of this dream, the visitor appears to be your husband in real life, which she for some reason never met. Did you marry him after your Mum died? To see or wear a sweater in a dream frequently represents your continuing connection and strong ties with your family and home life. To give a person a sweater as a gift would be interpreted to mean that the person is by doing so, showing her affection and approval for the sweater's recipient.

I would therefore interpret this second dream as meaning that your fears that your mother would not have liked your husband if she had ever had the opportunity to meet him, would soon be shown to have no basis in reality. In other words, if your mother had been able to meet him in person, she would have loved and accepted him as her son-in-law, and a welcome member of your family.

If this dream had been experienced after your mother herself had died, I would go so far as to suggest that you have just received her stamp of approval for your choice in your husband, directly from the Spirit world.

Hoping this has helped, at least in some small way,

Be kind to yourself,

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dead mother

Post by ldykas99 » Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:17 am

yes she had passed before I met my husband.  Your interpretation makes a lot of sense and for that I thank you.

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Post by jotejete » Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:23 pm

Hi idykas99,

I have psychic medium sensitivities and I feel you were visited by the spirit of your mother both times. When we sleep our conscious logical mind guard is down and contact with our departed loved ones happens more frequently than we realize.
The first dream she was telling you she would be going back to Spirit.
In your second drean she was showing you she approved of your husband ( whom she never physically met ) and was happy for you.

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mom passed 39yrs ago

Post by aeleberaNB » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:41 am

my mom died seconds before i was born and they had to do an emergency c-section. recently i had a dream that scared me and i woke up to what i thought was my mom sitting at the end of my bed.

i did not get to know her and look very much as she did at my age, which i know is hard for my dad to cope with because i remind him of his dead wife.

i had another dream where she was alive and well, laughing and carrying on as if nothing was wrong when i walked in the house with a black eye and bloody nose. she turned to me, scooped me up and held me in her arms rocking me back and forth, then i woke up crying.

my birthday and hers are very hard for me to deal with even now that i am 39 years old.......... i found out about her when i was about 10 or 11 years old and didn't believe my dad at first when he told me that my mom had passed before i was born forcing the doctors to do an emergency c-section.

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